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Everything posted by Welster

  1. Ribbon weed mostly I think. When I had the filter in line it would block it up at the filter. With it external it has a chance of clearing. The pumps mounted on the back of the boat have one in the form of the slotted plastic base that screws onto the stainless pickups. Then the pump clicks into it.
  2. What a well written report. Congrats on your first fish in the yak and a good one at that. Typical for the fisher girls yonoutfish the guys
  3. It’s going to take a few trips out to test it properly. Just to be sure!
  4. I think Baz is having the same trouble as I had trying to figure out how to incorporate a filter. I started with inside the fitting before I screwed it on but the thing was if it clogged up I couldn’t clear it out on the water. Result dead livies. So I switched to the stuck on type on the bottom of the fitting at least the weed and crap has a chance of falling away especially if you notice it isn’t pumping and flick it on and off. It’s probably a good case for a pump timer. It’s untidy but works good. If anyone has a better solution I’d love to hear it. It’s another big advantage of the external pump and pick up. If the pickup gets clogged up at least it will still pump water when the boats stationary.
  5. I thought about using my strainer/filter and decided against it. I don’t think the first pic will do much unless you put a something inside the back half of the filter to catch the water and force it up. The second will definitely force water in (a lot I’m thinking) but it’s also likely to be pretty susceptible to damage due to sitting so far below the hull. It will probably give off a fair rooster tail and might get damaged when pulled up on the beach. There’s one way to find out though. Let you us know how it goes.
  6. I agree 100 percent with Mmg. I have the through hull set up like you Baz but like I said in my earlier appointment post if that crappy hose bursts after you put the pickup on, if you start driving it’s pumping water into your boat even with the pump off. My first Johnston pimp died very early and was replaced under warranty. The second was faulty and pumped water under the hill straight through the pump housing, the third one died within a year. The new Rule one has worked fine. Those spray fitting at the top of the tank really restrict the water flow a lot as well. The hole size inside is very small from memory I’d guess not much more than 5mm when fully opened up. So I changed that as well. Those kits really aren’t that great without plenty of mods imho. I think you need 19mm bsp fittings. Mine came from Masters as I preferred their fitting to the brand Bunnings stocked. I’m sure eBay would have what you want.
  7. Hi Baz, I have used an irrigation fitting on mine. Initially I put a small filter neatly cut inside the fitting before screwing it on. Trouble was when it picked up rubbish I had no way if cleaning it. I now have a piece of mesh glued on to the fitting it’s not very tidy but works. It is just another of the things on my boat that didn’t have much thought put into by the manufacturer. I also changed the hose from the tank to pressure hose with stainless clamps, I’m aware that if the hose was to split I have no way of stopping the water flowing into the boat whilst underway. I haven’t installed a shut off fitting low because it is pretty inaccessible going under the floor. I can control the flow rate at the tank though, without it it fills faster then it can drain it away whilst underway. I carry 2 irrigation stopper fittings but a swim may be necessary to change it on the water. My elbow fitting is only hand tight so if I had any problems I would turn it up the other way as a first option. My thoughts on your other question about water at the back of the boat. At slow to moderate speed the fitting is probably probably underwater but the water at the back of the boat would be disturbed and churned up. The forward motion of the boat would act like a Venturi sucking the water out of the pump inlet pipe. Another thing whilst stationary occasionally the pump gets an airlock or something and the pump is going but not moving water. If I notice that I just turn it off and on again. Great report and nice feed btw. I was hoping to get out today but it was t to be.
  8. Wow I have never heard of those worms before. Lucky you could hold it in so your mate didn’t need to lend a hand!
  9. I carry a basic first aid kit as I have even onsite at work only the basic stuff gets used in even bad accidents. Admittedly on a boat help may be further away. The one addition is a brand new set of side cutters. To cut hooks if there is an incident. I always suggest sunnies to protect the eyes and my kids know I expect them on when fishing not that they come out much.
  10. Thanks for the pic. It would be hard work in anything more than a tinny by the looks of things.
  11. Wow that is low hopefully the fish fair ok. Thanks for the info.
  12. I have been out with people worming but yet to have a proper crack myself, but well done that sounds impressive for the first attempt. Its a beautiful part of the world up there. If you go to Smith Lake it love to hear about the water level especially at the ramp near frothy coffee for reference. Did you get to Bluey’s pizza?
  13. How good is that ticking off all those firsts dispose average conditions. Sounds like you need to change the pickup on the live bait tank. I agree 15 slimies is a lot if it’s the standard size tank but good water flow would certainly help.
  14. I have registered hopefully I get out for the day.
  15. Yes I recieved the email as well. I also got a reply from Ian at the DPI requesting my phone number, I sent it through and within 30 seconds my phone was ringing. We discussed the website and updates. He said if they know the FAD is missing the coordinates will show up as dashes. But he does not update it himself and it generally takes a few days. However the last few weeks they haven’t been able to update it due to the government in caretaker mode prior to the election. Apparently they now approval but it will still take s few days. He said as he is in directly in control of the emails and the updates to the FAD on the fish smart app theses are the two most time reliable methods. They would prefer people to use the app over the website. On the Fishsmart app you go to maps and toward the top select the drop down menu and click on FADS. Go to the fad you want touch it, if the location comes up as far as they know the FAD is still in position.
  16. The results you produce out of the Hacking is amazing
  17. Maybe the car is higher than 2 metres. I’m not sure how they work it. My Screen is just on the height but the Bimini is over it. I have gad the extra charge for a few years. The first time I did the cash back they sent me a please explain that I replied to. Since then I get the cash back so it costs the GST. If you pay the high toll both ways, pay for parking at the ramp, food, drink, fuel it makes for an expensive day.
  18. I have read on FB towards the end of last week it was still missing. EDIT. FAD 18 is missing Sydney north no mention of 19 missing that I have seen. The DPI website does not show the status. I recall last season it did. I have sent the DPI an email to enquire why it isn’t on the site and request they add it back in. Lots of time and fuel getting. It might be helpful if other members also send an email.
  19. And here I was thinking I was the only fisho that had turned catching nothing into an art form 🤣
  20. I haven’t done much land based squidding there is probably other raiders more knowledgeable than me in that. Are you quidding for green eye or arrow squid? What size jigs are you using? I’d think it would be harder to stay in touch with the lighter smaller jigs. I have some smaller ones but rarely use anything below 2.5. Also depending on the length of your rod a 45 degree jig would represent a lot of movement at the jig. Maybe a “slow roll” retrieve and just a slight twitch would work better. By slow roll you should be thinking it’s too slow. Again this will depend on the water depth.
  21. Are you fishing land based? On the boat I can usually tell pretty accurately straight away if it is squid or weed. Sometimes that will be a rod sitting in the holder or one in my hand. I’m not sure quite what defines the difference but it definitely is a different feel, it must have something to do with the pulsing action of the squid or that on the take it pulls away. Even the rod action will pretty quickly give it away when I have others with me on the boat that aren’t familiar with squid fishing. Anyway when you do have a squid on be sure to set the barbs into the squid rather that just let it hold onto the jig. Setting it doesn’t have to be a wild strike just firmly raising the rod against the squid.
  22. Great fishing again Yowie. Good size bream.
  23. What an awesome way to christen a boat. Great report
  24. Great fishing session and feed in awesome looking conditions. Did you down rig for the kings? It could get a little messy if you release that chocked hold on the squid!
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