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Everything posted by Welster

  1. Good to see your persistence has been rewarded.
  2. I like having scissors on board to berley with pillies by cutting little bits off over the side. It’s cleaner than cutting with a knife on the bait board and handling the pieces.
  3. I was thinking kids parents and grand parents would have Easter commitments. I noticed the other post about the jackets two trips in a couple of weeks and I haven’t lost any gear so that’s something.
  4. This morning I had a chance to get out and was hopeful it would be quiet on the water with most people having family commitments. . What was I thinking. Anyway I struggled to get some Yakkas again so changed plan and targeted flatties. Boat back on the trailer and heading home by 11.00.
  5. Just a heads up guys I received an email from the DPI the Sydney North Fad is missing.
  6. Awesome fishing and a first class feed there. Well done.
  7. Some nice reds there you’d have to be happy with that.
  8. Nice fish and it’s good to know it’s still swimming about.
  9. If you still run the nozzle that squirts water into the top of the tank it is pretty restrictive even when fully open so yeah most likely wouldn’t overflow.
  10. Overflowing gave it away for me until I put some flow control in 🤣
  11. Interesting I have never used a trap in any more than a foot of water weighted to the bottom.
  12. Fair enough. I haven’t tried much up the river but I do see a few arrows swimming around in the dark though. I have my mind set on fishing Sunday morning thinking it might be the quieter day on the water. The full moon isn’t usually good for me but I will probably come up with some plan and see what happens.
  13. It’s great seeing them in the blue water with all those colours especially when they hit the bait.
  14. Beautiful day to be on the water. I know the feeling I always feel like I’m fishing in the wrong place or picked the wrong option. Frank do you ever try further out for squid?
  15. I haven’t used a trap for ages but here goes with my take on it from memory. Live poddies are really good bait though. Crab traps have the licence info on the float. On bait traps I write the info on the trap itself as it is just under water and I am usually close by. By-catch can be used as bait if it is a fish with no legal size or over the size requirement. If you look at the fisheries size rules you will notice you can keep poddy mullet up to 15cm for live bait. It doesn’t mention dead or strip bait so freezing the left over is out. From 15-30cm you are not allowed to keep them either.
  16. I don’t think it matters if it’s on underway I don’t turn mine off.
  17. I bought waterproof crimps from memory. Did you buy a rule pump? I never had any luck with Johnson pumps. Might be a good time to change to pressure hose as well.
  18. Beat the Easter crowds I like it!
  19. They look muscle packed and fast. Something else to whack on the shopping list and bucket list.
  20. Wow great effort and result. I have never fresh water fished but seeing catches like that makes me want too,
  21. Cracking reds Rick. Well done.
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