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Everything posted by Welster

  1. Awesome fishing once again Yowie. I love how you keep it simple but would still outfish most Hacking fishos consistently.
  2. I agree the Scents aren’t necessary and for the reels tighten the drags up light hose off and the occasional drop of oil on the maving bits particularity the line roller bearing. I also drop any gear I’m keeping hooks, sinkers, lures, jigs in a bucket of water. Only for the length of time it takes to clean the boat. I take them out put them on my bench and when I’m next in the shed they go back in the tackle box. The hooks and swivels in a different section to the unused stuff. I never put anything back in my tackle box without being washed.
  3. After a long time off the water Sunday was just looking to good to miss. We hit the bay around 6 and hit up a new spot for squid. Managed 8 in pretty good time. We headed out to down rig for kings with no success. The conditions were magic and we headed out deeper picking up a solid mowie and blue spot flattie but the jackets made short work of our rigs 😡. All in all it was a great day to be on the water.
  4. I had a 5.3 quinine bowrider. It had a rear long we put a second batterybunder the lounge. The original battery was behind the seat above the floor level. There was a tiny lift up panel for access to the bilge pump. This is all from memory see the pic of the rear lounge. We bought it brand new around a 99 model I think. Our current boat is s 5.7 stacker bowrider. It has the two factory batteries under the floor. But the stacker does have a deeper V. The pictures are as it was supplied to us new. The lids to the battery boxes weren’t supplied as they wouldn’t of fit. You can see it with the panel almost completely in place. It seals pretty tight and there is no deliberate ventilation I can see. I’m sure there are plenty of gaps around the floor sections though. they are good there with the low center of gravity and out of the way but it does concern me if I cop some water the power will be gone very quick. Sorry it probably doesn’t relate to your boat and situation very well. Thr first pic is the quinine the other three the stacer set up. I have no idea how to put them near in the discussion part.
  5. I have a downigger but haven’t ysed it a lot. But have lost a good king in the Hacking using it. Mine in a Scotty 1080 with an 8lb bomb I think. My thoughts are you will be disappointed if you buy a light duty one like you are thinking and will soend mire upgradinging later. It would be better to look out got a heavier duty one second hand IMHO. I’m sure others in here with more experience will comment.
  6. Jenno strikes again. Good to see you are back at it.
  7. One of those days that make the good days special!
  8. Welster


    It looks Burrill is fishing well. Great catch Paul.
  9. Thanks heaps for the offer Frank. I’m running a Clevo at the moment. It had a rear mains leak and I decided to have the block machined to fit the Windsor 1 piece seal. That has grown to refreshing everything, new cam, valves, springs, heads rebuilt for unleaded. I’m sure you know how it usually goes.
  10. I have my kids half the time and run around after them, I try my best to keep up with house chores and my building business. There’s always more to do than time. With my spare time I alternate read business or investing stuff (yeah I’m a bit weird), dream of being on the boat fishing or when I can get out next. But at the moment my spare time is directed at the car I have had for over 25 years. I pulled the engine out to fix an oil leak and let’s just say that job is growing. Now thinking about how to build air conditioning into it, different gearbox and diff. You know all the things people do when replacing a seal.? I like having my car out of the garage and in the work shed, the problem with that though is the boat is less likely to get used.
  11. Agree with Paddy. Where do you usually fish?
  12. I think the Stradic Ci4 2500 would be good.
  13. I haven’t really tried it but I’d be using a pretty heavy line with a left over fish head on a decent size hook dragging along the bottom. Pull it in gently and be ready with the net. If it’s on a rod you can dip the tip in and wrap the line around the crab to stop it letting go. Watch the “Jewel of the South” DVD.
  14. Great report and awesome catch. Well done and thanks for sharing.
  15. I haven’t squid fished much in the rain but I was caught in a rain storm in the middle of Botany Bay on the drift. The squid became very aggressive near the surface all Arrows though. I’m confident they still eat in the rain though. A sea anchor helps a lot if the drift is fast.
  16. I couldn’t agree more. What I have found is generally people dismiss me saying anything about it, replying something along the lines of it’s cheaper, or good eat enough to eat, or making out I am being petty. The last advice I read was do not use any prawns for bait unless it is sold as bait. In my opinion it is poor signage from the supermarkets. Facebook forums most people dissmiss it too. I just can’t figure out the attitude of our government and many fishos too. It can’t be that hard to put Australia first.
  17. Very sad hearing that. What about sending it to Grants guide to Fishes?
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