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Everything posted by Welster

  1. Maybe your mate would of been better off going with you!
  2. What s great day on the water. . Scratchie has put so many raiders onto fish and is very generous with his knowledge.
  3. Perfect way to start the day.
  4. Yep was about as good as it gets. We collected live slimies early on to head out wider for kings but didn’t end up doing that. Plenty of moving about in that bag of fish all on the drift. I would of liked to try anchoring and see burley to see if that changes things. Funny Dave filleted, crumbed and cooked the lot no one mentioned they had a dodgy tasting bit!
  5. Some friends moved down the coast over a rear ago and we had struggled to find time for a visit. This weekend was our chance and as luck would have it Dave is also a keen fisho and the weather was looking good. We headed out from Crookhaven heads and managed to pick up a nice feed of reds. The first fish caught by Dave very soon after arriving. Naturally thought we were in for a cracking day but the fishing was rather slow with not much caught in between. The weather was very kind and we had a great day on the water. Another bonus was getting out on another boat with an experienced fisho to learn a few more things.
  6. Very nice feed there. That 42cm one already has s pretty good bump on its head.
  7. I have the Telwater scuppers with the squash ball in them and had no issue at all. The older version with the stupid rubber flap on my previous boat just did not work and the dealer didn’t even attempt to fix them under warranty after asking at service time. We sealed them up.
  8. Awesome bag of fish. Well done. I’d also like to know if you are using the livey’s for snapper.
  9. Yet another question dies the ramp have a tap available to flush the engine?
  10. I was out on Saturday for my forth trip this year all by myself so far. Sometimes I plan to fish alone but this week the few I asked has things on. I went looking for snapper without much joy a couple of stuff ups put a bit of a downer on a great day on the water.
  11. I have been tossing up between a bigger esky or the midi+ bag. If I get one I will most like get it from the marine rescue store.
  12. Funny I thought night time was good for them ever since reading a magazine write up as a kid. Pretty sure that was far north NSW. Youfish is my favourite fishing show.
  13. Ha ha now there’s s new bait. How do you find the cooler bag?
  14. Scratchie knows how to find those cracking snapper that’s for sure. Top day on the water after the trailer frustration.
  15. It’s great to see a Hat Head report its a great part of the world. It’s not often I see reports of kings of the beach well done.
  16. They are pretty good to speak to. The guy I emailed earlier in the season from DPI phoned me. He was very informative explaining what he is in control of and what he isn’t and the quickest updated sites ( the app not the website) with info.
  17. After such a slow start what a magic day we’ll done. It does seem to me that could stay out for a few weeks yet.
  18. I’m very quickly running out of good reasons to live in Sydney.
  19. What kind and size of SPs are generally the go? I haven’t used SPs on snapper but I’m keen to give it a crack.
  20. Top day on the water. Well done
  21. Thank you the ramp sounds good. I considered staying at SP as a mate has a unit there, but little beach looks easier.
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