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A report about bugger all, nearly


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Just one of those crap days.

Headed out early this morning to Lilli Pilli. Bait stealing reddies, undersized, pinching everything thrown at them. Fresh yakka strips were attacked, then nothing happening. A shovel nose about 3 foot pulled up, grabbed his nose then removed the hook, then dropped a bigger one when the hook pulled. Tangles in the line, could not be removed so cut off some line and re-hooked.

Headed to South West Arm, threw lures about for NOTHING.

Pumped some nippers at Maianbar flats, drifted the ballast heap for NOTHING. Not a bait lost.

Tried Lilli Pilli flats, almost straight away, probably a bream, hook pulled out after a second or 2. Second one, hook pulled again. Drifted the same patch, hooked pulled again. 4th bream, on for a little while, taking line, hook pulled again. Some kayakers nearby heard me say Darn, or some other word of 4 letters. 🤣

Finally kept one hooked, and eventually ended up with 3. Some time between bites.

Tried a secret spot, NOTHING.

Down to Maianbar flats, NOTHING.

Gunnamatta bay flats, NOTHING.

Finally arrived back at mum's after 5 or 6 hours to put the boat away. Mum was thinking of calling the water police as I had been out for so long. :074:

Left her with 1 bream, the other 2 for the missus and myself.

Just one of those shit days. Not a whiting to be seen anywhere, boats and jet skis buzzing about, no surface action to be seen.


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1 hour ago, Yowie said:

boats and jet skis buzzing about

Gotta love school holidays 🤨

Last time I was in the hacking during SH's they were coming so close at full speed I was concerned about someone getting hurt.

I was in one of the bays on the southern side of yowie when as a 6m vessel in the same bay decided it was time to leave & just powered into the bay without even looking & almost got cleaned up by the police cruiser coming from gymea at speed.

I could see the cop shaking his head but kept going as he looked like he was on his way to a rescue/emergency.

I now avoid fishing at all during this time.

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7 minutes ago, Rebel said:

You win some, you lose some. At least you got some.


Something, better than nothing. Just one of those days I should have stayed in bed, well, not really, good to be out on the water.

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1 minute ago, kingie chaser said:

Gotta love school holidays 🤨

Last time I was in the hacking during SH's they were coming so close at full speed I was concerned about someone getting hurt.

I was in one of the bays on the southern side of yowie when as a 6m vessel in the same bay decided it was time to leave & just powered into the bay without even looking & almost got cleaned up by the police cruiser coming from gymea at speed.

I could see the cop shaking his head but kept going as he looked like he was on his way to a rescue/emergency.

I now avoid fishing at all during this time.

Not a good time to fish, however, I'm not staying home just because of school holidays. In saying that, will not be out there on the weekends, the worst time of all.

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11 hours ago, Yowie said:

Some kayakers nearby heard me say Darn, or some other word of 4 letters. 🤣

I think I heard you here in castle hill ! 😂
Some days are just like that - hook tying and knot undoing practice days. 
cheers Zoran 

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3 hours ago, zmk1962 said:

I think I heard you here in castle hill ! 😂
Some days are just like that - hook tying and knot undoing practice days. 
cheers Zoran 

You probably did hear me. Voices echo across the water, louder voices echo further.  :074:

3 tangles in the one day, 2 on the rods and 1 on a hand line. :1wallbash: Sometimes a knot will not un-do, that was it yesterday.

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14 minutes ago, GoingFishing said:

Thats not like you Yowie!!! Getting rusty are you? 🤣🤣

Just kidding. Thats fishing sometimes ! It will make next time feel all more rewarding.


That only thing getting rusty are the hooks for being in the water for so long.  :074:

There is always another day, which can only get better.

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2 hours ago, jenno64 said:



When you have a bad day in the Hacking its a good indicator for me not to launch the yak for an arvo bash!

Looking forward to your next smorgasboard!

Don't hold your breathe while waiting.  😂

With the clear water, and boat activity, some fish may have moved upstream.

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Well if your struggling Yowie, then everyone will be. I haven’t even bothered fishing of late except a session with the kids in the bay that yielded a feed of trumpeter and a few flatty! 
Gotta pick up soon! 

cheers scratchie!!! 

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15 hours ago, JonD said:

I had a worse one a couple of days ago, literally 7hrs of fishing for nout. The same day most of the local charters returned with nothing as well. 

That would really annoy me, fishing and catching nothing. Some people say it is relaxing to go fishing, bullshite, I am not relaxed unless I catch something to take home. 😖

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15 hours ago, Scratchie said:

Well if your struggling Yowie, then everyone will be. I haven’t even bothered fishing of late except a session with the kids in the bay that yielded a feed of trumpeter and a few flatty! 
Gotta pick up soon! 

cheers scratchie!!! 

At least you took something home. Maybe next week with the school kids back to class, might be a bit quieter on the water.

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