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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Electrics are a minefield. First thing would be check all the connections & earths on all your connected equipment to start with. If you have been running without any issues for a long time & its just started happening then its either a bad ground or a short on a connection or newly exposed area from warn insulation. Also depending on your system you should have multiple fuses so if its the same fuse thats going you just need to trace what is working off that fuse to work out where the short is coming from.
  2. Nice work Jenno, what area did you pick up the squid??
  3. Google maps street view is your friend 😉 Just type it into google maps & you can see the whole area
  4. Imo there is no one answer except to say enough weight to create a senario where your not getting swept away by the current conditions & being able to reach the gutter when casting which will depend on location. The action of the rod your using will also determine your casting distance to weight ratio as well. A lot of people think you have to cast a million miles from the beach to find the fish but the gutters are usually quite close. Could be a different story if your aiming for large schools of salmon that are out a bit further so again it depends on what your targeting. Generally I just use star sinkers of different sized woth a clip or loop on the bottom of my rig & just play with the sizing so you need to carry varying weights. If I find need to do particularly long casts I also carry some of those premade long cast rigs like the Black magic longreach surfcasting rig.
  5. Found it- Another article- https://diamondfishing.com/articles/preventing-wind-knots/
  6. There is another thread on here discussing the problem I will try & find for you. Meantime it helps if the spool is full but not over filled, if I'm putting a new 150yrd roll on a reel that holds more I fill it with backing of the same breaking strain of mono. Also make sure when filling the spool the line is even along the face & not say more at the bottom than the top & with good tension. But I really like it when reels come with a spare spool in the box so I can just change it over to the mono spool for the beach. With newer rods coming onto the market some makers are now using guides that slope foreward that help reduce wind knots with barid. Fuji K guides is an example of this.
  7. Nice looking table, great effort in the conditions. Do you have a sea anchor? Helps me when the wind gets up.
  8. Great result & go dad showing the young bloke how its done
  9. Not sure what you mean by remote, where is there a remote place on the NSW coast line?? Anyway my answer would be Iluka! Check these out-
  10. Hi raiders, while listeneing to the fishing show on radio early the other morning they were interviewing a gent who basically runs all the major boat shows in the counrty & he talking about how how not being able to have boat shows was affecting the industry. I think he was from the boating industry of Australia. Anyway in light of not being able to have boat shows in 2020 boat sales have still managed to exceed expectations during Coronavirus but not having the show platform was making it hard to get information out to the general public. So they have launched a great website that covers many areas to do with the boating lifestyle & though could be a good read for people looking for information all on the one site. https://discoverboating.com.au/ Admin/mods, if this contravenes forum rules then please delete.
  11. Nice effort, caught on bait or SP's or both??
  12. The website states once the plans are done it will be put out to the public for consideration however that's usually to late. I'd be asking local fisho's to write to council with their suggestions if they haven't already done so so they can try get things like a pontoon or anything else on the original plans!
  13. Take a look at the new DPI fishing guides. https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/recreational/resources/info/local-fishing-guides/sydney-harbour https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/recreational/resources/info/fishing-locations/go-fishing-sydney-harbours-wharves,-piers-and-parks
  14. People can say anything but its the guy with the badge that will determine the outcome! Just tell maratime or the police that the guy at the boat distributor said you'd be fine Or did me mean you'd be "fined" 😁
  15. Especially during this Covid thing 🙄 Ive put on 10kg's since March I remember when I was 6'2 & 78kg's...................................................................back in 1990 😂
  16. The way I see it it depends on the age of the passangers, if they are all over 12yrs old then 7 would be the max number regardless of the weight Safety label A safety label (which replaces the previous capacity plate) must be displayed clearly on all powered vessels, except Personal Watercraft (PWC). The label must be placed where it can easily be seen by the driver and every person on board the vessel. The label indicates the maximum number of people allowed on a particular vessel in addition to important safety information. The capacity is determined by the information on the Australian Builders Plate (ABP), the manufacturer, or if not specified, by using the table on the reverse of the safety label. The maximum number of occupants for good conditions is shown on the label. A reduction in the maximum number should be made in bad weather conditions or when in open waters. If not, the operator may be guilty of negligent navigation. In determining whether your vessel complies with the capacity limits, the following applies: Children up to 12 months old are not counted (although you still require safety equipment for them) Each child between the ages of one and 12 years equals one half of an adult Capacity of a person is assessed at 75kg per person with an additional allowance of 15kg per person for personal gear. https://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/maritime/registration/labels-numbers-plate.html No where does it say you can replace more people for gear other than above. If in doubt I'd contact the RMS in writing.
  17. I'm listening to the fishing report on 2SM right now & Matt from Salamander B&T in PS reckons snapper to 5kg are being caught off Broughton with SP's & smaller ones off little island. Plenty being caught was his exact words! I sometimes think these reports on radio are just there to get people & money into the area
  18. Absolutely, a pneumatic tyre would help. Great idea!
  19. Looks like you a great day out GF 👌 Some nice family meals in the esky but don't feed those V's to the kids otherwise they might keep you busy for a while
  20. She's a nice looking rig Brendo 👌 I know you say she chews the juice so have you thought about re powering?? There's been a few topics on here about the subject. Anyway got to be happy with suchc a fine vessel regardless 👍
  21. Hi @SKINNYANGLER & welcome to FR. Nothing wrong with taging in on someone elses report but if you would like to start your own report or put forward a thread on any other topic all the forum categories are located here- https://www.fishraider.com.au If you select a particular category you can then start a new thread within that area to suit your topic. Sounds like you had a great day out on the water which is all that counts
  22. Your obviously not Greek then 😜 I think your missing the point, not to pave a car width but more a track that a jockey wheel can follow which makes sense. If it's a flat surface then your only dealing with half a battle.
  23. Great read, thanks for the report. Your batter looks great But can I get some tartare sc & lemon please 🙏😅
  24. Yes its one of those things where consistancy is key & making sure in the forming of the knot the turns dont overlap each other. As much as possible I try to tie the majority of my rigs in the comfort of my lounge room, taking the time to get them right.
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