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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. All good Jim, I've only been a chef for 36 years but those fish & chips store guys might have something over me 😁 Recollecting from my childhood the best tasting chips came from the semi cooked chips being kept all day in a big hopper next to the fryer, scooped into the basket & fried in dirty oil then wrapped in the daily telegraph. Could have been the toxic ink that gave them the extra flavour 🤭. Actually depending on my mood I either like my chips English style which is thick & soft(like they are from being wrapped) or thin & crispy. My preference is thick & soft.
  2. Yep those airfryers are great for 2 people. If you want to know the secret to the best chip you will ever have is to blanch fresh cut potatoes in boiling water for 4 minutes for 1.5/2cm chips(dont over crowd), then drain & let the steam evapourate & cool. Blanch the chips again in 160*c oil, again the key is not to overcrowd for about another 3 minutes, drain & cool. Turn the fryer up to 180*c & drop the chips in for another 3 minutes The worst thing with frying anything is to over crowd as the temp of the oil drops dramatically & then the item becomes soggy! All in all the 10 minute perfect chips that actually take a couple of hours But hey, if you want perfection then perfection takes a bit longer
  3. You are a braver man than me @savit😅 While I say I will try anything if I am puking before the thing reaches my mouch then Im out 🤣 Its like that Kiviak, even Andrew Zimmern would baulk at that one? Give me a thinly sliced bit of raw puffer fish that could kill me in 10 minutes any day over the smell of that shite 🤣
  4. Sounds like a fun day out, shame the larger ones from 4/5 weeks ago werent still hanging about but thats fishing.
  5. Nice, great achievemnts from both your girls & from what is essentially a pretty cheap camera, just goes to show its about that you can do when you have the know how. Pretty amazing pictures in there, I used to love trying to get images like that but it was expensive trying pre digital. I put a picture into a comp once when I was a kid, back in the day when they were actually on 35mm film, didnt do any good but hey its was about having a go & learning from others.
  6. Haha, maybe a bit of Fugu is what you crave 😝 Yakka's well I haven't cooked them but think about this savit, so many people buy pilchards for bait at whatever price then possibly the same people or the buyer of the house will buy tinned sardines for their toast, same thing!. Lots of similar instances out there really.
  7. Yes, excellent hot smoked. Brine for 12 to 24 hours beforehand but like all hot smoking don't kill the fish by over cooking it. Soak tge wood chips & control the heat. It is a process that needs to be practiced & tweaked to suit the vessel your using. Even use an internal thermometer if you can as the fish only needs to reach a max core temp of 65*C
  8. Hi all, I have been banging on with this ethos for a while & its great to see some people looking past the stereotype of something just being bait or rubbish fish with some species like Australian salmon or even Bonito. This is just a collage of links that shown the humble so called Australian bait fish 'Slimey' is a highly revered fish in many counrtries fetching high $$ in Michelin star restaurants. Just something to think about & worth a try 😉 https://www.greatbritishchefs.com/how-to-cook/how-to-cook-mackerel https://www.greatbritishchefs.com/recipes/sous-vide-artichokes-recipe-blowtorched-mackerel https://www.finedininglovers.com/article/michelin-chefs-mackerel https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/collection/mackerel-recipes
  9. Welcome aboard, if you havent yet had a look around the site there might be some info to be had through the search tab- https://www.fishraider.com.au/search/?q=woolongong&quick=1 Also work putting in the work Kembla into the search bar as well- https://www.fishraider.com.au/search/?q=Kembla&quick=1 Good luck
  10. Welcome aboard, lots of good info in here which can be accessed via the search tab
  11. We all live & learn, well some do anyway! I dont know why these people are all on the about ramps being crap at dead low tide when the answer is simple, work around the tides Thats why they put out tide charts/timetables! And if your new to a ramp go & check it out 1st.
  12. Aww how cute, Congrats Mr.s & Mr Swordy & daughter & son inlaw of course
  13. @Central Coast Fisherman sorry I missed your post, 1st time Ive seen it. Unfortunaley when people are busy or just have no if 1st hand experience things go unanswered, when that happens to me I just do my own research as there is plenty available on the net. How ddid you go anyway?? Looks like a pretty amazing spot to vist & those walls look so long. Anyway I know its to late but for anyone who will be headed up that way(never been myself but its on the list) here is some info could help in the future, just article I have found on the net that are worth a read https://bnbfishing.com.au/land-based-longtail-tuna-iluka-breakwall/ https://bluedolphin.com.au/yamba-fishing-guide/ By the look of some of the fish in these stories & the footage I hope you were geared up 😱
  14. 🤣 Im sure that jew got the blood flowing again, well done
  15. Hi Greg, you dont have a choice if your going out further than 2NM. Check these recent threads out- Fwiw, the search tab will provide a great source of information that already exists. Good luck.
  16. The Jewels are a nice rod for sure, I have a light one as a dedicated bream rod. I wouldn't hesitate to get a heavier version & it's around or a bit under that price point.
  17. Would be worth check the fishing report section through the search tab. I'm not familiar with the system but Wisemans is a long way back. Still I'm sure you could catch some of the regular bread & butter species.
  18. Nice one smiler 😅
  19. Sounds like they like all the white meat varieties because I hear they love chicken to 😂
  20. So you want to set & retrieve from the helm I presume?
  21. If that was aimed at me we dont need SS for 4x4 recoveries, what we do need is rated gear & recovery points. End of story.
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