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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. This was my thoughts as well. Beats spending $500-1000 on an electric jockey wheel! In saying that just found a cheap electric thats pretty reasonable https://www.mydeal.com.au/heavy-duty-electric-jockey-wheel-jack-12v-350w?gclid=CjwKCAjwnef6BRAgEiwAgv8mQVD8bMIUvTM9_CJCmUBgeK3YM9GPCRzCA7ehy4M3NCI18OyvsQiZFhoCBUcQAvD_BwE
  2. Hi fellow raiders, like most fisho's Im always looking at ways to improve my fishing & capture rate & fundimentally knot tying is no#1 on the list. So I am always looking at different things on the net to do with real world testing & the way knots are improved over time & when I was looking at youtubes came across this guy doing tests between 2 good knots in the modified Uni & the Palomar. Would 2lb breaking strenght make a difference between landing a fish or not??? Imo probably, any advantage is an advantage! I know there are plenty of knot tying websites out there but this website is also a good resource with comparisons etc. https://www.saltstrong.com/articles/fishing-knots/?utm_source=Direct&utm_medium=Knot-CTA&utm_campaign=Knot-ranking&utm_content=Misc#monosnugknot In the end we sometimes might opt not to use the strongest know in lieu of one that may be easier & quicker to tie under the circumstances(say out at sea on a rocking boat)but at least its good to have all the facts & the knowledge in your arsenal.
  3. Couple of old threads to check out. I reckon you could get all sorts there, just got to be the right timing.
  4. They can go in anywhere you have room for them. The problem I have with the buddy's is that the door is not insulated & the door has no latch so if its bouncing around the door could open. Im getting one for my 4x4 soon but wat looking at the Road chef after looking at this youtube- I have been discussing this on a dedicated 4x4 forum im on. I know its important to support an Aussie company over a Chinese company even though the Aussie build would still be getting parts from China & elsewhere but they have to match or better the competitors product! I actually emailed the Travel buddy company & asked them why their door isnt insulated & their is no latch & the responce was this is how we built it & we arent changing it. So much for the idea of improving a product & keep up with your competitor 🤔 You can buy a after market door insulation panel from a aussie guy who does trays & parts but again its more money.
  5. A hard earned fish is even more appreciated imo. Congratulations. Your a ledge scratchie 👍
  6. Well I look foward to hearing how you go with them. We all have our own ideas I guess & I think every small detail could make a difference which is why I want to go with this sort of jighead- It would be great to just go into a shop to feel & pick out stuff but its still not there yet in popularity. Anyway good luck & keen you hear about the successes & the failures to.
  7. Same here BN, I only paid $149 for the Hook2 4 so not high end but you still want them to work as intended.
  8. No probs, I guess when you have provided a budget it wouldbe interesting to see what others say of 1st hand experience on this & other brands in the bracket. The Garmin Garmin Striker Plus 5cv is just above that budget by $50 on sale so interested to hear if anyone has one of those?? I can only suggest making a list based on your max budget & look at the features. If you get GPS well thats a bonus, I always think its best to be able to store/mark waypoints even if you dont have mapping in bay or estuary fishing for your own reference.
  9. My mate had to return his Hook2 5 splitshot because he couldnt get it to work properly even at very low speeds, he wsapped it for a Hook 5 reveal but dont think he has tested it yet. I have a Hook2 4 & its doing a similar thing but not as bad, I am still playing around with the transducer position but think its a smilar thing. So yes they are running out all the Hook2's because the newer reveals are replacing them but I cant recommend the Hook2's after my & my mates experience. In saying that I had the same problem with my Hummingbird not working above say 6 to 8 knots & this tranducer is in the same position. I do have it on a sliding bracket & the other day when I was out I slid it up to a few different heights but it didnt help, just made it worse. So not sure if I am expecting to much or not but O would think that should operate at a decend speed?? My next step is to try it on the very outside of the transom to see if its just interference from the prop/hull which I know happens. If that doesnt work I will be retuning it also I think.
  10. Well done for the Trev's. I find it pretty much the usual for this time of year really(May-Sept), I have found that the water temp needs to be between 18 & 22*c before the fish come on strong & the bait fish start to appear in bigger numbers & then the preditors to then follow. I've have seen a large pod of dolphins in there before but only once, also a humpback & calf which that I found unusual but a great sight. The whale was just sitting there(obviously resting) in Yarra bay & I actually didnt know what it was thinking it & the calf were large logs(no water spout from breathing at all) & went over to investigate thinking the logs would be pretty dangerous, when as I got about 30/40mtrs away mum brought its tail up & out of the water & slapped it down quickly, to which my reaction was................................... , had to check my pants after I did a quick U turn 🤣
  11. I'd imagine if such a zone exists it would be on the RMS map? Everything else is on there.
  12. Here it is- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqmfjk9Tq2E I like some of the rubbery type material he used in this as well
  13. Hey Skip, they look great but the photo is a but small so cant see them in detail. I have attempted some as well but sourcing the right materials was the hard thing. This was my first very rudimentary attempt, but again it was a lack of the right materials that was the thing I know what I wanted to do but couldnt find the right jigheads & materials at the time. Ihave now found some jigheads I want to try but havent gotten around to buying them yet & some are anlt available from the USA., the rest I am still looking for. If you have any details on that I would apprciate if you could PM me They work on snapper in NZ so no reason they cant work here! I presume to have a fly tying vice as to me it seems the best way to do this?? I cant find it right now but a litle while ago I was watching a youtube of this young approx 12 year old on youtube showing how he tied his skutes & was doing very well on them.
  14. Absolutely, its a great thing just to get your mind off everything & just think about where can I get a fish to take home, even if it doesnt happen in the end. And especially in light of what our Victorian cousins are dealing with atm & can remember the same thing for us not long ago, you sometimes forget about the simple things in life! Was quite strange to that it was so quiet though, without all the usual plane traffic that comes with the bay, more pleasant for sure but a reminder we are still in rocky times......
  15. Hadn't been out for a while & this trip was more about getting the tinny ready for the season & give the motor a run, have a bit of a flick not that I was overly hopeful & also test my new intended method of trying to to land some kings in the bay this summer without a downrigger. In the water by 7.30am & headed to the southern head to try for some squid, tried a few colours but nothing about there. Caught a couple of undersized flathead on SP's & there were multiple schools of taylor dotted aroung the bay which was a bit of fun for a while throwing a metal at them until that got boring. They were aboout 15/20cm mark Water temp 16.5*c so still a bit cold & there was a bit of dirty water/floating weed/rubbish about which must havebeen from a recent rainfall still handing around. Wind got up to about 15/20nts about 11.15 & that was enough for me. Back at the ramp at 11.30am to the waiting fisheries officers who wanted to see my unopened bag of ice & do a licence check. Even though not fruitful was still nice to get out. Next outing will start dropping the crab pot.
  16. I don't see any skiing/towing in the bay proper & not sure it's that's because of traffic or it's not allowed but you do see them doing this in the George's from Cptn cook bridge back & a lot of people use the Georges river national park area as a family area & launching from to ski & tube. Activities like that are popular in lots of areas of the hacking, so much so I tend not to fish it during school holidays as they just ruin the session. Depends where your from I guess but the Napean would also be a good option I'd say.
  17. Hi GH, I see this gel purely only as a scent like the S factor, you still need to keep the Gulps in the alive liquid 24/7 @JamoDamo, the reality is plastics are a disposable & consumable like any bait which at best you get 1 session out of the best of them(unless you dont catch a fish of course), thats it. If you want something that you dont keep having to buy then I'd be looking at other alternatives to SP's like sinking soft vibes or sinking stick baits!
  18. Its also a 13 year old post so I would think knowlegde & attitudes have changed in that time!
  19. Also in your manual under Basic operations there is point 21 "using the cursor" which could also explain where to change the cursor settings. if you dont have the manual download it here- https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk03LrEUkH1Ko68w1kb38UHR4dqhuRg%3A1599344923957&source=hp&ei=GxFUX-W7OMbH4-EPnMS28AU&q=lowrance+ti+7+manual&oq=lowrance+Ti7&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQARgDMgQIABAKMgQIABAKMgQIABAKMgQIABAKMgQIABAKMggIABAWEAoQHjIICAAQFhAKEB4yCAgAEBYQChAeMggIABAWEAoQHjIICAAQFhAKEB46BQgAELEDOggIABCxAxCDAToICC4QxwEQowI6DgguELEDEIMBEMcBEKMCOggILhCxAxCDAToLCC4QsQMQxwEQowI6BAgjECc6BQgAEJECOgUILhCRAjoLCC4QsQMQgwEQkQI6AggAOggIABCxAxCRAjoFCC4QsQNQ7bYcWKf8HGDVkh1oAHAAeACAAZ0CiAGCEpIBBTAuOC40mAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpeg&sclient=psy-ab
  20. Have a look in your manual. You would most likely be able to change the thickness & the colour. You would go into settings & either under Charts, waypoints or navigation settings you would be able to change it.
  21. Plenty of info out there & also if you do a forum search there were some recent trout topics in here with people asking some similar questions. https://www.fishraider.com.au/search/?&q=trout&search_and_or=or&sortby=relevancy These could also help- https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0011/619931/trout-waters-rec-fishing-guide-northern.pdf https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/619929/trout-waters-rec-fishing-guide-central.pdf https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0010/619930/trout-waters-rec-fishing-guide-southern.pdf Good luck.
  22. Sure, I start to change over as well for that reason but I do find that I catch more fish on gulps. Could be ther reasons but apart from the liquid thing, gulps work & imo more effectivley than others. Maybe I just need more time with the Z's, been using squidgeys for about the same time though as the gulps & strike rate % has to go to the gulps.
  23. I have found the Gulps are more durable than pretty much all of them but you have to keep them in the alive liquid which annoys me as once opened the packets leak & stink up your tackle bag. The solution for me was to buy an air tight Tactix container from bunnings & the ones I open I put into the container. I actually bought some larger ones as well to put the packets into as well as sometimes even unopened pack leaks! Also dont leave them on your rod after fishing, they go hard as a rock & very hard to get off your jighead.
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