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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. If you got the boat/trailer as a package then it should have been set up properly, whether its the dealer or the manufacturer. Get the dealer to set it up/fix it for you, that's what you pay for! If you start playing with these things & something goes wrong then they could tell you your warranty will be void!
  2. As they say, if it was easy everyone would be doing it. I think its the near misses that draws you back in for another round, again & again wanting to better your last attempt As you say, just getting out there & enjoying the day & the company is what it is all about, having something for the table is just a bonus. @Berleyguts, looking good. Do you use a spice rub on it & or have a bbq sauce or glaze going on it?
  3. Sign of the times, CV19 will impact the world for a long time so I would expect more like this!
  4. Hit & miss Baz, but a bit of satellite recon also helps to see the bottom structure 😉
  5. Nice effort again Donna. So question, are hairtail just a Hawkesbury thing?? Every talks about them being up there but to they inhabit any other areas?? Just curious!
  6. You are keen man which is a good thing as its such a great place up there. If your not keeping those Salmon its a shame, they are great to eat super fresh & if bleed straight away
  7. @Ryan Minaee The search tab is your friend, use it like google! https://www.fishraider.com.au/search/?q=patonga&quick=1 To answer one of you questions, I find the cooler months the fishing is harder as a lot of species aren't as aggressive due to the water temp. But they still have to eat. During this time its even more important to change up what your using if one thing is not working.
  8. Id check the reports area & do some forum searches for info!
  9. Sounds like you had a good day out. Thanks for the report.
  10. Nice catch. Dam they are an ugly fish, but they sure do taste great
  11. Exhaust port Id say? Looks like a bit of oil coming out of it which is probably the result of the blown head gasket. If you have gases coming out of places its not supposed to then I would be a bit concerned!
  12. I think its absolute crap that the Aussie tax payer ended up paying 17 million for what was an overseas companies problem!! https://www.newcastleherald.com.au/story/6750578/a-complete-success-17-million-container-salvage-operation-wraps-up/ If these ones are that far off the coast then leave them there I say, new artificial reefs!
  13. Personally while it was interesting to watch overall I think its was merely a made up technique for him to try to get his restaurant to stand out from others & I don't see any practicality in some of those cuts, if you served me that rack I'd send it back & tell the chef he didn't bone the fish properly! But hey if it works for him then all well & good. Its a bit of a wank really imo, for 100 years chefs have been slammed for leaving 1 bone in a fish, let alone 2 or 4 even! But hey I give credit to the guy for coming up with it for a point of difference, mind you Im sure someone else did it 1st, 99% of the time chefs are just copying someone else & just putting their own twist on it. If anyone is interested to know what industry taught traditional fish cuts are then follow this link. http://chefpedia.org/wiki/index.php?title=Fish_Cuts These are all old school French methods/cuts, some are obsolete. Obviously they don't cover the larger fish,
  14. Ouch, looks like I might not be getting my ebay purchases this month 😒 Jokes aside, would be pretty savage out there! Where do you try & hide in one of those?
  15. Sometimes they are just not interested in eating. Its still like SW fishing, you need to be able to change you fishing method up by having bait or something like Berkley powerbait. If you want to stick to just lures then have something like some small bibbed minnows or similar. The moral of the story is if 1 thing is not working then you need to change it up until you find what gets them motivated.
  16. My suggestion is to use the search bar & do some research. There is lots of info in here already, you just have to look for it. Good luck.
  17. Who is doing the repairs, licenced boat mechanic or back yard hack? Will the repairs be under warranty & for how long?? Is their other damage from the gasket failing? These are the questions I would be asking. How many hours on the motor, does it have a full service history? Whats the rest of the boat like? When buying anything second hand there is always the risk that in 3 months something could fail.
  18. No problem Dieter, I guess part of what Im trying to do is just open up peoples minds a bit from the norm. I haven't seen you around for a while so I hope your well. I would imagine the dish your referring to is called Tako Sunomono, here is a link to that if your interested. https://uncutrecipes.com/EN-Recipes-Japanese/Tako-Sunomono-Octopus-Salad.html In this recipe it just states 'boil' octopus & doesn't really go into any detail.' I would be inclined to try & infuse some flavour into the occy like I have done above, maybe cooking it in a dashi stock I guess my dish is a warm salad but there would be nothing wrong with just cooking the occy, chilling it & then just simply slicing it thinly & making a dressing of your liking like say a Ponzu & garnishing it with whatever you like, maybe sliced cucumber & wakame salad which I just love. That's what I love about food, its just up to your imagination on what you use & how you put it together. I also like the idea of turning what a lot of Aussie fisho's would class as bait into a delicacy! Hope you enjoy the ideas @61 crusher
  19. Now problem Baz. So is this the same one you poached yesterday?? If it was then you know you just need to braise it for a bit longer next time. The way I test it is to do a pinch test on the thickish end of the tentacles & if there's no give then drop it back in & continue Shame you couldn't get some charring on it, I love it when the ends of the tentacles are nice & crispy. At least you got the flavour you intended & at least your willing trying something different By all means give the kiwi a try, then you can do a comparison, I'd try say 8 hours first then again if its not tenderised enough give it longer, even maybe overnight?? You do have to be careful though, I marinated sliced chicken breast once for 2 days & when I cooked it, it broke down to almost like a paste, yep screwed that one up big time, luckily it was at home & not at work 😅
  20. Watched this today & thought it would be something those who like to fish for longtail to see. I recon if your into shore fishing its not a bad way of doing it, if you can afford the drone of course 😏 Great seeing those hook ups live!
  21. Well I don't know the fish so I don't know whether its all bone or not or how much work is involved getting the meat off it, if there is any? I guess I'll find out when I catch my 1st one 😁
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