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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Thanks for the heads up Zoran but that's just ridiculous if this is true. How the hell does this get into an estuary with all the tech the authorities have??
  2. Very good tips on the brisket @Jiggy might be worth putting this into the cooking section for all to use. I know we tend to talk about fish cooking on this site but I think it is open to any kind of cooking ideas?
  3. Good to hear. Where did you get to @PaddyT?? I guess I am used to sub temperature camping, you get into a routine & it becomes pretty manageable if you think about it. Ive done lots of extreme cold activities like skiing in -30*c overseas & back home have camped down to -15 before, that was a memorable trip, in the swag with everything on like thermals & even a beanie, still manageable in a canvas tent. I think when you have experienced some of the extremes the world can throw at you, you build up a fair bit of resilience. Apart from the fishing related I just love getting out & away from the city & enjoying our country whether in snow, sunshine, on mountain tops or by sea or river. We have it all here in Aus! Got to enjoy it at every opportunity 🙂
  4. Well there is such a thing as a pig fish right 😜🤣
  5. Sure I get that, to me the experiences are the bi product of fishing & I love that about fishing. If I want to go sight seeing then I would book a tour, if I wanted to go dolphin watching then I would book a tour. We are lucky we get to have many experiences when we head out, they all contribute to a great day's fishing, even made better when we bring home the bacon 😉
  6. I have the KTI plb for when I am off grid land based, never had to use it & hopefully never have to but its there for a reason. The Garmin inreach is great but you also have to be aware you have it activated to a monthly fee service like a mobile phone. I don't think its a bad idea to have 2 forms of insurance, boat & personal based. I just don't think a want to be trying to send txt messages while bopping up & down in the seas.
  7. For me fishing is primarily a 'hunter gatherer' thing & the enjoyment I get from the preparedness & the act comes from that ethos. I mean if there was no such thing as a fishing rod then I would be using a handheld spear if need be to bring dinner home. While I do get that people see fishing as a sport, they are usually the people who have to much money & have no need for concern otherwise to put food on the table either individually or for a family. But each to their own, whatever your reason for fishing it is your reason & doesn't concern anyone else but if you promote your version them be prepared to be met with both accolades & criticism.
  8. Nice effort Zoran, so with the results do you think you would now try leaving it in the kiwi longer to see if it tenderises more of your happy with the end result?
  9. Cant offer anything other than to say have a look through previous threads for location ideas. Using the search toolbar unlocks a fair bit of info- https://www.fishraider.com.au/search/?q=jervis&quick=1
  10. Hi raiders, I hope like me you are all finding pleasure in the new regional travel restrictions being relaxed? After 10 weeks of being cooped up it is a massive sense of relief to get out into the country, away from concrete walls, the sound of traffic & police sirens. Just to smell fresh air, being able to walk in grassy fields, boil the billy & have a cuppa watching eagle's flying over mountain tops looking for prey, it was awesome. No fishing involved, just 3 days with some 4 wheel driving & checking out properties that were affected badly by the fires in January. In this area they have come back really well with some decent rainfalls since the fires, still lots of tree's gone that will take a long time to re grow but the grass is green & high & they have stopped having to hand feed. One property owner is still in the process of replacing over 50km of old wooden post fencing. Anyway back home now & it feels like there is light at the end of the tunnel after CV19, you never know I might actually be going back to work soon 😁 Hopefully those in NSW & other states will get out their help support any kind of tourism business in regional areas over the long weekend, especially those areas hit by the fires at those businesses were hit twice, once by fire & secondly by Covid 19 travel bans!
  11. Neil, my belated condolences to you, the family & close friends. Im glad to hear you were able to give Susan a fitting send off with all those close to you both around. Best wishes Adrian
  12. I think they are a good idea but I would want to put it on the boat over the trailer, I'd rather know where my $50000 boat is than the $5000 trailer its sitting on, but that's me! Still doesn't replace insurance though!
  13. Jeff, congrats to you & the missus on becoming a grandparents, Im sure like the rest of the family the new little one will be a chip off the old block because the apple didn't fall to far from the tree there The family that plays together stays together 🙂
  14. Some of these prices for bait are just getting out of hand imo! Baits is as expensive as the human consumption product!! For the price of the bait it would be just as cheap to go to the fish markets & buy some fish! Of course that's not much fun but when you add up everything up, cost of boat, rego, insurance etc you need to catch a lot of fish
  15. Stonker of a Banjo! Great to see kids having a ball
  16. Good session & a lot of fun by the look of it 👌
  17. Wow, thanks for the amazing detailed report & information. Looks like smiles allround
  18. Nice report. Did you brine the Salmon before smoking it?
  19. There is no one answer, its research research & more research, then trial & error. https://www.shimanofish.com.au/content/fish/oceania/au/en/homepage/articles/how-to-rig-your-soft-plastics-right.html
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