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Everything posted by nbdshroom

  1. nbdshroom

    G'day y'all

    Welcome! I'm also thinking about getting back into carp fishing. A lot of fun
  2. Nice mowie! Where's my share, I'll be your best friend.
  3. Nice one scratchie! You'll get the hang of it soon. My guess is that it looks to be like a TT style jighead between 1/4 - 3/8 oz on a SP that looks like a Berkley Gulp fry 3" in a colour that looks like New Penny. If you still need some tips, I'll give you some pointers from what little I know when I come down but you'll probably master it before then!
  4. This whole game is rigged! The 5th tackle kicking has been so poor. edit: FINALLY they get a kick right and score!
  5. Well done. Were the other two caught in approximately the same place?
  6. Good stuff! You'll get that salmon sooner or later. I'm still itching to have another crack at em. Got the one hookup months back (nearby to H&C with SargeRX8) which was dropped after playing it for a good 5 mins with it at my feet. I didn't have a net (and still don't) so was just trying to tire it out. Decent 31cm bream too. I don't know how they big they get up there but that sounds like a very respectable size around the contours of a bay.
  7. Haha that would be wishful thinking! Can't wait for the game. Game 1 was a cracker
  8. After midnight sun, you must be getting sunset and sunrise about an hour apart?
  9. Good fish, I bet that pulled hard.
  10. Thanks scratchie! Always looking to try new things and improve
  11. Been going to various places in Georges River and Parramatta river over the past couple of weeks. These are a summary of the catches. Been using the new Squidgie wild prawns and I gotta say I sold on them. They catch pretty much everything that swims - no joke. It passes the (bream) litmus test with flying colours so I'm adding these arrows to my quiver. The nearly indestructible Z mans are still going strong as usual. Might try some other lure types soon to broaden my range (like some critter patterns that Bassboy888 suggested in the other thread or that worm type that Ben gave me a while back which I haven't caught anything on yet :/). Things new include getting my first whiting (now 2), crab and luderick (possibly foul hooked but it was between the eyes so I guess he was going for it) on lures! The bigger whiting was only 30 cm but easily a pb for me whilst the blackie was 35 cm (another pb). The blackie was totally unexpected, felt like a 30 cm bream from hook up but then it went up another gear. I actually couldn't pick out what it was, I instantly thought bream on hookup but the fight pattern changed and it started taking more drag than before as it came in close - I knew it couldn't be flathead (as I could feel the bream-like tail fluttering), tailor (as previous) or jew (felt too light). Got a few flathead as well but didn't get pictures as it was nothing to write home about. At least one of the catches appeared to have red spot disease too. All fish were released as usual.
  12. Haha wow! I don't recall ever seeing a waterspout with my own eyes but what a sight that must have been! You definitely did well in such pressing conditions
  13. Good work scratchie! Good call on changing to bread. Btw is that a waterspout?
  14. Good stuff Tom, that is an impressive landbased session getting that quantity and quality of fish.
  15. Wow, I wonder what the tides are doing during those periods. Happy midnight sun!
  16. Argh that's terrible. I know that feeling...
  17. Condolences... Hope you get a suitable replacement soon.
  18. Good stuff matty, that is a fantastic result.
  19. Even though it's not ideal, if you must have have one size fits all, I say get a 2-5 kg rod around 7' paired with size 2500 reel and 8lb braid. You'd be able to use lighter leaders for bream (e.g. 4lb - 6lb) and heavier for big flathead (e.g. 12-14lb) although not required. The problem with this setup is that it is a touch light for big jew (and heavy jigheads) and a bit heavy for finesse breaming. You won't need much size to your reel as you won't generally be getting spooled and just need to err on the lighter side for ease of flicking plastics over a long duration and to balance the rod.
  20. Good stuff Jani and great fish.
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