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Everything posted by Burger

  1. You’re a patient man JonD! Hope ‘old mate’ had the courtesy to let you know he was going to be late…..
  2. Cody Walker is a genius! Bradman Best looked so strong, what a debut! Chrightons defence was crunchingly awesome. But the best part? Only one moment where every single blues player didn’t give 110%.
  3. Burger

    Old stuff

    Another old paper boy over here! My run was a couple of dozen shops then wait at a bus stop near the local church for ppl driving home. There were a lot of regulars! I’ll never forget the bloke who would ask me, every day, for ‘A star and two bits of glass’. What he did with 3 newspapers I’ll never know, probably should have asked him. stu.
  4. There ya go… https://www.google.com.au/search?q=how+to+rig+a+prawn+soft+plastic&sxsrf=AB5stBi8lcw_kDCY6V3tbsX4eQYNTMOyzA%3A1688955027207&source=hp&ei=k2irZKDHCu7kseMPh-GUKA&iflsig=AD69kcEAAAAAZKt2o3Naxp9iysNEO7_8Bo9QCCDu9kAv&ved=0ahUKEwjg3L7jh4OAAxVucmwGHYcwBQUQ4dUDCAo&uact=5&oq=how+to+rig+a+prawn+soft+plastic&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBggAEBYQHjIICAAQigUQhgMyCAgAEIoFEIYDOg0ILhDHARCvARDqAhAnOgcIIxDqAhAnOgQIIxAnOgcIIxCKBRAnOg0ILhCKBRDHARCvARBDOhMILhCKBRCxAxCDARDHARDRAxBDOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToNCAAQigUQsQMQgwEQQzoRCC4QgAQQsQMQgwEQxwEQ0QM6CAgAEIoFEJECOgcIABCKBRBDOgcILhCKBRBDOgUIABCABDoICAAQigUQsQM6CAgAEIAEELEDOgcIIxCxAhAnOgcIABCABBAKOgUIIRCgAToICCEQFhAeEB06BAghEBVQ-gdYtqgBYKO5AWgCcAB4AIAB-QGIAcYqkgEGMC4zMC4ymAEAoAEBsAEK&sclient=gws-wiz
  5. That explains why my bus was quiet yesterday arvo! What a blessing. Oh . . . . and good report Rebel!
  6. Freddy swung the axe to get some form and creative players in….. bout time.
  7. I got my biggest flatty out of the mouth of Patonga Creek! Here is an image off SIX Maps (nsw.gov.au) I can FEEL the flatties sitting around waiting for everything washing down the creek.
  8. Have to say . . . . I'm a fan of your reporting style! 😊 👍 👏
  9. If you are on a budget another option would be a second hand Steelite if you can find one that spins well. Note that the Steelite will not be able to be turned for casting like some Alvey's can. If you are flush with cash look at an Alvey 475CP, Okuma Aventa VT-1002 or a Tempo. All are terrific centrepins.
  10. There is a petition as well that only has about 2000 signatures so far . . .I'm a bit surprised by that given the number of times I've seen it on Social media . . . Here is a link for those interested Petition · Keep Sydney Fishing · Change.org
  11. As you may note by my profile pic, I am a Luderick fisho. It is far and away my favourite style of fishing. For me float watching is a relaxing, almost meditative pastime. We grew up with family fishing holidays, with many being month long winter trips to Yamba to go black fishing. Many of my earliest memories come for there. I get great pleasure and feel at peace Luderick fishing, feeling a connection to nature by being by the water and also to my parents who have both passed away.
  12. Fixed it for you. 😆
  13. If you can get your weed without scraping it all off and by that I mean leaving the roots on the rock, it will grow back sooooo much quicker.
  14. I reckon you can just about guarantee that there is no actual testing with fish re FC line visibility, all the marketing is about FC having the same refractive index as salt water.
  15. Have to agree with you BD on the out of position bit! I can understand Latrell at centre and Turbo maybe if he's thought to be better than any other option . . . But things like switching someone out of their 'usual' spot ? that makes no sense to me. In Game 1 I think Crichton normally plays on right for Panthers and had to defend left in Origin? that makes no sense. Do I remember rightly that The Fox and To'o also swapped from their usual sides? As you say, Freddy is getting the big bucks . . . . . me? I'm just some interested mug. stu.
  16. 45 is a cracker! Good to see the young fella out there too!! 👍 👏 Nice set up you have too….. Gary Howard, Okuma and Dango floatline and HandmadeBlackfish float if I am seeing correctly.
  17. Blokes have been getting them off the rocks in Sydney I saw on Facebook recently, I'd never heard of that before.
  18. Mag Bream's a bloody good rod, I have one for off the rocks 👍
  19. I'm a Dango Float user, others I fish with use the Sunline. I notice the other guys Sunline tend to start sinking after a few uses, they either use musclin or cut off a few meters. I liked to old Dango Wax more than the newer Dango Float, which has more memory. It's not a problem on my centrepins, but definitely notice it in on the missus's eggbeater. Though it may just be that she doesn't use hers that much anymore. stu.
  20. My bet is you catch the biggest fish ever and you'll have to go out and buy more of the cursed lures. 😲🤣
  21. A bit surprised they didn’t chase you off fishing there… isn’t there a flash hotel and restaurants on that wharf? Glad that they didn’t though! Cracker flatly!
  22. I remember those! Showing your age Waza 🤣
  23. No, those are keeper nets. wading bags are like these . . .
  24. Me either mate, me either! 😲
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