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Everything posted by Burger

  1. nicely entertaining post yorkster! ๐Ÿ‘
  2. Good to see BN get amongst the fish! and goodonya Pickles for taking him out ๐Ÿ‘
  3. Sounds like you're casting to the right area ๐Ÿ‘
  4. Randwick council held multiple seminars when mandatory life jackets were introduced. Main speaker was Alex Bellissimo and they were good! Even gave away life jackets to attendees over 16yo.
  5. I read a report on surveys that Randwick Council did around mandatory lifejackets... 2013 survey: Swimming ability 26% for over 1 hour, 29% up to 1 hour, 30% Swim 15 minutes, 7% Swim 1 minute, 8% Cannot float or swim . . . . . so 45% of ppl surveyed could not swim for 15 minutes . . . . . 2017 survey: Swimming ability 28% for over 1 hour, 14% up to 1 hour, 48% Swim 15 minutes, 5% Swim 1 minute, 5% Cannot float or swim nearly 60% of ppl couldn't swim for 15 minutes. What are ppl doing rock fishing if they cannot swim?????
  6. It is up to the local council's to enact that and get $$$ from the state govt for signage and education programs. I think less than 10 have done so in NSW and pretty sure wollongong council are not amongst them.
  7. My father was in the RAAF in WW2 serving as wireless/gunner. ANZAC day is a special day for me also. LEST WE FORGET.
  8. Itโ€™s important to make sure your float is balanced right. Definitely no body showing and in really calm water maybe less than half a cm of the tip out of the water. Even the weight of the float can be the difference, so a light float for little water movt and calm to heavier float for rougher and fast moving water. There are days theyโ€™re fussy on weed too. So if you can have a variety of string and cabbage.
  9. Lots of fish are lighter underneath than from above . . . might have something do with evolutionary camouflage.
  10. Willyweather here too for planning and then looking out the window as well. If I can, I go down to the coast the day before and compare what I see to their forecast as well. BOM radar for rain is a good tool too.
  11. Came into the office today for the first time in a while . . . In the morning the water didn't look tooo bad on the high tide, however at lunchtime it was a much darker black tea color as the tide had gone part way out. Hope this is of some help. cheers, stu.
  12. Congratulations Dave and Amy! All the best for you new adventures as Mr and Mrs!! ๐Ÿ’ž
  13. Definitely ring the council every time and complain about the health and safety of dumped rubbish. Councils have tracking systems for all โ€˜client callsโ€™, make sure you get a reference number. Then get in touch with your local member and tell him how his council is being unresponsive to your calls. Councillor will follow up and get to look good. Councillors are just politicians and want to get to look good and be re-elected
  14. Great read Waza. Urunga is a great little spot, we stayed there a couple of years ago on a Nth Coast road trip. The water was gin-clear on the run in, you could see the fish sitting out of the current behind rocks along the wall. There were a couple of big rays cruising the wall for us too, though no Mantas and def no huge Cobia. What a sight that must have been. Cheers, stu.
  15. Well done Craig! 40 is a pretty good fish as GH said. Must be extra satisfying to have made the fly yourself.
  16. Congrats on the PB! You might need to change your logon name from Little_Flatty now . . . . ๐Ÿ™‚
  17. Bloody good of you to catch JD's fish for him Klaus! ๐Ÿคฃ
  18. That was my thought too GH. You get the same thing with Blackfish and others, though not quite as common as Bream I think.
  19. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ‘
  20. Oh to be that young and full of energy again.....
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