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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. Nice work Chris, how was the water quality?
  2. Great post! some horse breambos and it would have been awesome to see the kings marauding poddies! I got up around tgere with some big poddies at Easter but the tailor were doing their thing and chomping the livies in Quarters!
  3. Great day out Bob! plenty of fillets and a cracking Kraken👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  4. Nice pic! The rat will come back in a year or 2 and you might snare a keeper!!
  5. Nice work Chris! those seals know what they are doing🤷🏻‍♂️ plenty of baits or fillets there👌
  6. Sounds like a great day out and probably good that the video was limited as I’m sure the banter would have been colourful 👌👌
  7. Great post and video! love your acknowledgment of traditional owners 👍🏼
  8. Great post and a very nice fish! Your description gives us all key info for cracking the mullo code👌
  9. Nice whiting Dave! it’s all you need for a delish feed 👌 Last year I got them all through winter with lots of colour in the water…. Maybe that’s what we need again!
  10. You picked a great day and we’ll done on the catch!
  11. Massive swell in Bate Bay, breaking half a km off the beach and Voodoo reef was insane!
  12. Great bag Crabstar! That big hood is a horse👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  13. Great story Noel! Enjoy telling the story over a couple of thick fillets and a nice wine👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  14. Awesome session Chris! You braved the swell and reaped the rewards!!!
  15. Great bag….worth the tough trip in!
  16. Entertaining read Dave! Lucky the flatties saved the day and the shark episode sounded like good fun!
  17. Nice inkers! I once landed a flatty over 70 on a squid jig… it let go of it in the net!
  18. Great sesh Chris! Bad luck about the lost , sounded like a belter!
  19. Great to see you getting the kids onto kings…..set that bar high👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  20. What a trip! Congrats on amazing captures and some adventures to boot! definitely on my bucket list🙏🏻
  21. Great day out Chris! Nice mixed bag and plenty of baits for later on! enjoy the squid rings!!!
  22. Great post and well done on the big catch. I’m like you …love providing a great feed for the family!!
  23. Rebel Great day out and some awesome catches with your boys in the hols! Take some photos when you can, you paint a good picture!!
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