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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. Well done on persevering through the messy swell!
  2. Sounds like a busy session Dave:) Shame the big run didn’t hook up! I wonder if the bigger jewies feed on the little ones🤷🏻‍♂️ Glad you got your fillets!
  3. Great size dolly there Basil, fillets galore👏🏻👏🏻
  4. Well done Isaac! The crab is catch of the day and the king almost came home too! Brave of you to get out today with the circus starting early!
  5. Good time to avoid the Hacking Dave🤪 Good to see the gun Hacking fisho can rustle up a feed away from the local! great to see the grandkids learning from the specialist👌
  6. Dave I have plenty of fillets atm and it’s pretty rewarding releasing he bigger ones, just hope everyone else does the same so the grandkids can land a decent fish🙏🏻
  7. Hey Larkin was that you over near Jibbon about 2pm? We were having a swim at Oak and I spotted you on a yellow ski! nice catch!
  8. Great post and Derek does it again by finding the fish, topping the outing off with a subservient croc. Sounds like you learned plenty for the next outing!
  9. Haven’t tried for months! Also haven’t been out in the Hacking much due to holiday boat traffic, how about you?
  10. Knowledge certainly is the key, whether it's local knowledge, your own developed knowledge and experience or better still a combination of both. I have a variety of spots that fish well or poorly on different tides or stages of the tide and sometimes conditions look perfect but the fish simply don't want to play....that's what brings you back and makes the next good session even better!
  11. Thanks Neil, it's been good to string a few sessions together over the break, I learn something new to help me each outing:) Cheers! Yes Bob, they can turn up anywhere, I've spooked some crocs when walking out in 6" of water to place my poddy trap! They also perform a bit more when you hook them in the shallows:) Yes Isaac they seem to be widespread and plentiful! It sure is! I've enjoyed getting friends and family onto good fish, I normally fish alone so it's a nice change and the pics are usually better! Thanks Rebel!
  12. Nice effort on the bass....how far up the Georges do you stat to find them?
  13. That is an absolute corker Kobi! Very skilfully landed on 2kg silly string...you must have hooked it in the jaw:) Congrats, best croc of the year so far!
  14. Looks like a fantastic location Mr & Mrs Swordy! Great post and some nice bass and even an albino flatty, enjoy the next stop!
  15. 'on you Rebel, your outings are producing every time!
  16. Ha, as you know Stewy it's all about time on the water and luckily the last week ahs been very nautical:) It is Jeff, I was just telling my son today about the challenges of handling a big fish in the kayak:)
  17. The hours on the new donk are paying off! Great fish and top pics....nice croc too!
  18. After releasing 2 good fish on Tuesday my son's mates were lining up for a trip so good ol' dad collected some nice poddies from the Hacking yetserday and took son plus one mate out this morning on the last of a huge run in tide. First stop saw 2 smaller flatties in the 40s caught a quickly released as the tide almost peaked. It was my son's mate's turn next with his first flatty ever released and then he picked up a mid 50s in the deep water to take home. The plan was also to encounter a mulloway or king along the way as my son has both on his bucket list:) We headed up river to another couple of spots and nothing in the deep but one spot fired with a PB upgrade for the mate at 64cm which was quickly released. 15 minutes later my son was next as he landed a fat 72cm girl on a livey then released her. This was a good follow up to the 80 he released on Tuesday:) I decided to try a HB drift in the shallows while we waited for the tide to get some movement and I scored 71cm model on a double clutch, snapped and released within 2 minutes! Tried a deep spot with our biggest baits but the wind started to misbehave and we had all caught a good fish so back to the ramp by lunchtime. It has been a good week on the Georges flatties and good to get my son and his mate onto a couple of quality fish. Only my son's mate took a fish home for the table and I have plenty of fillets in the freezer from the last week or so. Happy days and look out, the rains are comin:)
  19. Great post and so nice to see a father/son session with plenty of action! Keep it up🙏🏻
  20. Great post and very inviting scenery….if only all estuary fishing looked that peaceful🙏🏻
  21. Great story told Scratchie! Your plan and persistence paid off big time! Awsome pics too!! Congrats on a great achievement 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  22. Thanks Larkin, special session! Thanks Bob, they've all a had a go this week! Thanks Neil, unfortunately yesterday's session wasn't quite a ssuccessful! It's been a productive week Donna! Through the bottom and top jaw when I'm trolling or drifting and sometimes when anchored I pin them below the spine near the tail. Yes, it was rewarding to release two good fish! The new 70 + rule makes sense to me! Cheers Rebel! I have spots right up to the Wonny and out into BB:) Thanks Jeff!
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