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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. That's a great idea and I'm sure it wafts naturally down into the depths! Love the handline idea!
  2. Nice work Yowie! Relish fillets once again…. You’ll pick up the Dally M for most consistent catches in the tough months! I know you use hand lines but how much weight do you use when baiting with squid or fish fillets?
  3. I cut the pin and rib bones out and slice the fillets length ways for cooking. Gives you a few more slender fillets:) Did these in panko breadcrumbs with a bream fillet thrown in!
  4. Great catch ad an epic pic...better frame that one!
  5. Nice work Yowie I got out this morning and picked up a few whiting over the flats in a couple of parts of the Hacking, biggest going 40 and the other mid 30s. Loonies out everywhere after 8am but it was good to get a feed!
  6. Awesome catch and well-deserved after the long and early hours of bait catching!
  7. Fantastic effort Yowie...the fish certainly turned up after the boat show on the weekend☺️ Good on you for releasing the jew as you sure did get some nice red fillets:) What time did you get on the water.....must have been breezy?
  8. Nice bag there Yowie! Your wife must love having the choice of three or more types of fillets each dinner:)
  9. Great haul and I love the last photo when it's all coming together with a cool drink and a game:) Cracking whiting too!
  10. Awesome fish from inside the port Yowie...and on a handline must have brought a grin from ear to ear:)
  11. Great fish and very dark...must have been hiding in the weed:)
  12. That is a classic......enough to keep the maddest fisho sane.....including me!
  13. Nice platies there Yowie If the butchers ever get locked down, you'll be safe with that form:)
  14. You are loving lockdown👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  15. Great job and let’s hope the lockdown lifts soon!
  16. Great sized tailor and your bait:fish ratio is amazing!
  17. That was a fantastic read Jamo, awesome fish to in the chills of winter!
  18. Yowie, well done on persevering with the flats....quite often the whiting turn up and feed for a short term and you endured the cold toes and got a sensational feed!
  19. Nice bag there Yowie! Great sized tailor and i bet those reddie fillets were sweet too!
  20. I'm lucky and can launch in Port Hacking or Botany Bay. Had a quick squid session the other arvo and the Water Police masked up in a big RIB came over for a chat, asked for my license and where I lived. I couldn't get the info on my Service NSW App so they looked my rego up and asked are you Rob? They asked me where I lived and I told them so all sweet. Got a reminder about lifejacket servicing and they were off, friendly guys! Nor Easter was blowing in July so conditions were a bit chilly! Ended up with one nice hood and headed in on dark.
  21. Top stuff and great conditions and pics!!
  22. Mr Reliable does it again😉 Enjoy the fillets!
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