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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. Looks like a fantastic location and love the fly pattern…. I’m sure plenty of species woul d find that attractive!
  2. I like to keep the 50-60 models for a feed but I also fish with large poddies so I get the big models more so than the pre 50 models. If I have a slow day and only get one fish up to 70 I’ll often take it for a feed. I don’t feel bad because I release plenty of 70 plus fish throughout the year👌
  3. Your name says it all….every day! Merry Christmas, enjoy the feed with the family!
  4. Merry Christmas to all on Fishraider! Thanks to Donna, Stewy the fabulous moderators as well as all the mad keen fishos! Stay safe and tighten that drag!🎅
  5. You must have wished for whiting this Christmas! You are braining them👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻Merry Christmas!
  6. That’s a feast! Enjoy with the family!!
  7. Good result…Merry Christmas!
  8. That is a great short session! The early start paid off!!
  9. Glad to hear the boat got you out and back safely and sorted your feed! Eat well at Christmas 👌👏🏻
  10. Comments are bang on! No better fish for a youngster to cut his teeth on! A couple of hours filleting and your Christmas dinner is sorted. As Yowie said at $50 per kilo for fillets that’s a great return on a bag of worms and your son is away from devices and COVID! Merry Christmas 🎅
  11. Good to know, I might try that on one of my rods:)
  12. Nice work! That pearl perch will be delicious!
  13. Thanks, good to get a few! Thanks Jeff, I do use sugarpens but there wasn't much wind up so I think the surface was a bit quiet. There were a few guys wading with topwater lures but not much action. Thanks BN, my mate had a ball and is now looking at buying a tinny:) Cheers mate! Thanks Dave, only 3 over 30 but you seemed to get a bag of better ones! I released another dozen fish just on legal. I used a long trace on my whiting rod and it got 70% of the fish for the day! Thanks Bob! My next target is kings:)
  14. Mr Consistency👌 Nice feed there and good to get out before the cowboys take over the river🤡
  15. Took a mate out today for a whiting bash on the Hacking flats. Gathered some nippers yesterday arvo as the morning tide was going to be a bit too full. First lines out about 7:30am just as the tide started to run harder. Found a few smaller ones then my whippy whiting rod was bent over and a nice 40+ model came on board. Moved around a fair bit with most coming on the drift. Managed a few over 30cm and about 5 more just over legal so 9 in total. Pleasant day on the water and a few fillets between us!
  16. A plan for the pan, well done again Bob, you mustn't eat donuts:)
  17. Nice haul, they were probably full of small baitfish!
  18. Nice work Bob, now go get the big guns!
  19. It’s funny how the scream of a reel makes any pain or discomfort disappear! Great effort Jeff and enough delicious fillets for Christmas dinner!
  20. Bait stocks replenished and dinner sorted! got to be happy with that!
  21. Great read! Story well told and I cracked up at the disembarking comments of the Christmas drunks! 3 species is good too!
  22. Very fat muddies there! Those claws look very heavy!
  23. Yowie's recent post prompted me to go and chase some predators instead of whiting so I launched in the Georges early this morning (prior to an appointment to have a skin cancer cut off my neck!). Took a while to catch some bigger poddies but started fishing as the run out was approaching its second hour. Fished a couple of deeper trophy fish spots but no applause so I tried another option in 2m of water and the first flatty came on board within 30 minutes. Tried a few more normally productive spots with one bust off (blame my knot!) then headed to another spot downsteam where a good drop-off often produces fish. Landed another good fish on the first drift then picked up another almost identical fish with 20m of the last one. Had a good run from something with weight but the poddy was dropped after something had crushed and scaled it!) Picked up one more good flatty and headed off for the slice and dice! Filleted the fish after surgery and now have a good stash of skinless and boneless flatty fillets frozen ready for Christmas!
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