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Raiders hit the Hawkesbury and hit paydirt😁


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Yowie and I, plus my mate Wayne launched my Quinny at Lower Portland at 6.30ish and after motoring slowly through the fog, headed for Webb’s creek to bag some flathead and Jewies. We loaded up with live prawns (Yowie wanted to take some home to eat, so got a 25litre bucket over 1/2 full off my buddy “Prawn Star”). Wayne wanted to learn how to catch fish in the Hawkesbury, so we went to my local haunts and used a few different rigs.

We lost lots of baits, landing only 2 bream and 2 flathead until I suggested we have a “bash for Bass” as Yowie (and Wayne) had not caught these before, I took them to “Spot X” (Lower Portland reach) and we absolutely brained them, landing 30 fish. The majority were good fish, with a couple of 36 - 37cm, but a lot in the 28-30cm range. On the light gear we were fishing, they fight really well and certainly punch above their weight. At one stage we had a tripple hook up, with fish coming consistently over the next hour. After we’d boated 30 fish (and dropped as many more), we’d caught enough  and decided to head home.

A great day out with Yowie and Wayne, who is keen to sign up as a Raider.

The pic of Yowie - with the smallest fish of the day😁







Edited by Pickles
Better pic
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Thank you for the day out Bob. The bream and flatties were slow all day, with most bream under (you must have caught them all last week)

To a secret little spot where the bass were ON. Yes, that was my smallest and first bass, but then I landed 13 during that hot session. The live prawns were the trick, and the tricky little buggers could remove a prawn without getting hooked. For their size, the bigger ones had the light rods bent over like a horseshoe. And, we left them biting.

As for the prawns, I cooked most of them once home, and had a feed, and will be doing the same tonight, and probably tomorrow. Some also frozen for bait. Cannot get any fresher prawns than straight out of the Hawkesbury.

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23 minutes ago, Scratchie said:

What a great collaboration. I love seeing raiders catch up and have a fish! @Picklesi think @Yowiewent on the premise that there are no mowies in the Hawkesbury 😂😂😂😂

Sounds like a great day out fellas! Well done 👏👏👏

cheers scratchie!!!  

It was a great day out. Hoping to catch a bass, then pulled out 13 myself. The total was 31 bass, Bob. Even Wayne fished well, I think he had a good time.

As for mowies, no further comment. 🤣

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8 hours ago, Isaac Ct said:

Sounds like an awesome day out, those bass look nice.

First time bass, and they kick along fairly hard for their size.

7 hours ago, hookerbruce said:

Thought it was strange Yowie hadn’t hit the hacking this week, now we know. He was hijacked out of the Shire. Looks like it was a good day, always good to fish with someone new who knows their river system.

The invitation was there, so I took it. Great country to visit, and surprising how many houses along the river bank. Some people enjoy a bit of isolation.

7 hours ago, frankS said:

Good to see a couple of legends get together and have a good session, that spot X wouldn't be " skelitons " would it ?.

Thought Yowie would be using a hand line !!.


No hand lines. I had to show I could use a rod and reel. 🤣

7 hours ago, Little_Flatty said:

That's what I thought! No handlines. And the bass wasn't on the pavement! 🤣

Are we sure it's Yowie?

Looked like a fun trip gentlemen. Here's to many more!

Someone who looked like me.

5 hours ago, Burger said:

Handline was my first thought too!

Sounds like a beaut day out 👍

It was a good day out.

5 hours ago, Rebel said:

Great report and photos.

Thank you, a change of scenery.

Edited by Yowie
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Your allowed to take bananas on Pickles boat but no hand lines by the sound of it 🤔😂


Nice work guy's, sounds like a cracking day.


Give me a bucket of prawns over a fish any day but still doesn't mean I wouldn't keep my line wet :thumbup:



Edited by kingie chaser
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11 hours ago, Yowie said:

Thank you for the day out Bob. The bream and flatties were slow all day, with most bream under (you must have caught them all last week)

To a secret little spot where the bass were ON. Yes, that was my smallest and first bass, but then I landed 13 during that hot session. The live prawns were the trick, and the tricky little buggers could remove a prawn without getting hooked. For their size, the bigger ones had the light rods bent over like a horseshoe. And, we left them biting.

As for the prawns, I cooked most of them once home, and had a feed, and will be doing the same tonight, and probably tomorrow. Some also frozen for bait. Cannot get any fresher prawns than straight out of the Hawkesbury.

Ha ha Dave, couldn’t resist that shot of the smallest Bass. Your reputation is still preserved - just so everyone knows, I’m pretty sure you got the biggest and most fish over the day

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58 minutes ago, kingie chaser said:

Your allowed to take bananas on Pickles boat but no hand lines by the sound of it 🤔😂


Nice work guy's, sounds like a cracking day.


Give me a bucket of prawns over a fish any day but still doesn't mean I wouldn't keep my line wet :thumbup:



Adrian, I agree about the prawns over fish (except Kingies - best eating fish in the sea, with exception of Flatties). Bananas always welcome and the handline is having a rest for a while (hate tangled lines).

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48 minutes ago, Pickles said:

Ha ha Dave, couldn’t resist that shot of the smallest Bass. Your reputation is still preserved - just so everyone knows, I’m pretty sure you got the biggest and most fish over the day


Someone caught a bigger bass or 2 than me.

Edited by Yowie
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2 hours ago, Larkin said:

Well done fellas, that’s what fishing is about.


A team effort, but Bob was leading with the secret spots.

1 hour ago, big Neil said:

That's what its all about. Catching up with others to share their experiences. A great report and pictures. bn

It was a good catch-up. Also found out that Wayne is another retired copper, so we could share a few yarns.

1 hour ago, kingie chaser said:

Your allowed to take bananas on Pickles boat but no hand lines by the sound of it 🤔😂


Nice work guy's, sounds like a cracking day.


Give me a bucket of prawns over a fish any day but still doesn't mean I wouldn't keep my line wet :thumbup:



Will try hand lines another day.

The bucket of prawns reminds me of my younger days prawning in Lake Illawarra. Bob's contact sold us a good collection of prawns, they were hauled up, on the sorting deck and then into the live bait tank in very little time.

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Great collaboration you two….inexhaustible fishing experience between you on this trip And good to see the bass out to play!

I think the happiest beings were the fish Yowie normally takes out of the Hacking for dinner :)

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37 minutes ago, jenno64 said:

Great collaboration you two….inexhaustible fishing experience between you on this trip And good to see the bass out to play!

I think the happiest beings were the fish Yowie normally takes out of the Hacking for dinner :)

A few fish to eat, but the prawns were much better. Saving the Hacking fish for Fab to feed. 🤣

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