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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. WOW, awesome trip & fish guy's. No wonder there's smiles all round Love all the pics, especially the last shot with all the hardware on display
  2. Great looking trip there guys & those fish are crackers. Very envious indeed
  3. Well done JF, always a bonus when you bring a feed home
  4. Looks about 42-45cm to me Doesn't matter as long as it was over 30cm. I bet it tasted great, how did you cook it?
  5. Nice fishing! Thanks for the tip on the kiwi dropper, never heard of that one & it looks pretty good http://www.stripersonline.com/surftalk/topic/522363-kiwi-dropper-loop-platted-loop-knot/
  6. Whats the best bait at this time of year for snapper? I am going for a trip off Culburra this weekend. Taking a heap of plastics down but what colours work well on snapper generally? Hopefully catch some livies of yellow tail or slimies so that s going to be bait
  7. Nice kings, I mean seals
  8. Nice work Cody, bet that was so much fun. A lot of fisho's stick their noses in the air at the thought of eating Bonnies but if treated right by killing & bleeding them immediately & putting them on ice they are great eating. Really nice looking fish there. Enjoy.
  9. Great post as usual scratchie I actually didn't realize mackerel made their way done the NSW coast so far. Just one thing Id like to suggest is that if you intend to freeze any kind of meat or fish a food vac machine is worth its weight in gold. It will reduce freezer burn & keep the fish/meat so much longer. I find mine essential for when I catch more than I can eat or when I take game like deer or rabbits that I want to enjoy 3 or 6 months later
  10. That's a thumper alright Congrats to the young lady Good thing that hook landed where it did
  11. Well you should have enough fish stocked up in the freezer now anyway. Safe travels
  12. Nice work scrathie. Catching a feed is always a bonus but the real joy is just getting out there & having fun with the young ones.
  13. Were you fishing with baits or SP's for those FS? Well done on the catch!
  14. Well done Steve, I recall bringing in my own 1st blue swimmer catch I how it added to a great xmas lunch. Kudo's on mentioning the spot as well! This is what fishing reports is all about. If your not going to mention the area then its not really a report really?
  15. What area mate? Part of fishing reports is actually giving a general area imo
  16. I presume.your talking about Foreshore rd or also now called port Botany ramp? Plenty.of other ramps avaliable in the area! I was in & out in minutes at the ranp I used
  17. My mate & I fished all my usual hang outs today which I at least normally catch 5-10 flatties for a few keepers up to 55cm but today all I could.manage 1 flattie that I didnt even measure before returning. Not sure if the moon phase was out or something but ended a bit of a flop today Still better than working of course Plenty of you out there today around mollie & just south of the 3rd runway so how did you do?
  18. Cant really make it out on my phone but looks like it jumps like a mako?
  19. Would have pulled that zodiak around like a bobby cork. Great fish ?
  20. The rice trick is an urban myth plus besides its salt water & will corrode the internals anyway. So the kings are back on in the bay then, thats nice to know
  21. I thought that recapture would have been undway almost straight away. The usual media beat up or one sided veiw of things or personal agenda. Interesting to here the claim they were schooling off little beach though? My industry would be greatly affected without aquaculture!
  22. I'll be up there Monday for a week of hols & taking the old 67 quintrex sportsman up. I hope I run into some of these in the bay http://www.smh.com.au/environment/conservation/depths-of-despair-as-20000-ravenous-kingfish-hit-port-stephens-marine-park-20180201-h0rpqi With thise numbers loose you can imagine they will decimate any school fish in the area!
  23. Great when it happens Whare did all this happen though? Its always good be be told a region this all happened in a report, not necessarily the exact point!
  24. We have around 5000 members of which around 10 percent are paid premium members. We do a yearly cleanout of people who haven't added any content There are currently 4 admins and 4 mods although there were more originally but found the forum was being over moderated. Our forum is predominantly hunting and firearms related with various other categories like fishing and 4x4 etc, because of this it has attracted a reasonable amount of trolls and trouble makers so we are all pretty active and very decisive on whats allowed. i guess something your forum doesn't have to be to concerned about Free members only have access to part of the forum, while the paid members have full access including classifieds so its a bit of a club within a club then after running costs are covered from this money the rest is given back to the premium members in prizes.
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