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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Hi slurm, Im not from that area but if you do a forum search via the tab at the top of the page you should find a far bit of already posted content which could help. Just type in northern beaches for a start. Good luck
  2. Nice work AW. Did you use a hot smoker? Doesn't look like a lot of colour or heat on them? Anyway generally speaking we aussies are spoilt for choice & see fish like this as being bait. Visit any European country & fish like mullet, slimy mackerel, herring, sardines etc are classed as every day bread & butter fish. Even fish like pearl perch & flathead here was a lesser fish that no one though much of until they started charging $30 a kilo at the fish market. How did they taste anyway? The only suggestion & have if you are going to smoke them whole is to put a few slices just through the skin so the brine & smoke can do its job. Id like to see the flesh if you have a pic?
  3. Hi guy's, I found another petition to sign to help try to stop the lockouts- https://www.ldp.org.au/stopmarinelockouts
  4. Thanks for the info on the gear & your museum sounds great, Id love to come have a look one day.
  5. Thank goodness for progression & technology or we would still be trying to find our favourite spot with a sextant ? Gotta love new toys!
  6. Id use Araldite or another similar epoxy, silicone is more of a gap filler/sealant where as what I have mentioned are more a permanently fixed solution. Your call of course ?
  7. Hi Waza, as I mentioned they were handed down to me actually from my father who recently had to move into a nursing home. To be honest I am not really an active beach/rock fisho & I see these more as collection pieces really, even more so now that Alvey doesn't exist anymore! I do however have a rock outfit(old school fibreglass) & a graphite beach rig both with spinning reels which I prefer to use. Nothing wrong with the Alvey's, I know they are amazing reels but not my thing & I would just rather admire them. I got all of my father fishing gear which included hand made cane rods, 40 odd reels of all descriptions, sinker smelters & moulds & heaps of hand made luderick floats that dad made himself. Quite a decent collection of gear, not all in great shape but I have some of it on display in my house, bit like a museum really Here are just a few things I have on display, the rest is in storage but I rotate the gear around. Sorry about the picture but I cant seam to rotate it to get it right.
  8. Now that's what living in Australia is all about, pull up anywhere along the coast & throw in a line! After you check local exclusion zone maps that is ? Nice dinner for 3 ☺️
  9. Yep & 5 cents worth of mixed lollies used to fill a big white bag, bread was 15 cents a loaf & leaded petrol was 20 cents a litre! I was also 6'2 & 85kg once with a full lock of ginger but as we know things change & not usually for the better ? Lots of reasons why fishing isn't what it used to be but s!@t happens & the powers to be(DPI here) have to try & regulate it as best they can with professional catch quotas, size & bag limits & stamp out illegal fishing. I recall my old man used to go fishing of rainbow beach with some mates & catch a squillion fish, sell most of it to pay for the trip but still bring home a boot full, no thoughts to catch just what you need back then which is sad really!
  10. If using braid off the beach or rocks I always run a long mono leader which is 2 rod lengths but as Rick mentioned the downside is braid tends to tangle on its self even in a moderate wind, we know the benefit to braid over mono is the is the better bite feel so its a balancing act for me although I don't use an Alvey(even though I have 6 handed down to me) but I have another spoon of straight mono anyway at the ready, LOVE SPARE SPOOLS
  11. Nice work GF, a good feed there for you & the fam
  12. Don't know but I like it, Id never be able to afford it but still would be a cool fishing rig!
  13. All those options are probably still cheaper per gram over using store bought frozen squid or prawns! Still there is free & more effective bait out there, just take time & effort to get it but usually the results are much better imo.
  14. Only in the rivers isn't it. Lakes are always open.
  15. Sorry Baz, I cant agree with you there. I always vote Shooters, fishers & farmers party even if they done have the experience to run a state or country! They are never going to get into a majority situation but we vote for them to be able to at least get a seat on the senate or anywhere so at least someone like the greens don't have the balance of power which is where all this shit tends to come from. I always vote SFFP #1 on the list & the rest down the page, all this preference crap can go to hell really & give the greens nothing!!
  16. Ramps are the issue not the towing as mentioned, there are so many ramp angle variations & some well or less maintained ramps that you will need to access, every ramp you go to. will be different There are plenty of youtubes you can watch with cars being dragged back into the water with their boats & trailers because they didn't use common sense. Ramps are all different so there is no not 1 rule to go by. Having chocks on hand is a good idea but even they will be no good to you if you haven't actually accessed the ramp before backing up.
  17. Your only allowed to take 1 in nsw aren't you??
  18. Nice Fab, I take it this is just the appetizer ??
  19. Only if can get away with it & enjoy watching the s!@t get kicked out of your team ???
  20. That's a shame but if you mess up the filleting again a suggestion would be as long as the fish is gutted to put it in the steamer & cook it whole(or parts of) then let it cool down & carefully take all the meat of the frame & skin/de bone it. Mix it with a little good mayo, chopped dill or parsley(if desired) & seasoning & throw it on a nice fresh crusty roll with some sort of lettuce or even get a nice serving glass & put the lettuce in the bottom & put the fish mix in & garnish, you have a nice little entrée. No need to throw it away mate, something can generally be salvaged in some way & still enjoyed.
  21. Whether its fishing or some other pursuit you enjoy sometimes if you know the weather isn't going to play its part you just have to grin & bare it OR plan something else & find something else to do instead. Spending the time in getting the gear ready, travelling, fuel etc to come home deflated & frustrated by not catching anything in my eyes is fine as long as the day has been nice with enjoyable weather. I find fishing by boat in my small tinny(even with sea anchor) when the wind is at or over 20nkt not very enjoyable at all but you could find a spot land based out of the wind? Doesn't mean there will be any fish there though! Sometimes its better just to sleep in & tinker in the garage imo, or if your trying to get away from the missus then still say your going fishing & go look at some tackle, go to Bunnings or catch up with some mates ?
  22. Hi Josh & welcome aboard. Yowie is the Port Hacking guru but think he is on tour atm but you could send him a PM & he may get back to you in the near future. I fish the hacking every now & then in my 13ft tinny & don't think I have ever bought a legal fish home as yet so I find it much more trickier than botany & the Georges. Caught plenty of fish at times but nothing even worth putting on the brag mat except a 5kg puffa fish but I wouldn't brag about that ? Kings have been caught in the hacking but like BB its a matter of luck more often than not. I think a lot of people that have success in PH take the time to do things like pump nippers & collect live bait with bream, squire & whiting probably the main target in most cases. I have seen plenty a nice sized whiting on the sand & in the lily pilli channel but never been able to land one on any lure or dead baits. My mate caught a nice salmon once off the wharf at Gymea baths & there are occasionally kings up there as well I would also suggest using the search tab on the top of the page as you would use google, there are a lot of threads in here with good info(plenty from Yowie!). Good luck.
  23. Im in a similar boat to you fishoman but Im trying to catch both a legal king & a legal jew out of the same areas so I will be watching with interest. Cant offer any advice other that be persistent & keep trying, that's me anyway. Although knowledge is a key factory when it comes to both these species a little luck goes a long way & what bait or artificials will work one day wont work the next & of course you have to find or happen upon them. Proof was in the pudding one day when my mate caught a legal jew on a tiny Hawkesbury prawn out of my tinny in the lower Georges one day. I guess that's why they call it fishing & not catching as someone says!
  24. Great idea but I am very hesitant to order cloths over the net without being able to try them on as there is always such a variance in sizing from country to country. Is there a sizing chart available with dimensions?? Also are the shirts Australian made & produced?? Id also prefer to stand by an Aussie site selling an 'Aussie made product'!
  25. A lot of the newer USA made/style BBQ's have the side smoking box & if I had the room for one its what I would get as it is multi functional. OP, what is 'a bit of money'?? can you give us a rough budget please. Also are you looking at pure wood burner or electric or propane assisted? How much space do you have for where its going, balcony or home/yard? Lots of makes & models around but you have to ask yourself these questions first imo before you can even get into the choices. Its the usual as we live on the outskirts of the world but a lot of the best stuff comes out of the USA & O/S its unfortunate that we find them hard to get here. Although the Bradleys have a good name Im not a fan of having to buy their own pellets as you are locked into having to use their product, I would rather just buy & soak whatever woodchip I decide to use. I also like a smoker that can be used either hot OR cold, as sometimes I like to make my own smoked ocean trout or salmon. Master built & Smoke hallow pro are also good brands, just trying to find them here is a major pain at times!
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