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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. If you have the space that's another way to go, when I get my offshore boat I would like to hang onto my little tinny if I can. It only costs me $500 a year to run
  2. Yeh but the Hilux base model was another 10K on top of the GLX-R so 20K over what I paid for the GLX! 20K is a lot just to say "I own a Hilux" ?
  3. When I answer questions like this on forums & guess I tend to think more about what I would do/want rather than probably actually answering the OP's question. That may not be the right way to look at it but for example how many of you can draw on this kind of example from life experience? I have walked in to buy a new car & thought I only have this budget & walked out with the GLX model instead of the GLX-R, then sometime later wished I had "found" the extra coin because now I really want the features that the GLX-R would give you, now I am spending more money putting on the diff lockers & other features on at more cost than the upgraded features would have cost on the original GLX-R. My point being at some point you will want more, we always do & if I could get into something that I can still fish well out of easily in the bay but be a better sea going boat then I would choose the later any day.
  4. I've only salted fresh caught fish in fillets from things like scad & found while it worked well to firm up the flesh that otherwise after freezing would be soft although the fish didn't really seem to take to it that well.
  5. Never fished LJ by boat but have always wanted to. Looks like you had a pretty productive time but yeh those mountain winds can be bloody horrible!. Seen the lake with whitecaps on it plenty of times. I used to work up there during ski seasons & on days off would drive down the mountain & fish the mouth of the Thredbo. Not overly productive but its so dam peaceful & normally not another person in sight, loved it Trout & Salmon are amongst my favourite fish to eat, whether salt or fresh.
  6. g@Jake18 I just ordered both of these types in a couple of sizes but probably wont get to use them till spring when I get back out into botany bay in my little tinny, I find the fishing slows right down at this time of year. Anyway I wont know how they will work for a while or how they will stack up against the gulps or the Zman or squidgy's till then. I actually don't limit myself to one brand & one type really & anything is worth(I have also used the squidgy wrigglers as well) a try but out of all the brands I have tried to date the gulps have done the job time & time again on the flatties. Its just my opinion as well but colour does make the difference with the flathead, they seem to like those red/green/orange combo colours more than anything & that the Berkley gulp jerk shads are famous for. BUT in saying that it could be a locality thing as well? Good luck with your first try with the squidgy's
  7. I would tend to agree with you there KFB. I would rather a boat be even more capable than what would be considered the minimum or adequate requirements for going that far out. I haven't bought my 1st outside rig yet but I really like the plated alloy offerings that are around but budget is always an issue. With a bit of searching youll find something for your price. Id be pretty happy with a boat like this & its not a bad price imo, although myself I would like something between 5 & 6 mtrs. Not an enclosed cabin but still would be ok for that distance out I recon. https://www.boatsales.com.au/boats/details/2011-Formosa-480-Classic-Centre-Console/SSE-AD-5436605/?cr=0&gts=SSE-AD-5436605&gtssaleid=SSE-AD-5436605&gtsviewtype=Spotlight&psq=((Service%3D[Boatsales]%26Make%3D[FORMOSA])%26(((SiloType%3D[Dealer used boats]|SiloType%3D[Dealer new boats])|SiloType%3D[Private used boats])|SiloType%3D[Demo and near new boats]))&pso=0&pss=Premium
  8. I am also keen to try these prawn pro squidgy's as well in both paddle tail & wriggler, recon you would catch a variety of species on them.
  9. I have heard a lot of people bag the Aus salmon for its eating quality but I want to try it as if treated right I recon it would be fine, well at least on the day its caught + bled & iced when caught. I would also like to brine it & smoking it as well, cold or hot.
  10. I fish midweek 99.9% of the time & it is sooooo much better than trying to deal with Sydney ramp rage & the jet ski's & water skiers. Its a great feeling sitting back, listening to the radio, catching a few fish & knowing everyone else if fighting traffic & in a hurry to get to work ? Doing it solo is the only downside but I can deal with that!
  11. just pick yourself up a live bait trap, they are cheap as chips & all you need is some sliced bread. Just make sure the trap follows the nsw dpi guidelines. You will probably get poddy mullet most of the time, probably even better that whitebait! We usually put the trap out while pumping for nippers in the shallows.
  12. The georges is a long river, whats your closest access point?
  13. Its mostly about tyre pressures on sand but if your going to do it alot then a good 50/50 tread will be invaluable but yeh they are much noisier on the road. I actuallyrun 2 sets of wheels, 1 set of steel rims with with roads & the alloys have mickey thompson Atz p3's.. They are amazing in the sand & mud buy drive me nuts on the tar.
  14. Hi Andras, its not really my area but I have seen a fair few previous threads on here about fishing Narrabeen lakes & off the beaches up there. Can I suggest you use the search toolbar on the top of the page here & have a look for threads that might be able to give you a bit more info. But you are right, generally he fishing this time of year doe tend to shut down a bit. Good luck
  15. Id be sticking to the manifacturers recommended oil brand. If its hard to get then just buy a larger quality. I use quicksilver in my mercury because thats what they recommend & at 200ml to 10ltrs well 5ltrs lasts me a fair while.
  16. Im not far from the cooks entrance but only given it a go there once, Ive read quite a few people have good success there. I'll have to give it another go again soon myself. Cheers mate
  17. Well done, I bet it felt great just to get out & wet a line What general area are you fishing for the Jews?
  18. All good mate, we are here to help & also be helped ourselves at times. I also think if your not well practiced at making rigs then I found early on that these sort of pre rigged lines you can buy are good. I still keep some in the box for when I have had a bust up & just want a quick rig in so I can get the line back in the water. There are all sorts & brands for all types of fishing but this is the general type I would use for off the beach!
  19. Cant agree more, I always grab a bag of ice to make a slurry in an esky even when fishing out of my 13ft tinny in Botany for my usual catch of flathead, bream etc. Makes the eating so much better & you can see the difference in the colour of the flesh when you dont! You only have to watch Hot Tuna to see how much ice those guys use.
  20. That's 2 awesome fish, plenty of sashimi to go around Your always nearly guaranteed to get a bite when your half way through your roll ? Congrats
  21. If your going to fish or even take bait somewhere new then I always check the RMS boating maps for that area- http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/documents/maritime/usingwaterways/maps/boating-maps/9a-pittwater.pdf http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/maritime/using-waterways/maps/boating-maps.html
  22. That looks more like a HD deep sea kind of swivel & looks pretty expensive. Wouldn't a standard snap swivel do the job?? I also would have though a look knot would be used to give the jig a better or more natural action?
  23. 84 ? Id be happy with 1 ? Well done & yeh its all about the fun. Once a mate & I caught 150 squire in port hacking in a few hours, was fun for a while then got boring ? Rat kings would be another level though!
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