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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Beach fishing is a hard gig imo, Im not very good at it although I do enjoy it but you do really have to be able to read the conditions as things like current can make it almost impossible to fish at times. Its all about location, location, location. I prefer to fish the incoming tide & look for the gutters forming, this is where the smaller fish will be & usually the bigger fish will be chasing them. If your going to use a paternoster rig then I recommend some star or spiked sinkers as this will slow the drag down a bit. Do as much internet research as possible on the area, even using google earth etc to find likely areas to try. Good luck
  2. I hope it eats well for you. I have had ling before that's been as tough as an old boot, could be a size thing?
  3. 4' gulps in nuclear chicken are also killer on the flatties
  4. What is the actual budget? I have the reel you are talking about but it is an older model when they were made in the USA & is a much better quality than the current China made version. Its an easy thing to buy a combo but I think your better off spending more on a quality reel that will last a lifetime & pair it with a half decent cheap rod like . Have a look at whats available on Dinga- https://www.dinga.com.au/fishing-tackle/fishing-reels/overhead-fishing-reels.html https://www.dinga.com.au/fishing-tackle/fishing-rods/overhead-rods.html
  5. Nice work SW, I would disagree & call that for a very productive day ? Taking anything home is productive but at minimum just getting out there is the real reward ☺️
  6. I don't thing every jig will be able to be used effectively from shore. Rather than struggling trying to get what you have to work you could invest in some jigs as like in the youtube!
  7. Have a look at this older thread. I think essentially micro jigging is based on fishing from a boat with a vertical drop but with a change to technique in the retrieve there is no reason it wont work land based BUT it depends on things like the water depth & the current as in some circumstances it could be better just to use a SP I recon! Here in an extract from something I read online, I don't want to add the link as there is advertising on the page- Flat shapes: These jigs fall horizontally through the water column and take longer to fall, vibrating during the descent. Such lures are better suited to shallow and calm-water situations. Compact asymmetrical shape: These jigs are a mixture of flat-fall and diamond, usually being rounded one side with a few angles on the other. This means they can be twitched, but can also hover on the horizontal, then fall horizontally if your rod is whipped up to ‘pitch’ them onto their sides so they flutter back down to the bottom. A good universal shape, they can be used in most situations. The best way to check out a lure’s action is by working it close to the boat, just under the water, so you can see how it reacts in response to rod and reel movements. On technique which is based from a boat can be adapted to shore- "When micro jigging, it is important to mix up your retrieve a little to see what is working on the day. Some days a simple yo-yo retrieve does the trick. This involves dropping the jig to the bottom, lifting the rod tip high and slowly dropping it back to the waterline while staying in contact with the jig to feel the bites. Every third or fourth lift, make a wind to slowly move the jig up through the water column until you get a bite. This works well when the fish are holding quite close to the bottom. Another technique is to shake the rod tip as you slowly retrieve and another is a high-speed jig, which involves a short sharp jigging action with the rod in combination with a quick retrieve". Personally I think the technique will differ to the jig/shape used, e.g flatter jigs will come up through the water column to the surface faster due to the surface area, you will just have to play around & see what works for that particular jig. Hope something in here helps but just do a heap of googling & see what you find as well. Good luck
  8. No problem mrssf, I have never left links before so was unaware of your policy I know it can be a grey area when you are trying to keep sponsors happy so wont happen again from me. BTW I have no affiliation to any brand or store, I just shop where I am getting a good deal & usually only buy thing on sale! Good to know Dinga will price match though
  9. So no product links of any kind on the forum unless its from one of your forum sponsors?? Just to clarify, e.g. is showing a reel or rod on the Shimano or Diawa website ok as long as its not shop specific or not?? YES THE SAME AS THE OTHER MEMBERS HAVE DONE - QUOTE THE TACKLE AND LET THE POSTER GO FIND THE BEST PRICE mrsswordie
  10. Surge/overload protection. I wouldn't imagine a sounder would draw to much current. Once you decide on the motor & sounder find out how much current they draw combined then you can work out how many hours run time you can get out of a particular amp hour battery. No point setting up 2 batteries if you don't have to although there are also some good portable sounders that include batteries in the housing as well as an option. Garmin & hummingbird have various models.
  11. Lots of great feedback so far so I'll at my 2c from 2 perspectives, someone who loves to eat his own catch & also from someone who is a professional chef. Firstly I agree in essence that Fish/seafood is best appreciated with as little as possible done to it & yet as humans we also like to get away from the norm & start playing with flavours & also textures that can be changed by also introducing processes & techniques. More often than not when I'm eating at home for example its usually fairly plain pan fried fish with just a bit of butter near the end, some lemon zest & a squeeze of juice, chopped parsley, sea salt & cracked pepper & that's it, usually a real mayonnaise based sauce on the side, occasionally some baby capers as well. There is also nothing better than a fresh cooked & peeled chilled prawn or a fresh shucked oyster with just a squeeze of lemon & some cocktail sauce on the side. Its really each to their own but I find when people are paying for what's being put in front of them then they tend to expect more to be done to it & I do like things like dried lemon myrtle but be aware they need to be used sparingly as they can be quite potent & over powering, there is a slow cooked dish I do with a whole fillet of salmon or ocean trout for buffets which is rubbed on the flesh side with olive oil then dusted with lemon myrtle, sea salt, fresh dill & parley, slow cooked in a low oven with a core temperature of 48-50c(so the protein is not cooked or set!) then chilled. Its amazing because you get the initial flavour from the herb crust then the flavour from the underlying flesh & nice natural oils of the fish take over. I also love dishes like pan fried scallops with black pudding, apple & radish salad & a nice vinaigrette or lobster mousseline with celeriac puree, I totally enjoy super fresh raw fish with some nice dressings on the side or things like my own salt/sugar & vodka cured fish, sliced thinly after curing the whole fillets with some nice baby salad leaves, pan fried trevalla with macadamia & lemon thyme crust & pea puree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The list is endless, that's the thing about food in general, the possibilities are endless & its about using your imagination...……………………………………………...if you choose to or not! OOpps I digress ?, mainly the softer fresh herbs tend marry better with seafood but in the end its whatever works for you, just treat it with the respect it deserves ☺️
  12. Don't take anything except bread, a poddy mullet trap & a nipper pump. A lot of people who fish estuary tend to base their fishing around tides. They will pump for nippers at the low on sand flats while having the trap in close by then fish the incoming tide. Fresh is best ? Its worked for years, you just need to scope the area to find the prime spots for both.
  13. That's not a puffa fish...…..............................…………...this is a puffa fish ? Caught this one in Yowie bay about 3 years ago, weighed in just over 3kg on my manual scales. Its a good thing you didn't net yours, it was a bugger to get out when its the size of a basket ball ? Thanks for post & bringing back a similar funny memory
  14. Great images & looks like an amazing camera for a non SLR. Very nice colour saturation & clarity on those pics mate. Is all that 600mm zoom optical or partially digital & did you take any images from the above at 600mm zoom?? Its been a while but digital zooms in the past just don't cut the mustard for quality. Definitely got me interested in this camera.
  15. Sorry I cant help you for Sydney, dad used to get his week from Stockton beach somewhere on the way up to the bay. That Luderick fishing is definitely an art. Good luck on your quest.
  16. Hi Wazza, can I suggest you do a forum search & look at some old threads. This one is from 2013 but there are plenty more in there! This is where I got my info from. I also scoured the internet & read old fishing reports& articles to get ideas but of course they are nomadic & sometimes they are just not around, its a right place right time thing. http://www.fishingmonthly.net.au/Articles/Display/9535-More-prime-spots In saying that I still have not caught one in 7 years of fishing the bay so there is a lot more to it than having an idea where they might be. Techniques & rigs, the right bait (whether they feel like live or not at the time), using a down rigger to troll with etc are things you need to pre think about & have a plan. Like in the thread above I had a plan & spent 5 hours out there on my last trip & came up with donuts, like I was saying its about being there when they are on & having a lot of luck on your side. Good luck
  17. https://www.boatsales.com.au/boats/details/2005-QUINTREX-480-FREEDOM-SPORT/SSE-AD-5440242/?cr=3&psq=((Service%3D[Boatsales]%26(Make%3D[QUINTREX]%26Model%3D[480 FREEDOM SPORT]))%26((SiloType%3D[Dealer used boats]|SiloType%3D[Private used boats])|SiloType%3D[Demo and near new boats]))&pso=0&pss=Premium
  18. Good on ya Noldty, persistence pays off in the end. Great write up
  19. Well done mate, I guess I work opposite to you as I would rather have a heavier leader that the main line. but each to their own. I caught my 80cm(3.5kg) model PB on 8lb braid & 12lb leader. To me it more about letting the fish thinks its not even hooked rather than trying to "pull it in" that's the key in most successful fishing. But whatever you are doing, keep doing it as it seem to be working for you
  20. I tend to agree on that, while you all sound like nice folk I would rather meet in a public place & if we can have a cast & discuss techniques & tackle it would be even better imo
  21. Caught a feed mate so have to be happy
  22. Agree with scratchie there FHG, think about your questions more & give as much detail as possible, there are plenty of guys on here willing to part with their experience & knowledge but you have to make some effort by giving us the right information so we can then give you the right information back
  23. Good on you for wanting to show the bloke around but you might have enjoyed a beer watching the water from Yarra bay sailing club more ? ? If the forecast starts of by saying 15-20knt winds increasing during the day then I just stay home & do something else as I know I will not enjoy it in my 13ft tinny. My last trip out was fantastic from 7am to 10am then it blew in, I went home fish less but had a great time going flat out in between spots. Anyway unfortunate for you both but you cant change the weather.
  24. Do you use a float with a stopper when fishing for drummer as you do with luderick?? Whats a good drummer set up please?
  25. Yeh they are a very good option as there is so much foam protection in them. There is 3 pieces of foam, 1 egg shell in the top, the part you cut into the shape of the reel & the under layer. Like I was saying they are just such good value imo.
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