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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Great work on both fish I know you love your snapper but Im sure catching those long tails would be just as much if not more fun. Sashimi at Scratchies place
  2. Brasso to polish bakelite, that's a new one, seems to work well though 😉
  3. What a legend @wazatherfisherman Looks in amazing condition to
  4. Im not a yaker but on the battery you would need to know the total draw of what your using to work out the battery size https://www.batterystuff.com/kb/tools/calculator-sizing-a-battery-to-a-load.html https://www.powerstream.com/battery-run-time-calculator.htm You also have to realise that you will only have half the batteries capacity E.g a 100AH battery can only be drawn down to 50AH before it needs to be recharged. If you constantly drop the charge below that you will only get half the life out of the battery!
  5. That looks fantastic mate, I'm sure your dads looking down with a big smile on his face 🙂 Can you please give us a bit of an idea on how you ended up with such a great finish on the metal & the Bakelite? I's like to try & do the same to dads as well, haven't touched it yet. I also could be getting 4 or 5 Alvey's of a mate this week that he was given & doesn't want them. Stay posted.
  6. @DerekD these are the families that if you were to ask their children where food comes from they would most likely reply "the supermarket" Most kids these days are mollycoddled & aren't being taught about how food gets on their plate as it might "frighten" them let alone showing them how you can humanly raise a animal & kill it with respect for the table. Which is not there fault of course, the parents are the ones that need a swift kick My old Italian neighbours where I grew up had there own chooks & every Sunday morning for lunch their father would get the hatchet out, grab a chook, put it on a log & lop its head off while we watched. 3 hours later it was surrounded by roast potatoes, pumpkin, beans(all which they also grew) & gravy. As we all know, life now has just become to politically correct!!
  7. Nice work on the pannies GF, great size. If your sounder has the ability I would be sending your waypoints to the memory card or even asking the GPS to store them on the memory card. They could still be there, have you had a look at what it on the card?
  8. And I would like to see the Gopro footage of that 😂 Well done.
  9. Nice effort FHL. I thought you got pearly's in pretty deep water, like 80mtrs+?
  10. Hey Dave, I have been looking for a forklift job but they also want high reach experience which I don't have. But still get 40 hours a week(sorry used to pre CV19) & get paid penalty rates for weekends as well which is ok for the moment. Its one of those things in life, the more money you want to earn the more responsibility & pressure is involved. I know one thing, I should have been a builder, not a chef!
  11. Hey Zoran, well I am just a casual there although I was offered a fulltime position & knocked it back due to exactly what your talking about.....stress. I guess I was fortunate to work there for some time to see what the fulltimers go through & didn't really want to go back to working 60+ hours a week & getting paid for 40 & also having to deal with the stresses of such a large operation. So while I do have some sort of responsibility being a team leader at the end of the day I can go home & not have to think about work which usually happens. The entire operation is massive, comprising of the Convention centre(5 floors of event spaces), exhibition centre(7 halls) & darling harbour theatre which hold 9000 people alone. If anyone has been to the Sydney boat show there they will understand the scale of the building/operation.
  12. That drawing could be cryptic, seeing as its drawn around his...………………... whiskers 🤣
  13. Hope it's negative Baz. More than likely is just that, a tickle. You know with all this going on I don't first hand know anyone who has even had CV19. Not only that no one I know actually knows anyone that has tested positive! Sort of makes you wonder about the whole effect it's had on millions of workers & the economy! Sorry to go of track.
  14. So you don't use a sounder?
  15. Well done Toby, that's a cracker. Would have been a great feed for all the family & then some
  16. Imo buy 2 rods! 2-4kg for flathead 4- whatever for jew.
  17. To be honest every time I have worked with them I have been just given the wings from the fish monger, so never prepped a whole ray. Skin, don't know, maybe the banjo's would make good banjo's 🙄🤪😏🤨…………………………...😂
  18. Skate wings are quite tasty & can be used in a variety of ways depending on the size & what they are from. Think about it this way similarly to meat, I'm not going to treat 9 month old veal fillet the same as 6 year old steer fillet to score 9 Wagyu beef fillets. I have cooked small skate like this recipe but I have also minced the flesh of larger versions & made it into a ravioli filling. https://www.gourmettraveller.com.au/recipes/browse-all/skate-wings-in-lemon-and-caper-browned-butter-10077 Of course is also makes great fish cakes as well. You just have to keep an open mind about it's uses like many foods.
  19. Why did I feel I was waiting for the "prays the lord" spiel 🙄 He's selling something there Maybe its a free set of steak knives?? Sorry Fab1 but better things to watch on youtube! Sounds like he's talking to people who are from central USA that have never seen water or a boat before. Of course this is just my opinion, just saying!!
  20. Welcome aboard https://www.fishraider.com.au/forum/97-the-kayak-krew/
  21. Nice to have Navionics maps GF
  22. Personally if you can I would avoid putting in on the weekend due to the amount of boat traffic! I also wouldn't be going from Tom ugly's to molly point with a 5HP motor. it will take you a week to get there & if the weather turns you could have a tough time getting back. Imo just stay inside the river, you can catch good fish in between the 2 bridges & stay away from large cruisers in the bays west of Pelican point. Have a look at some of some @jenno64 threads there he is fishing with his yak Good luck
  23. Hi Ant, while I know some of the info on here in reports is old I think it still gives you an idea on locations & for what you could be in for at this time of year. Id be doing a full forum search & doing a bit of research on here plus google. Also look up the GPS thread from Scratchie http://www.ozpolitic.com/fish/map-gps-marks-fishing/Sydney-II-S-New-South-Wales-map-gps-marks-fishing.html
  24. With cars it's revs & revs seems to also have a boating version as well. https://www.revscheckaustralia.com.au/boats.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwkun1BRAIEiwA2mJRWZHKxPn3sEcT6PILr2jmYylXC_3GiWbMwAuVdUs3O1_L3qYFqXE3NhoClvYQAvD_BwE
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