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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Obviously looks like horror/thriller genre. Maybe one from the the 'Scary Movie' franchise? The lake in the background looks familiar 🙄 Maybe Friday 13th ??
  2. Whats this new fancy electronic equipment we are talking about? Im still using one of these 🤣🤣
  3. @lucapalooka76 If you haven't already done so download this to your phone, shows species(not all) size & bag limits. https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0012/600222/Saltwater-recreational-fishing-guide-2020-21.pdf Having a paper version is also good for quick reference. Also if you don't have one grab yourself a measuring mat.
  4. Me to. Its something I think we all have in common...………………………...
  5. Great result Luke, nice little Taylor there. Don't mean to burst the bubble but have a look at some of the other members efforts on the Taylor recently. Its what we all aspire to do but until the time of fruition we have to just enjoy each outing, our surroundings & the hope we will get back to life as we knew it!
  6. Looks like it was a cracking day & a few fish as a bonus 👍 If the weathers good Im out there Monday.
  7. Imo slimy's move around & school more than yakka's, haven't seen any for a while. Last time I saw a big school was almost in the middle of the bay smashing white bait I find once the sun comes up the yakka's go off the chew at that location.
  8. @anthman, I know there is lots of GPS marks available on here & elsewhere on the net but I like to have a look at them while on a map, have a look at some of these- http://www.ozpolitic.com/fish/map-gps-marks-fishing/Sydney-II-S-New-South-Wales-map-gps-marks-fishing.html
  9. I have been told in days gone by people used to go to the Peak in their tinnies Anyway I think given the right conditions it would be fine, looking at your boat I know I would be going out there. Its a hit & miss spot, I've only been out there once & it was summer & it was perfect conditions & got nothing. I have read a lot of articles saying winter is the better time out there for the larger nomadic kings. In saying that tried to get out there on another occasion in a Formosa 550 Tomahawk centre console with a Yammy 150ph on it, forecast was winds below 10knts, got about 3 or 4 Nm off the coast from BB & the wind became more like 25knts from the SE & the swell became around 1.5/2m but very chopped & lumpy, we turned back!! I would be prepared to fish a number if ways, jigs, live bait, dead bait, even a double paternoster with a SP on one of the hooks!. As long as fish are on the sounder then one of those should work, you just have to know when to swap to find whats working. Just keep an eye on the weather & leave well before it gets close, wind to probably the hardest thing to predict. Good luck, if you need a partner let me know, we just have to stay at either end of the boat 🙄 Also there are some old threads on here that could help, here's one-
  10. Hi @lucapalooka76, this is probably better in this section- https://www.fishraider.com.au/forum/72-adopt-a-learner/ Also if you haven't already done so have a look the sections of the forum that might help you with info in things like locations, rigs, baits etc. There is a lot of info in here! Also have a look for threads by that might be more specific to your location(fishing reports), not only will it give you an idea on where/what/why/how but also will show you who is around the area, you can then shoot them a PM & they might answer you & you can start a direct conversation which could lead to a meet & great or a fishing session. You can search by specific word or location via the search tab just like google. Good luck
  11. I wish I were allowed jump in my car & head down there for a session because catching fish like that off the beach would be epic & worth the 4 hour drive 😁 Well done.
  12. True but if they are home schooling like they are supposed to they wont be on the water, unless they are playing hooky from mum or dad 🙄
  13. Very nice bagging out 👍 School hols finish this weekend so in theory it should be quieter so Im looking at heading out one day next week. Need to try my new sounder plus exercise my mind.
  14. So both killed in the same way & in the same amount of time? No difference in external colour? Different sex?? If it is female is still might be in spawning mode as spawning starts in spring but is known to go until Autumn? Never seen a flathead's flesh that colour but most of the time imo that could come down to what they have been eating over a long peroid, it could have recently moved in from another area? Might need to ask a marine biologist.
  15. Nice catch Sam, I love to eat snapper that size. Cooked whole to get the most out of them 👍 So is that top picture being towed back from Browns? I presume if that's the case the 10minute fix was on dry land then?? Man that is a long way to be towed, 40km!!
  16. Welcome to the forum. Sounds like you have a dream job! I once drove an ex race V8 supercar around Eastern creek for 5 laps & loved it, I can certainly see how it becomes an addiction but obviously take a hell of a lot of money. Imo, you cannot restrict yourself to one system or area, you need to sprout your wings a bit as Sydney is a big place, even though it may mean a little more travelling. Don't get me wrong, the bay can be productive & I do 90% of my fishing in BB but by boat so that opens up a hole new world. One suggestion is to look at getting yourself a small tinny. Another suggestion is to try to think species specific, finding location & setting rigs etc to target a specific fish will usually work better than trying to just catch anything. To do this you need to research habitat, rigs & or baits. Not sure what you mean about not finding much info? There is a heap of info on fishing BB & the rest of Sydney out there on the net & in this site, so I would suggest you do a bit more digging through google & also use the forum search on here. https://www.fishraider.com.au/topic/53177-botany-bay-land-hotspots/ https://www.fishraider.com.au/topic/90894-ramsgate-beach-5-april-2020/?tab=comments#comment-672878 https://www.fishraider.com.au/topic/82686-landbased-fishing-spot/ https://www.fishraider.com.au/topic/90947-questions-on-catching-kingfish-land-based/?tab=comments#comment-673501 http://www.fishingmonthly.com.au/Articles/Display/19071-Sussing-out-shore-based-spots http://www.fishingmonthly.com.au/Articles/Display/21976-Land-based-fishing-is-looking-good https://www.australianfishing.com.au/forum/topic/50425-favourite-land-based-fishing-spots-in-sydney-harbour-and-the-parramatta-river/ https://manofmany.com/outdoors/12-best-fishing-spots-in-sydney https://www.kaydofishingworld.com/land-based-fishing-spots-in-sydney-harbour-and-the-parramatta-river/ I don't mean to sound arrogant or rude but these took me 5 minutes to find!! Fishing is a very enjoyable pass time BUT it takes years to learn, to learn about the fish, the gear, the best conditions etc but it just takes some research, dedication & persistence. Good luck. KC
  17. 7. Sex & the city? (never seen it, someone told me that's what its from!!! I swear 🤣)
  18. Thanks Waza, I was just checking & I was just being polite because whoever did that top refurb should be a purveyor of meat if you get my drift 😉😂 Yes its a really nice looking piece now, I have done a bit of wood refinishing myself for diy projects & it a rewarding thing sitting back after its all done & looking at the before & after shots!
  19. They almost look like 2 different reels. The top one looks heavily lacquered or is that the before shot?
  20. Last visited the site on the 15th February, 2 days after posting. Looks like you only had 2 days to make yourself available
  21. 🤣 Sounds like the young bloke was nearly on the board before the old man 🤨😂
  22. That's the biggest browns I have ever seen, HUGE Be nice to see them like that here.
  23. Is it getting harder or have I just not watched enough movies in the last 4 weeks while self isolating Would be nice if the picture were a bit bigger as well, is that possible Donna? 1.The king & I 2. 3. 4.Seabiscuit 5.Risky business 6. 7. 8.Ransom
  24. Welcome aboard Luke, there are a few Raiders local to you so hopefully they will chime in & say g'day. Where did you move from & what did you used to fish for while you were there?
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