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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Maybe you should be asking the previous owner!
  2. Plenty of info on this already on the site. Life is like a box of chocolates...………………...
  3. Nice just getting out with the little one, catching a fish is a bonus 😁
  4. Good luck Neil & little Susan
  5. Flathead were a rubbish species as well. How times have changed!! Last time I was at the Sydney fish markets only a couple of weeks ago flathead fillets, skinned, trimmed & deboned were $36 per kg! Has to make you think about what you are throwing back if you aren't over fishing your legal quota!!
  6. They also cure & smoke great as well. If I had the access to 5 of those fish I would have enough fish meals for myself for 6 months in various ways of cooking & preserving. While it may not be Hiramasa this is the kind of price Kingfish pulls- https://www.manettas.com.au/product/hiramasa-kingfish-side-sydney/ And a message to the OP. I'll send you my phone number via PM if you feel like giving some free 1 meter kingfish away. I will meet gladly meet you at the boat ramp on your return
  7. Any aquaculture is a good thing but yes just feeding them could affect the food chain depending on the farmed species. These guys look like they are onto what your talking about noel- https://www.skretting.com/en/settings/news/general-news/20-years-in-the-making-skretting-launches-breakthrough-tuna-diet/ Salmon is probably another major farmed fish & its not all bad there either- http://www.tassal.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/fact-sheet-1.pdf Im sure at time goes on these & other companies will want to be 'seen' as being more eco/marine footprint friendly. Soon they will feed farmed fish with a vegan diet so then human vegans will be able to eat it as well ........🤣……..😂…….......
  8. Definitely not! Never heard of someone voluntarily asking for their fishing rights to be reduced 😳 Maybe we need more fishing sanctuarys & marine parks while were at it 🤪 In all seriousness if the DPI sees fit to reduce the size & bag limit of any species like say what they did with mullaway then so be it I'll happily abide by the rules. I'm sure if YTK number drop they re asses the situation as they have done in the past. Dam I can't even catch one of those bloody things let alone 5 😭
  9. I went on a charter once with 10 mates & before we got on the boat the captain say eat any bananas you have before getting on OR dispose of them 🙄
  10. https://daiwafishing.com.au/pages/schematics/#erid18176
  11. Taking bananas fishing myth debunked! Nice fishing
  12. Live bait ballooning would definitely be worth a shot, of course depends on the spot, wind direction, swell etc. Do a forum search for in that might already exist!!!!!! Examples- Plenty of info on the www. http://wp.fishingmonthly.com.au/2018/08/13/gonna-land-me-a-longtail/ https://www.google.com.au/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNQ4Mzt-KwTlMVtHD-T5gsg_9Vc9jg%3A1574888520018&ei=SOTeXepjjJjj4Q-Ayo-ADA&q=lbg+fishing&oq=LBG+&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i67j0l9.822100.823963..826090...0.1..0.213.721.0j3j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j35i39j0i273j0i131j0i10.8FZGYTn50sk
  13. Have a look in fishing reports. There have been some guys posting of their trip do different places up north. Not sure if some of these are a 1 day thing, places like Swains reef are so far to get to, also seen some guys posting about Weipa might be a good spot? Also just so you know its against forum rules to post any links to fishing charters so Id be asking for people to send PM's!
  14. Yep, lots of that sort of stuff in there Derek & so much more. Some chat, good advice, locations & some dead ends. But that's all part of the search or quest for information.
  15. Do some research by doing some forum searches. This forums existing content is like a resource library!
  16. You would be better to contact the local council & ask them! https://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/heritageapp/ViewHeritageItemDetails.aspx?ID=2700738
  17. I like those, might have to practice those 2 & give them a try.
  18. Sounds like my last mobile phone video effort 😂
  19. I would suggest doing a forum search. Similar questions have been asked fairly recently!
  20. Pretty much an example of how Australian's including politicians have not prepared for future hard times. At minimum imo every house, town house, apartment block built since 1950 odd should have had some sort of water saving device built into either the building or underground. General consensus- why do we need to do that, we are connected to town water!! Forward thinking = 0!!!!
  21. Spend whatever makes you happy but simply if you want to pair a rod with a 2500 reel then all you need is something like as 2-4kg line class rod. As simple as that, all the rest is marketing!
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