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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Are you land based or on boat or kayak? Lots of things influence what weight jigheads to use. Wind, tide, drift rate, water depth, main line/leader weight. I always try to fish as light as possible but do tend to use a slightly heavier head if drifting in my tinnie with a moderate run but I also try to cast forward for the drift as well, especially with a lighter weight & in deeper water.
  2. kingie chaser

    NAV Lights

    Very true AMT, like the people who ask one question, get their question answered & never contribute anything themselves to the rest of the community again. Sort of makes you feel like you have been used & abused & left by the roads side But hey, that's how some people see forums...…………………………….....unfortunately😏
  3. That is so cool, what an amazing upbringing those little tackers are getting! Real life experience not looking at 4 walls or getting bullied! Although Im sure reality will catch up to them one day. Oh yeh & the tackle, well its just more unneeded weight to me. Id take about 6 rods/reels & probably 2 tackle boxes...………& my soft plastic's bag...………...……& my accessories bag...…………..& my...…………………...dam, now I nearly back to where he is 🤣
  4. Actually I just looked at a picture of the boat again & its was actually a 550 tomahawk CC I went on, Really nice boat but think I would like the half cabin version myself. I'd like a lot more toys to, if only I had the dough 😁
  5. Never had Daiwa or Shimano reel that needed a warranty repair. I must be lucky
  6. I've only been on a CC Formosa 520 once, it was offshore & the swell & the wind direction meant I put on my full wets very quickly & I still got drenched, wasn't a very comfortable trip to say the least. I can see it would be amazing in certain situations & in good conditions. Very nice boat but after that experience the cuddy's(is this the new tern for 1/2 cabin?) look very good to me & what I would steer towards myself for my next move in the boat world. As you say scratchie its all personal preference but you have to get the opportunity to experience time on these vessels to get to know what's right for you 😁
  7. Ah, now I get it. Couldn't picture it they way you wrote it but now it makes sense, the whole bubble stream'n'all. Doesn't matter whether its cheap or exy, if it works it works, just happens to be very cheap 😁
  8. Sounds interesting. Do you have a picture of that one?
  9. Nice write up but as they say...………………….that's fishing! I guess fails teach us a lesson, sounds like you need to buy yourself a decent kayak net for future king encounters 😉
  10. Welcome to the forum & nice work on the flatty, they are fun to catch on SP's. Apart from flatties there are also nice size jew caught at different locations in the cooks! There are plenty of Sydney waterway where the nsw dpi recommends you not consume fish/seafood from. It always pays to have a look on their website before fishing an area for that reason of if there are ant sanctuary zones etc. https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/831518/botany-bay-cooks-river-closed-waters.pdf https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/closures/location-closures/botany-bay-and-georges-river You could move around into the bay or along the Georges if you want to take a fish home. Good luck
  11. Not knowing the area your talking about or the water depth makes it a bit hard for suggestions but my first thought are to fish on the change of tide & I tend to favour the run in tide myself. Most species turn off on the slack part of the tide then as the water starts to run in or out they get excited as they know its feeding time, waiting for something nice to float past them. That's my theory anyway.
  12. Now that I am home and had a chance to watch that video properly I have to agree with you Baz, the secret when pan frying salmon is to under cook it & as it rests the residual heat continues towards the centre but still medium rare. I tend to cook by temperature a bit more & although I like seared salmon I much prefer it slow cooked to a core temperature of around 48-50c, itjust melts in your mouth. Also I don't get why if you are searing fish why you would want to draw any moisture out at all, I want to keep it in as much as I can!! To add, if I am going to a heap of salt/sugar fish its to cure it mainly & then to eat raw or if I am going to smoke it or on the case or hot smoking things like trout or even aussies salmon then brine it for 24hrs in a salt/sugar/water mix with some spices etc. Plenty of Asian cultures just hang fish in the open or even dry it on the roof of their house. Some of those scenes worry me a bit though knowing about food safety etc, just like when I se those markets where all the meat is just hanging in the open with bugs etc flying around. Anyway still in the process writing that article, its only taken me about 6 months 🙄😁
  13. I do it as part of my job as a chef & I also do it at home as well for myself using various ingredients & methods compared to the video. Im at work at the moment so cant go into detail but I am getting a write up ready for the cooking section as we speak of which curing, dehydrating, cold & hot smoking is a part of it.
  14. Wow, that blog is epic! Huge amount of work went into that as well as a fair bit of coin. I like it though, but I think if it was possible to go up in HP a little I would have due to the weight factor?
  15. Actually I have a question but not about the floor, about the electric motor. Ant reason why you have a rear/transom electric over one on the bow?? Im thinking of getting one & wondering which end to put it on?
  16. I would suggest spending some time having a look on here for old threads via the search tab! There is a lot of info in here worth looking at You have to start somewhere & that's how I arrived here, doing research on possible locations 😉
  17. Sorry but I would call a curse not bagging anything let alone a beast of a snapper like that let alone a PB! Maybe sometime some of us have over inflated expectations or possibly have somewhat different definitions? But thats fishing
  18. What defines 'best' these days?? Service? Price? Flexibility? I only have a tinny which in insured through NRMA. I've never had to put in a claim so not sure how they would go but as I am a NRMA member & have other policies with them then I get a deal on price because of the bundling factor. Whoever you go with its about reading the product disclosure statement to find out what you are & aren't covered for!
  19. Not sure about those creeks & I was going to suggest The Georges or even Chipping Norton lake. but as you want fresh then the Nepean Have you done a forum search?
  20. Well done Regan, looks like you know what your doing with the light gear
  21. Nice, was that when there were a heap of rat kings in the bay last summer?? Haven't seen anyone catching any recently!
  22. Even though it was a full moon & with the end of school holidays plus some decent weather I had an opportunity to head out at 7.30am for a fish yesterday. I usually solely fish with soft plastics but decided this time to use a squid I had caught on my previous trip with a 2 hook paternoster. Got a bunch of small squired at a few locations but nothing legal, didn't even catch one flatty which is unusual. Water quality was great, no bait/taylor/slimey bust up or birds working anywhere. 4 hours with nothing in the esky was enough, I sure hope the place starts to fire up soon! Think next time out I will hit the hacking for a change of scenery & hopefully better luck.
  23. Nice fish, not sure it call it a curse though 🤨
  24. @eastwood1980 we have already provided you with the right info. From here it is up to you to make the calls & do the work! No one here or over the internet is going to do it for you!!
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