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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. And here’s another thread of information that might help... https://www.fishraider.com.au/topic/75391-fishing-port-stephens/
  2. Firstly, sorry Port Stephens was disappointing for you. 😩 Secondly, how much research did you do? Especially when trying a new area. Fishraider is a wealth of information. I know I always put up a chat post when heading to a new area to see what other experienced members say! Thirdly, the kingfish pens haven’t been there for nearly 9 months. Never seen or heard of anyone catching a king at middle island. (Better there for jew) Nelson Bay breakwall holds some big kings early morning this time of year. Fingal headland would be another option. As they say, “speak to a local” and it might just save you some time! Cheers scratchie!!!
  3. Cheers rick! The shelf it is then!
  4. Thanks for a report PaddyT. There an awesome sight seeing that many dolphins smashing the water! Unlucky on the search but as you know that’s gamefishing! I’ll be having my first look on Monday hopefully! Cheers scratchie!!!
  5. Great stuff Anthony! I look forward to a few more offshore reports! Cheers scratchie!!!
  6. Haha, reward for effort! You got your rod back and managed a nice flatty! Beauty. You can have that beer now! 👍 cheers scratchie!!!
  7. It’s all about our members BN. The more we contribute the more everyone gets out of it. I’ve met some really like minded members this year and had the pleasure to fish with many! Some great times and great memories! Tight lines all and happy new year! Cheers scratchie!!!
  8. Great place to bass fish! Well done. Lost a nice rod there on a snag whilst kayaking 😩 cheers scratchie!!!
  9. Haha, good work on the fish Pete! But as for the ramp, Just when you think you’ve seen it all, turn up tomorrow! There are some very special people up here this time of year! Cheers scratchie!!!
  10. Thanks Sam! Thought I’d report the losses we had. It does make the good days special.
  11. Always worth a troll. Let me know if you get any. Haven’t seen them up here yet! Cheers scratchie!!!
  12. Merry Xmas to you and your family Craig! Let me know when your up! 👍
  13. Here’s, another line......... ”Hey, gunna get you too, another one bites the dust”. Haha 😂 I probably scared the rest of the fish in that first area with my subtle comments! 😭
  14. What went pop??? Bloody big fish was what it was 😢 more than likely the snapper was gut hooked and the abrasion was its teeth! Thanks mate! If we landed just one of those fish it would have fed both families! Lol, yeah thanks rick! At least we hooked a few! Thanks baz! Glad your motors working! Cheers mate! Thanks yowie! Yep, hate the tourist crowds but what can you do! To be honest though, had the spot to ourselves!
  15. G’day raiders, “And another ones gone, and another ones gone and another one bites the dust”. Im sure that’s how the song goes! Well that’s what was singing in my head today! I managed to sneak out with @Woodsy1 today with the promise to be home early! So we didn’t muck around, filled the live tank in 20mins and straight off for our first drift. Conditions looked promising and we got a couple of touches on our first two drifts but nothing solid. Marked a stack of bait but no takers! Time to change tact! Decided to anchor and burley up and throw weighted slimie strips, no joy! Change again! Decided to cube yakka and throw slimie chunks for burley. Well, cast out and smack, I could barely get the rod out the holder, then this thing woke up! The runs were long and the weight immense. I managed to turn its head and get it where I wanted but I could feel the abrasion of the line. Woodsy clears the lines and grabs the net and pop! Devastated 😢 We work the area for two pannies and time to move. Next spot first drift, bang I’m on again but straight away spits the hook, I wind the slack and tea bag it, boom loads up again! A few solid runs and pop, gone again! We work the area and nothing else but bait. So we try the same tact and anchor up. We throw slimie heads, chucks of yakka and squid but nothing until Woodsy loads up! And boy did this thing run! King for sure I call as he plays it out. Massive weight and close to the boat it takes a massive dive for the bottom and pop!!! And another ones gone, another ones gone, another one bites the dust! Well, that was our Xmas eve! A great song and great memory of lost opportunity but a pleasurable day on the water in great conditions and with a great mate! Thanks for the day Woodsy!!! Cheers scratchie!!! The tokens........
  16. It would have put up a great fight! Nice Trev that one! cheers scratchie!!!
  17. I learnt a saying a few years ago BN and it’s always stuck with me! It motivates me to take my kids outdoors and spend quality time with them whenever I can. Quote: “Kids never remember their best day of television” So no matter what type of activity you are sharing with them, they will remember it at some point in their lives! Cheers scratchie!!!
  18. Always nice to get out on the water after a long spell! It’s good for the soul. Hybrid??? Quite possibly. I’m with yowie on that one! Either way, I bet you had a good day! Cheers scratchie!!!
  19. Nice work Rah! It’s a blast, fishing for bass from a yak. Something I’ve always enjoyed doing and should do it more often! Good luck next week! Cheers scratchie!!!
  20. Well done guys! Always nice to tick one off the list. Great report and pics! Cheers scratchie!!!
  21. Great work Zoran! Nothing more satisfying than targeting a feed! Cheers scratchie!!!
  22. I’ll take your boat out for you baz if you need to get it on the water! 😝
  23. Little beach this time of year normally gets a bit of extra grooming due to the tourists! Just watch out for any strong westerlies in the arvo! It normally means storm and strong winds! Makes for difficult retrieving! Cheers scratchie!!!
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