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Everything posted by Blackfish

  1. Looks like some fun was had on those little brawlers with light gear.
  2. Not only a first for you on a metal, but a Watsons Leaping Bonito. Certainly not as common as a common Bonito . Great work.
  3. John 3mts is exceptional for some one her age. Or any age at that. Much respect
  4. Excellent photos LA, would be great being down in that part of the country this time of year. Jealous.
  5. Stout Longtom would be my guess, the get quite big.
  6. Just googled it, you certainly have no shortage of water. Oh and it said it was a nice -10c ...... not for me thanks.
  7. Note to self. If visiting JaniFIN, pack an extra Jumper and Trackys.
  8. Good to hear from you and great photos the mate. Here in Sydney we are sweltering in some parts 40c+ so its quite funny to see the other extreme. Thanks for posting, as for your result, thats why they call it fishing, not catching
  9. Thats a impressive tally for 3 outings there Neil. Bloody fast mussel.
  10. I don't think so, my money is on Talent and its not running at Royal Randwick on Saturday.
  11. Excellent as per normal you two. Marlin photos are outstanding.
  12. Ok, after a bit of asking around we now have a ID. "New Holland River Prawn" Macrobrachium novaehollandiae
  13. Yes, Sweep or Silver Sweep. Just to remove doubt, if someone gets a funny looking Sweep, you do occasionally get Sea Sweep in Sydney but far from common. So Sweep it is Scorpis lineolata
  14. There is a resident population in Sydney.
  15. Pretty sure its a Spangled Emperor. (Juvenile) Lethrinus nebulosus. Grassys don't have the amount of Blue spot or the blue lines coming down from the eyes.
  16. Brew, I've done Brassy Trevally like this up NW and are fantastic.
  17. Great going on the fish, hopefully a bigger one will turn up for you. Love the photos.
  18. Yes your right, I assume you have pointed out to them to look this up on the RMS sight. When they realise their mistake they should give you a big discount and invite you back explaining how wrong they were and how right you were.
  19. Yes Xerotao is correct "Rough Leatherjacket"
  20. Now thats impressive. All the best this year for her.
  21. All Schools Triathlon coming up ???? Bloody long way for you folk.
  22. Thats excellent, congratulations to her.
  23. Good on you Papi, thats what life about.
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