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Everything posted by dirvin21

  1. 6 or 8lb braid would be better and start with 8-10lb leader
  2. The samaki outfit would be ok to get you started, ugly sticks are usually a bit soft for lure fishing
  3. plenty of cheap ones out there that do the job the plastics ones tend to do less damage to the fish
  4. I know there are jigheads with interchangeable weights, mustad I think Your idea would probably work really well just need to make sure the weight sits straight on the jighead
  5. I don't normally keep anything over 60
  6. Nothing wrong with that fish, getting bigger mate When they get over 60cm they start looking like a different species
  7. Nice mate, would have been fun battling a solid shark
  8. Welcome to fishraider, love the golden Dorado, definetly a fish I want to encounter If you ever head up the coast shoot me a message
  9. Gotta love redfin nearly always willing to play
  10. Can't fault it, stay dry in brutal rain, it stuffs back into one of the pockets as a bag
  11. Look for areas where the natural current will go around, like a bend You can seethem where the water seems to swirl or flow in the opposite direction of the main current
  12. Plan A: Barrier reef with Big cat reality - covid Plan B: a week of cod fishing in the New England - flooding Plan C : a few ideas were thrown around and eventually we decided on the snowies, which was made much easier by the recent report from @JonD Day 1: We started the trip with an early start and plan to stay in Canberra overnight with a plan to fish the Murrumbidgee, with some info from @Ganguddy Goodoo plans were changed due to high river levels so instead we fished Googong Dam. We arrived mid afternoon and after 7 hours in the car we were itching for a cast. Three casts in and Amy had the first fish of the trip a little redfin to get the doughnut broken, didn't take me long to join the fish landing not big but redfin aren't a species commonly found in our end of the state. The casts kept going out and the redfin kept coming in, Amy definitely landed her share pest or not they're definitely a pretty fish with a dropping temp and a campground to be reached we started heading off, but couldn't resist a few more casts and I managed to snag a better size reddie We spent the evening casting the Cotters river looking for a cod in the dirty water, we had a couple of hits but no fish. Day 2: It was an early start getting camp packed up and heading up into the Snowies. Amy had been in the area a few years ago, but I'd only been as far as Cooma 29 years ago, so it was all pretty new to me. The plan was to walk the upper Eucumbene river looking for trout. Once we came to the river crossing we wasted no time in getting on the river. certainly is a beautiful looking piece of river, absolutely loaded with fish, but they are well educated. we put in a lot of casts for lots of follows miss hits and a couple of thrown hooks. It's funny the further you go along a river like this one the less the fish seem important, it definitely is a beautiful place to fish a After some serious walking many many lure changes, a put a cast in that's taken and the fish actually sticks as short fight later and the first trout of the trip is landed. a beautiful little brownie, and in top condition. With some confidence renewed we kept pushing on looking for that bigger trout Amy really worked this run hard for a couple of unlucky miss hits, I put a cast up the very top in a bit of white water near the top of the picture, my lure was taken with a big thump and straight away I watched a solid brown run down river with my lure in it's mouth, there was no pulling it back against the current I had no choice but to run along the brush at the waters edge with my arm outstretched praying the line would hold. I wanted this fish so bad, i ran nearly 100m of riverbank (whilst Amy laughed) before the fish finally played nice and stopped at an area I could get hold of it. A quality Eucumbene river brown, he went just shy of 50cm and was thick, a couple of quick pics and he was released and took off nice and healthy. We ended the session on a high and took a short cut over a big hill back to the car We drove on and found our camp at Three mile dam, set-up and off we went for the arvo trying to get Amy a fish. We fished a couple of creeks which were full of fish, Amy's luck was just down. But Amy just kept casting, we ended up on another section of the river not far from camp, and eventually Amy was hit and the fish finally stuck a nice little rainbow, yes we get bigger ones not far from home and much more easily but fishing is about more than just the fish. We even spotted some Brumbies not far away We spent our evening at the beautiful three mile dam, trying to catch a rising brook trout had a few hits but didn't connect doesn't matter with scenery like this Day 3: Again we were up early to a stunning mountain morning there was rain predicted but so far we'd dodged it. We packed up camp and headed off so some more exploring with the aim to finish the day on the lower Eucumbene. We found a trail I'd read about that runs down to Tantangarra creek and the upper Murrumbidgee, the road in was amazing I've always wanted to see these alpine fields and they did not disapoint we headed down to the creek which again was beautiful and of course the fishing was tough with a jump off from a solid rainbow that thought it was a bird and a few miss hits, with a shower of rain we headed back down to four mile trail again on the river. The river again was stunning but also had quite a few people and unfortunately we removed a set line which always makes me cranky. Again some tough fishing I did manage to snare a couple of very acrobatic rainbows and a reasonable brown The river edges can be quite tough to walk the tussocks of grass make it very hard to see the thousands of rabbit and wombat holes, with tough fishing unforgiving terrain and deteriorating weather we headed back to the car and made for Denison camp area which was a little underwhelming with a 3/4 km walk to the river so we ended up staying at Angler's reach on the edge of Lake Eucumbene. it was damn cold, I spent some time casting the edges of the lake, which was surprisingly full of action, I didn't manage to land a fish but had a lot of hook ups on some very feisty airborne trout. Day 4: we had planned to head back to Canberra but after waking up to seriously wet gear from overnight rain and with plenty more predicted we decided to head home a day early. We were actually really lucky with the weather from what was forcast for the week. While the fishing wasn't red hot, a trip is always more than just the fishing we had a great time and will definitely be heading back to the area again cheers for reading Dave
  13. Good way to spend some time mate, some nice fish there, would have been so.e great battles
  14. I do watch him a bit I like Andy because he's always on an adventure and Hitzke has a lot of character
  15. YouTube: Andys fishing and sammy hitzke are the only 2 I watch regularly
  16. I was frothing, I've caught 4 times more jacks on the MNC than jewies, they're my nemesis fish
  17. Hit the Camden river for the reel it in flathead challenge with a mate Tom. The flathead fishing was tough as always whenever I want to catch them. I've never fished the Camden before so I was under Tom's guidance for spots, after a couple of miniscule tailor, I made a wise crack about hooking a school of cow rays and seconds later Tom was on, it was a hell of a fight It actually ate the plastic, an interesting start, we worked out way along the river for a few small flathead we came along to a deep rockwall and changed tactics to small soft vibes, Tom pulled thd hooks on a presumed jewie, with the current raging we continued on Not far along my soft vibe gets thumped it was a good fight in heavy current before a nice bream was in the net a nice mid 30's fish. The fishing got very slow when the tide started to slow we made a plan to stop back on the deep rockwall before shooting home. The tide was much slower and Tom's second cast he was nailed, we rightly called a jewie unfortunately it fell off beside the net. With Tom gutted he sucked it up and kept casting and again he was on this time tye fish found the net a beautiful little jewie, the first I've seen in many years, jealousy wad burning. I kept my resolve despite a couple of miss hits the fish were sitting under the boat and hitying a vertical action, and finally my rod loads up, I had no doubt of the culprit, it was an incredibly nervous fight So relieved when it went in the net, only small but my first jewie in 11 years and 2 days, it actually happened 🤯 We had a few more hits but couldn't keep the hooks in, but every Dave fishing session has to finish with a trev We called it on a high with the weather closing in, hopefully more jewies to come soon Cheers for reading Dave
  18. It is definitely fun, A net is definitely worth it, I unhook all fish in the net help prevent unwanted lure jewellery
  19. The murray cod season opens December 1st (closed sept, oct, nov), all the information on season clousures is readily available on the fisheries website.
  20. The idea of kayak fishing for monster fish is it's extreme, you have no weight or leverage so you're at the mercy of where the fish wants to swim, there's almost no margin for error especially when said beast is up near the yak, if a medium sized murray cod can near ake my kayak plain along imagine what a shark could do. You always need a plan for landing bigger fish, personally I'll shore land them for safety and believe me I learned this the hard way
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