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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. Great post Larkin plenty of action and some nice inkers for dinner!
  2. Wow! that is an insane fish! Congrats on the FOAL! I bet you enjoy telling that story as you have friends over to eat you Jewry cutlets👏🏻👏🏻 did you get a weight on it?
  3. Fantastic report Donna that is a finely detailed guided fishing brochure with food, accommodation and everything else included! Glad you and Stewy had a great trip!
  4. Insane fishJeff! bad luck on the hoodlum🤷🏻‍♂️ and to think all that was over by 8:30am😜
  5. Good on you Josh! Finally a take home, enjoy!
  6. Bob you always bring out the smiles on your guest’s dials!
  7. Nice work Crabstar, haven’t chased flatties in the bay for a while. Did you get them on plastics and what depth?
  8. Super effort Bob! you certainly picked the right conditions and bagged plenty of delicious fillets! great pics too👌
  9. Great post! you sure got amongst the fish and plenty of action all round!!
  10. Sounds like a busy morning Yowie...your usual suspects for dinner:0 Did you have a crack at any whiting on the flats?
  11. Great tour of the Sydney basin! Also good to get some links for the knots, I might try them too!
  12. Good to hear you are back on the rods after a nasty bout! That crab dish looks insanely delicious and well done on getting some vitamin sea into you!
  13. Awesome croc and well done on landing it in that environment on 8lb!
  14. Nice job, I bet that flounder works extra hard for a feed!
  15. Great bag and top conditions!
  16. Love it! my wife cleaned cup last week when we fished together and great conditions make a it fun for all!
  17. You’re a very fit fisho Bob! great box of fillets and a very nice dolly 👌
  18. Cheers Jeff It was very pleasant but my next level would be pulling a nice red out for a fed as you regularly do🙏
  19. Now that's given me an idea to market the Parra River to those fishos who spend $5k to go up to the top end for a week! Leaping Barra from the Parra:)
  20. Great pics Bob and well done on taking the boys out, plenty of action!
  21. Nice work, a few fillets and plenty of action!
  22. No we had toasties as we got back home about 8:30! Fillets all prepared today:) Thanks Donna Mrs Jenno was on fire! It was a good result for a quick trip:) Now I can't imagine you swearing Yowie🤪 Thanks BN all fish and crab prepared for a nice meal soon! Thanks Fab The weekends and public holidays have been insane, now everyone is back at work, I'm isolating for a week as my son tested + today:( Cheers Rebel! Thanks Larkin! Cheers Bob, It was a good outing for all!
  23. Knowing that Australia Day on the water is a nightmare unless you are piloting a 60' cruiser I decided heading out on the 25th would be a wiser option, especially for a fish. Launched about 4pm with my beautiful wife and headed around to Gunnamatta Bay for a swim and a snack in the sun. Around 6 we motored up river to some flats and I pumped some nippers so we could spend an hour or so fishing the run out. I was charged with tying terminals, baiting hooks, removing bi-catch and operating the electric motor while my wife proceeded to outfish me by 5 fish to 1 crab! The biggest whiting went 40, the flatty close to 50 and the fat little crab was very unlucky as he let the hook go just as I got the net under him:) It was a great little session interrupted by a hundred pinkies and an airborne long tom but we managed a good bag and couple of cool beers, back at the ramp by 8pm. Looking forward to a relaxing Australia Day with some prawns and a Weber cooked lamb shoulder for dinner! Happy Strya Day Raiders:)
  24. Great stuff Jeff! You sure made up for a brief absence with two top bags and endless fillets👌
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