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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. Nice bream....good you got in last week...I think the area might be slightly und=fishable for a while!
  2. Kingfish you better change your name! Another magnificent fish and incredibly well conditioned. Just reward for the long hours and perseverance you have been putting in! congrats man!
  3. Belated report but last Sunday arvo I ventured out for a squid bash in the Hacking. Thanks Larkin for a few pointers! I tried a couple of inside spots before heading out a bit into Bate Bay and finding a couple over weeds. I had one sleeper down on a paternoster rig that got no interest and fished with 2 rods, swapping back and forth. First 2 came aboard and I threw them into my wire floating keeper net....big mistake.....the clever bastards opened the bottom hatch and scarpered! I only realised when one was sitting next to the boat and I dropped a jig in front of it but once bitten it slowly disappeared! Back to the drawing board I moved around and found a couple more then finished with a nice hood in the high 20s as well as a nice little bait sized model. They were quite aggressive as my new orange jig was almost torn to shreds by the end of the session. Looking forward to getting out there more as I usually fish Botany Bay for squid in winter. Anyway a good feed is waiting in the freezer and with the current rains it doesn't look good for quite a while:(
  4. jenno64

    Bate Bay

    Plenty of flatty tails there Yowie! your butcher must be wondering where you’ve been🤪
  5. Great feed Larkin! Im keen to have a crack at PH squid, any tips?
  6. That's a cracker Jewie Yowie, more fun than half a dozen whiting, enjoy the cutlets!
  7. Bob you would probably have a plan z! great bag once again👌
  8. Awesome esky full Bob! Zoran and buddy looked like they had a great day!
  9. Welcome to the world of sharing fishy tales A.J. Great post and always good to see the catch on the plate for the family! Btw the podcast you mention is a very good resource!
  10. Good fun on the light gear! Lots of action with the seal and pelicans too!
  11. Great day out for you both and success withe the home made lures makes it even better!
  12. Magnificent fish! sounds like you’ve cracked the code there👌 even better from the yak!!!!
  13. Won’t affect what I do i love releasing the big crocs good decision👌
  14. Nice job Larkin! Very satisfying to find quality fish and put it all on the plate for the family👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  15. Nice haul Yowie! I'll have to get out there again soon as my whiting fillets in the freezer are running low! Last session out I got a mate onto a few nice ones but the westerlies have hit since.....do you think that's the end of the run for a while?
  16. With all the rain cleared for a bit, you catch almost looks biblical Yowie; lots of 2 x 2s!
  17. You have the gift of the gab! Great post and it can only get better:)
  18. Cracker whiting, would have given you ribs a tickle!
  19. Good to see you posting again Yowie! Nice platter as usual:)
  20. Go rebel! I find lud fishing the most relaxing of all species....watching that float:)
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