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77cm King on Bream rod

The Rev

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Hi again fellow Raiders

 On the last day of my holidays and having just returned from Jervis Bay I decided a quick fish on Sydney Harbour was in order. I had a few squid baits left over from the trip down south and thought I might find a good king on one of the markers. Unfortunately the squid got picked to pieces by small fish so Plan B was to hit sow and pigs and try for some bream and trevalley. On my 10lb Bream Rod baited up with an unweighted  cube of bonito caught the other day - all of a sudden it took off like a rocket.  At first I thought monster bream.  It kept taking line.  Rat King?  Half my line on the spool of my 2500  Shimano Symetre was now gone and the characteristic tail thumbs on the kingfish was well in evidence and I knew I was onto a good fish. After a 10-15 minute slog I finally had him to the boat and into the net. 

He  measured 77 cm and ended up weighing 4kg and fed 8 of us tonight for dinner.  It was a PB on my light rod.


the Rev



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11 hours ago, LuckyFil said:

It's amazing what you can catch if the reel has a decent drag system and the fisherman has patience.

Well done Rev!

Totally agree - it was a reassuring sound hearing the drag working perfectly!

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