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Stockton Beach


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Well after reading everyone's reports over the past few weeks, I'm finally adding my own (also first time posting!). Been over to Stockton Beach on occasion over the past couple of months (mainly in the late arvo till dark) with nothing to show for it other than some good snaps of the sunset. There always seemed to be too much swell and never seemed to get even a bite trying a number of different baits.

Sunday 3rd March

High tide (0722am) just seemed to line up perfectly with sunrise and I'd heard the whiting were starting to bite so I set the alarm early. I was at the baitshop at 6am for some live beach worms (I'll learn how to catch my own one day!) and after a little car trouble, made it beachside by 7am. We went on at the Anna Bay end and found a nice hole approx 3kms along. I baited the first rod for my husband (he doesn't go much for fishing bit he tries for my sake). It felt like mere seconds after casting the first line in that there was a fish on the end and a nice little bream was in the Esky. I hadn't even managed to change the hooks on my line to have a cast before the whiting started. They were biting pretty consistently until around 0930am. Threw back a few smaller ones and went home with 6, the biggest around 35cm.

Wednesday 6th March

I sent the hubby to work today and took my mum with me instead hoping to catch another feed of whiting. High tide was predicted at 0916am and we were on the beach around 0830am. Found a nice hole around the 2km point and fished for a couple of hours with not a single bite. We used beach worms and pipis and I even threw in some sp and lures. Moved up the beach a couple more clicks and still no luck. Packed it in around 1200.

Saturday 9th March

So I'm on night shift tonight but snuck in an early morning run to see if these whiting would bite again. Figured we got the bites early last time and maybe they weren't biting with the tide. By 0630am we were on the beach, hunted around for a few pipis and found a nice hole again around the 3km point. After an hour without a bite and a fair bit of weed around, we moved up a couple of clicks. Still nothing and it was getting around 1000am with high tide due at 1132am. My plan was to be home by midday and in bed for a nap before work so naturally the fish started biting. Definately not the sort of bites we were getting last weekend but still bagged 4 good size whiting and another bream before the wind picked up too much and we called it a day!

In conclusion, I have decided that whiting just bite whenever they feel like it! The water out there is beautiful at the moment and so clear you can see the schools of fish at times. Also seen a huge pod of dolphins and a gorgeous sea eagle




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Welcome to fishraider Mrshodgoes! 

That’s a fantastic first report and good to see another local join raider! 

How good is Stockton beach! Plenty to see and do and of course the fishing can be very productive at times! Well done 

cheers scratchie!!! 

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A few nice catches there. Nothing wrong with standing on a beach and catching a few fish.

In the last photo, the 'bream' has a rounded head and non pointy nose. Looks like a tarwhine.

Edited by Yowie
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Nice report. Maybe next time i should try to catch these species while im on Stockton Beach instead of salmons and tailors. 

But i hate the fact everytime rangers check on me they always tell me im not allowed to catch pipies. But i tell them im using them for bait. Stereotyping much?

fish looks like a yf bream to me

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Thanks for the welcome everyone. Looking forward to being able to add more reports! I work at Ambulance radio and do 4 on 5 off so the leaves me plenty of time for fishing (lucky me 😊). My husband doesn't mind fishing but isn't very patient and if the fish aren't biting he is lucky to last half an hour. Luckily though he loves me and puts up with me as I wander around the tackle shops and only occasionally will ask "why do you need another one of those...?" 😂

Going to try catching a few worms on my days off this week, found a few pointers on here so will give it a go (certainly cheaper than buying them!)

As for the the bream/tarwhine in the last photo, you are probably right Yowie. I didn't actually have close look at it as that was one of Mum's catches

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