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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Yeh I agree to keep it unofficial & keep it uncomplicated & simple. You don't really want to get into a whole legal thing if something goes wrong(not that it will) I am on an aussies 4x4 forum & I believe from talk I have read that people who are in legit 4x4 clubs & that pay dues get cover through the club on events/organised trips but then people who aren't club member show up to an organised event & something goes wrong like they roll or damage their vehicle they start trying to blame said club for taking them on 'to hard a track' for their skill level. Unfortunately we have gone down the USA path in this day & age, to many people try to sue for something like slipping on onions in a Bunnings store 🙄 To many minefields in my opinion, KIS...…...
  2. I know its not an official sponsored event but I recon a Tshirt memento of the weekend would be great. Would it still be possible for those interested to do something unofficial at a reasonable price? Not sure if enough people would be interested to make it viable but I cant help think those sorts of things are great timeless keepsakes. You know like when you went to see you fav band at some RSL back in the 80's or 😏 Is there still time to throw something together @the skipper if its not going to be against the forums policies, eg without official logo's??
  3. Well I dont profess to be an expert but I do enjoy trying to 'fool' fish with artificials like SP's, jigs, hard bodys or similar. Fishing open water ising any of these can be tricky & conditions need to suit. Current/wind/drift rate/water depth can make it hard & sometimes your just better of bottom bouncing with a patenoster & bait but I do like to test the waters 1st. With SP I like to carry a variety of sizes & colors plus some glows as my theory is some species are more attracted to certail colours over others. I usually carry a range of jigheads up to 2oz for stronger currents. I prefer to fish SP's while at anchir but still catch plenty of fish on the drif, you just have to change your cast to being forward of the drift to allow it to sink to the botton, if you drift is to quick then I carry a sea anchor/chute to slow the boat down. If your not doing to good then change it up for another colour or even put on a micro jig or even an occy style lure. To me there are no rules or anything set in stone so its about being able to change things in the fly which is easy enough when you probably carry 3 times the amount ofgear than your actually going to use 😂
  4. https://www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au/Home/Report-It
  5. Thanks Jeff, yes I have seen those but as I am giving up 2 or 3 days of work for the trip Im trying to make it a cheaper weekend for myself & also for another raider if possible 👌 If my offer of free accommodation for a berth doesn't pan out then I would still like to bum a ride with someone & pay my share for fuel cost of course! Just though it would be a win win for both of us?
  6. Just a bump on this offer. Still looking for a birth on someone's boat for the Saturday & possibly Sunday if your keen in lieu of free accommodation for Friday & Saturday night at my family's apartment, will save you 2-3 hundred $$ Id say? Have 2 single bunk beds available. Hell I'll even supply lunch on the boat, as long as your not a vegan 🤣 Not that we will have much time but its 5 minutes drive to Little beach oat ramp, 5 minutes walk to NB Marina & town centre plus having a couple of beers on the balcony as night falls is quite nice as well. Linen supplied, cooking facilities available (again not that there will be much time for that either) etc. Just send me a PM if your keen & we can discuss further. Cheers Adrian
  7. I bet you didn't tell the repair guy where the phone got wet...………………………………..🤣
  8. Plenty of water proof cases about that are touch sceen compatible which is better than having to fish it out of a dry bag to access it. I have one with headphone as well so you can still answer calls etc. Just have a look on a shop au or ebay
  9. What crackers . Wherever that spot was can we go there in June scratchie……………...please...………………...please 🤣 Scratchie doesn't look sick at all! Then again catching that will perk you up 👌 Well done fella's
  10. Nice work, think I'll have to follow your yak around next trip because Im catching sfa in there atm 😓
  11. As well as your cars actual towing capacity is I would have thought you would.need to check the legal requirements in your state for towing braked & unbraked tralier & tare weight? My vehicle can tow 3 tonne braked but only 750kg unbraked here in nsw!
  12. Best of luck frank, if ypu have been following recent threads then yeh its not fishing that well atm but you never know. Better than sitting at.home sitting on the couch 😊
  13. Not sure of the circumstances except it was reported a fire in the engine bay, any amount of training/equipment sometimes cannot be enough when you mix fire & fuel, but the point was that the radio call meant someone got to them quickly. https://au.news.yahoo.com/men-jump-lives-luxury-fishing-boat-bursts-flames-082406152.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS5hdS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKLuogY7dMyjVYNNJasbDMWnTKfSR1BbwJeCjUC9Txo4ajZ8mODRmIvwFNRYJAzJ_JCbwXglR9G1VmLFiQNzFIy6ha4HKJbPyAZ6eZazmoJYR4f-ImaltyPcYmsMADBNwGqDyDffH1XSMUWXLexNbeLrOj2jCZu9qCASfFo7iQBb There is a thread in here about it somewhere.
  14. Nice fishing GF, I hope you put a mark on that spot 👌
  15. Ricks on the money, marine rescue & mariners use VHF. Even though you might be less than 2 NM offshore & not actually required to do so Id still like to be able to call he local marine rescue service to let them know I going offshore & when I will be back, plus if there is an emergency I can call a pan pan or mayday for assistance. This might help. https://www.acma.gov.au/theacma/marine-vhf-radio Not long ago a vessel caught fire just outside Sydney heads & they had to eventually jump ship into shark infested waters. If they set off an Epirb they would have been fried or worse before help arrived!
  16. Nice 👌 Just goes to show they can turn up anywhere. You just have to put yourself in the right place at the right time...…………………..🙄
  17. Time spent fishing with dad from the age of 7 or 8, mostly out of his 1969 Quintrex sportsman runabout(which he gave to me & I still use today) at Nelson bay, collecting bait like pippies of Bagnals & pumping for nippers, then jumping in the boat & running over to across the bay to put in the poddy mullet trap & chasing thousands of soldier crabs down the beach, no need buying bait in those days. Also him trying to teach me how to fish for Luderick off the old breakwall at NB. We also went on a camping trip up the Myall in the same boat to the top lake camping along the way up & back, good trip but nearly ended in tragedy when we nearly sank on the return trip crossing the bay at night in a storm. Now that he is 91 & in a nursing home with dementia those are the memories that come back to me, more than any achievement or particular moment of my own.
  18. Well you are the most important ting in the world , aren't you 🤪 🤣 Um spelling error, thing, I meant thing 😊 Fixed, hopefully I will not to get any other ting wrong...………………………………..thing I mean 😏
  19. I had my live yakka's close to the bottom at almost the same spot(approx. 20-24 metres of water) on Friday for not a show. The last time I saw them there they were actually cruising the surface & I manages a small one by jiggling a SP erratically. Not sure if my bottom livey rig is text book but I use a sliding sinker runner with the clip in between 2 swivels with a metre or so of mono, so when the sinke hits bottom the fish can rise 1-2 metres off the bottom. Don't know just trialling it really. I guess you could also run a single hook paternoster with a bit longer loop? Well done anyway, at least you got a hit
  20. Nice 1st report Keith, welcome aboard Can you please possibly further your report for us by adding what method you used eg. traditional long rod with float & what bait, like cabbage etc. I know they will take prawns, not sure about lures?
  21. Cant find the post but not long ago one of the raiders caught a great land based king in the harbour. Its all about having the right bait at the right time with a bit of luck thrown in. No right or wrong or magic pills out there, just doing the hard yards & putting the work in.
  22. Unfortunately we as adults are also not a great example. Ive just spent the last 3 weeks travelling around 3 hours a day on Sydney public transport & no one is interested in having an actual conversation & just spend the journey with there eyes in there laps looking at their phones! We used to have to communicate verbally as humans where as now people are sending txt messages to people, even within there own homes. Yep we have come a long way. Get them out there more & more if you can then the games will become secondary instead of the most important thing in the world.
  23. All I can say is rods are one thing & the guides are another. I have a light Shimano Sahara rod & have had to replace 3 guides where the outer metal rings has just split & the round inner ring had just popped out. Out of the warranty period but still a QA issue where inferior guides were used. A local store wanted to charge me $50 per guide which was more than the rod was worth so I just bought new Fuji guides & did it myself. Just a reminder that while they look the same parts used on rods are not all the same. I would be hesitant in buying a rod without something in similar quality to Fuji guides or just Fuji's themselves! Oils aints oils as the old saying goes!
  24. Thanks for the feedback guys, see an I cant get outside I think its time to hit the Hacking for a change of scenery, it certainly cant be worse then BB atm.
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