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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Head torches/lamps aren't generally really designed to give '300 meters' of beam, there may be something out there but the size of the bezel that would be required wouldn't fit on your head or would be to cumbersome. Also the amount of lumens to get their needs to be pretty high. I have 4 or so headlamps & probably the best for the price is the Duracell 315 lumen, gets out to around 85 mtrs. For less than $30 from Bunnings its a good lamp for the price To get out to 300mtrs you would need something like 500 to 750 lumens, Ive never heard of a headlamp that can produce that. I do have 3 torches, 1 wolfeyes seal 750lm, 1 Olight 750lm & 1 Olight 1000lm, even though the Weyes & 750lm Olight are the same lunens the Olight has a larger bezel & give a much brighter & longer throw. The 1000lm Olight gets me out to 500mtrs. There is a forum called candlepower that could have some ideas for you on the headlamp. Not sure what you application purpose is but if its for your boat maybe something like a lightforce HID lamp mounted somewhere would do the job, you could then probably see out to 800mtrs or more!
  2. Nice detailed report, pics & great vid to Christened the new rig in style, well done 👌
  3. Berkley do glow in the dark shads as as well. I recon they would be great pre dawn on the snaps!
  4. Yes, its a law & a requirement. https://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/#/view/regulation/2016/308/part6 123 Circumstances in which lifejacket must be worn on board certain vessels
  5. I've cooked & served plenty of crab in my time to customers but for some reason it just tastes better when you have caught it & cooked it for yourself & with things you like! @mrsswordfisherman pm responded to.
  6. Well done, I love eating trout. Look forward to hear what you pull from Jervis 😉
  7. So out of all this is there a time period or year of production or system that this is going to effect? From the OP it seems like its really old units as in from early 2000's? And also sounds like if youve had.some updates applied to your device it may not be affected.
  8. Well done Nigel & kids, you've taught them well 👌
  9. Where's the mayo & the bread rolls 😲 😁 Nice & healthy eats there 👌
  10. I recon a lot of the problem with FADS is there is always 1 or 2 boats that have no respect or show no etiquette for anyone else which spoils it for everyone! The same people also think they have priority when they get back to the ramp I got to the FAD off Port Stephens once & there was a guy spear fishing around it & stopping everyone from fishing it. What a tosser!
  11. even when conditions don't favour its great to see persistence pay off 👌
  12. Just an update. Yesterday I got back under the rear of the car & disconnected every connection I could see, there was 6 in total which I have no idea why. There was one in particular that was filled with dirt which was surprising seeing they are supposed to be sealed units. Gave them a jet spray with WD40 & reconnected then & tried connecting the trailer & no change 😔 This morning hooked up the boat in near dark at 6.45am & turned on my car lights & hey presto the trailer lights all work that I replace, even the side light 😁 I thought the side light would blink but it doesn't? Now just need to replace the right hand side light which I have a new one, just didn't get around to it. The right side light was flickering for a while then stopped so definitely a short there somewhere. Got home & tested the brown rear lamps/side light socket on the car with my multi meter & it was showing good current flow so even though I didn't catch a fish today I am still very happy Thanks again to all those that contributed with suggestions 👌
  13. Jealous, but enjoy seeing your posts guys Another one of those species on my bucket list for the capture factor but also the culinary factor to! Sashimi & seared while fresh & preserved/bottled for later use. I want to give this a crack- https://www.sbs.com.au/food/recipes/preserved-tuna-0 Your own tuna to enjoy for up to 12 months. Anyway great work fella's
  14. And the winner of the $100 prize is @rickmarlin62 😂
  15. Personally imo I'd rather see police & waterways spend more time chasing wreckless jet ski operators over checking my capture sizes. I just think fisheries need more resources & as I mentioned they would pay for themselves in the revenue they collect.
  16. Hi Skip, I have been inspected.at the Foreshore ramp a couple of times.but thats over years, I generally only fish midweek so they may target more weekend fishos? Your right though, I think they should have more resources out there looking, it would pay for itself in the fines they hand .out. Fingers crossed for Monday as.Im out there if the weathers good & want a legal king
  17. Wow, that's a cracker yowie! I estimated my 80cm model at about 3.5kg, that's got to be about a 4kg fish. Nicely done
  18. Even a magcian would have trouble making that one disappear 🤪
  19. Doesn't get much better!. Great haul
  20. Rebel, thanks for the review. I just looked up the reel & the specs all look pretty decent really. Not bad for an $80 reel on Dinga(8000 is $89)! But alas all out of stock 😕 Key Features 6 stainless steel ball bearings Infinite anti-reverse bearing Aluminium body and side plate Carbon fibre drag Machined aluminium handle X-Tuff polymer rotor - 4000, 6000 Aluminium rotor - 8000 Aluminium spool Ceramic line roller Stainless steel main shaft
  21. Pretty much sums it up to me. OP, your trying to learn whats take some people a life time to master & you never stop learning. Like everything in life you can have the flashiest gear but cant necessarily produce the goods, sometimes through a lack of knowledge but also sometimes through a lack of ability, the latter usually applies to other more physical sports imo but hwy if its what you enjoy then no harm done except to your wallet maybe 😁 Apart from what basic fishing gear is best for a particular situation the next best thing I think is understanding the species your trying to target behaviours & feeding patterns & where they frequent & the why which is usually what they are feeding on. In the behaviors comes the best times & tides etc. I believe there is a little luck is involved but obtaining the knowledge means your success rate wont be luck based. Keep researching, reading articles, watching shows & get out there & just have a play. Good luck out there.
  22. Imo you need to refrigerate short term or freeze longer term. Your not doing an 'canning' process like tinned tuna etc but more of a curing process. Canned fish is cooked in the can & you are just salt curing, there is a difference in the longevity of the product. Just my 2 cents 😉
  23. Dpi fads move locations every year so you needto check the updated information on their website
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