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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Do you have a line spooler Baz? I have this first one which I actually put the reel in the rod butt & run the line through the fist guide, you can control the tension of the spool when winding! This is another version Another version Both are pretty cheap but handy to have. I used to use a bit of dowel & a cloth before but sometimes you just have to spend $30 on something that will work so much better
  2. Nice work @Far Canary Great part of the world to fish eh! Not sure I could release them all though, I love my trout baked with some butter, capers & a splash of lemon at the end 😁
  3. Daiwa X8 J braid. Point #2, well that doesnt exist. All lines tangle, some just less then others.
  4. Great effort there Although I do have to mention imo your set up sounds a but on the heavy side for fishing in botany bay. That is unless you are targeting legal size plus kings. My usual set ups for boat are 8 to 10lb braid with 10 to 12lb fluro & I have a 20lb braid/30 or 40lb rod ready for kings. For shore casting mono is preferred but if Im using braid it will be 15-20lb with about the same leader in fluro again. Personally I think you will get more hook ups on lighter gear without compromising the success rate to much. Just saying but each to their own & what you are doing seems to be working!
  5. Hard earned but still something rick so well done! Yeh even if the weather isn't that great this weekend will still be good to do some inside fishing & catch up with people & finally put a face to the names. Still if its a bit of rain I think most can handle that, high wind & swell well that's another story I guess. Im still holding onto a bit of hope there will be a miracle, something like the Libs had the other week 😂
  6. Could it come into play with a low tide expected for 5.45am & also how many of us are going to be putting in at the same time Baz? Or will the low tide play in its favour? Just throwing it out there. Mate I think that sized board is good for slicing bread & making a sandwich on 😀 I have found that just serving food up to people without them knowing what it actually is then are getting you get an honest reaction! I once served up my brother who swore he would touch anything other than lamb/beef/pork or chicken & was a very basic meat & 3 veg eater a Malaysian Nyonya curried goat that I had recently 'sourced' myself. At the end of the bowl I asked him how it was & he replied this is amazing. I then told him what it was & saw his eyes open wide, then I asked if he would like another bowl to which the response was 'hell yeh' The morel of the story is- don't tell em what it is until they have tried it & then their mind wont play tricks on their taste buds 😂
  7. That's awesome for this time of year! Well done
  8. 2 crackers, awesome work mate
  9. When it first appeared it did look like it had a yellow tail so I also thought king. Nice unexpected fish with a great fight. Well done
  10. 😂 At least you wont get your Ugg boots wet 🤪 Top stuff guys, great looking day, out there & having a good time with some tight lines & some cracking fish. Thanks for sharing
  11. Id call that for more than fair 🤐😊
  12. Is a photographers trick Gabm, you just push them snapper closer to the lens to make them look bigger 😁😂 They are really 30cm estuary squire 🤪 1 week out & good to see we are still in with a chance of a great fish like that, fingers crossed, toes crossed, rabbits foot/4 leaf clover/rosery beads packed & not eating any bananas after Sunday
  13. There you go then, I always thought they were used to slow your drift! The straightening just being the result of the effect of the shute
  14. Still some entertainment & more important quality time with the kids which is the main thing! Thanks for the report.
  15. To add to Dave's great advice, are you using a Rapala/loop knot on the lure? If not I would, it accentuates the action of the lure.
  16. Not a local but spent a bit of time down there as a teen/early 20's after my mother moved there. Summer brings a lot of prawns into the basin so I would say that would increase the bite.
  17. You do know how to produce the goods in your area Yowie. Well done.
  18. Welcome to the forum Kev. Look forward to hearing about your endeavours.
  19. I think it depends on the type of sea anchor but I have a model designed for a 20ft vessel on my 13ft tinny & it struggles to do much in 15kph winds. I am temped to go double but I think if it did as it was supposed to do & I was standing the sudden jerk could throw me out of the tinny. One of the electric motors makes sense but I suspect it wont hold a larger boat in moderate winds? Both together would be pretty effective I recon.
  20. Looks like you had a great day which is the main thing They get some stonker bream & flathead in St.G basin. Keep at it & do some research on gear, it will pay off eventually.
  21. @Scratchie probably realistically only if you have a vessel capable of going offshore which is something I left out! The rest of us who are only capable of fishing bays & estuaries are left with all those hungry little buggers between 10cm to 28cm with the occasional just 30+cm legal fish 😕 Myself & my mate once caught 75 squire each between 10cm to the 28cm mark each in a 2 hour session in Port hacking one day 😅 It was fun catching fish on anything you threw out until it got boring This is why I am so looking forward to the NB trip 🙂 Spooled up, geared up & just a little excited 😁 Only 10 more sleeps 😊
  22. The usual looking cleaning bench from a Scratchie involved trip. Bring it on 😀
  23. Great report @tyrone07. I am very surprised about use the 1/4oz jig heads on the snaps. Must be very low current then? Would have been great just being out there on a magic day like that to 😉
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