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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Awesome 1st post Amy, looks like you had a great day
  2. Wow, that's a great story to be able to tell Donna, not to many can express that 1st hand! You can get into kits as much as you like but the basic principals of first aid is the best thing you can have at your disposal imo You can make a bandage out of a shirt or a splint out of 2 fishing rods but its the know how that's more important! I've done the St.Johns 1st aid course about 8 times now through work & while small things have change within the teaching over the years the best thing you can ever do is at least know how to deal with a situation when it arises. DRSABCD used to be just DRABC but at least knowing the basics is going to be better that having a triangular bandage & no idea how to use it! I sort of feel lucky I have never been a called upon to render 1st aid in a serious situation but I am confident that having done the course so many times that my training would just kick in. Probably the first one on the plan is the easiest to forget at times which is ensuring your own safety, you cant do 1st aid to someone else if your taken out of the picture yourself!!
  3. Awesome stuff Baz, good to see your motor woes behind you & your getting onto some crackers. Ive heard that mahi mahi makes fantastic sushimi but yet to try it.
  4. Way upstream in the fresh is my guess where you would find small juvenile bulls, that's the nursery! Once watched a doco on bulls in the Brisbane river, they were catching juvenile bulls 100kms upstream.
  5. Could have been a story for Hamish & Andy's true stories ๐Ÿคฃ
  6. Nice one, its fun to have a tinker & even better if you get a result so let us know how you go. Cant remeber who makes them but I have used one of those 3 jig imitaion squid patanosters before & had success with them. Looks like you could also fashion those into a similar rig as well if you wanted. The only thing I would change is having the sinker on the clip, to me would/could create a weak point with twisting or even from a large fish. I would consider attaching to the top swivel eyelet with some mono maybe. Good luck with it.
  7. Imo keep it whole, will turn to mush if you try to open it up. Still be ok for a troll or drift bait wouldn't it?
  8. The fact its for a boat doesn't really matter, it still should be the same as a general 1st aid kit. Id be starting out with a regular kit of some kind then adding to is as you think or going with something thought out like this- https://firstaidkitsaustralia.com.au/first-aid-kits/marine-boating/G-class-marine-first-aid-kit?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIst-_iYCL4QIVBB2PCh3fCw4QEAYYASABEgKyb_D_BwE Personally I carry very basic kit in my tinny as that's all I need because I am not far from shore, if I were 20km off shore then different story, maybe even think about a defib & or EpiPen if you think it would be of benefit!
  9. Phone camera does what I need it to for my tinnie, anything else I be to frightened I was going to wreck it or drop it in the drink If I had a larger vessel with more room then yeh it would be good to have a nice DSLR with a nice zoom etc. I have around 50 camera's, some of which I inherited from my father that go back to around 1915. Some interesting ones amongst them & some not but still have a nostalgia factor about them. Haven't shot film for about 30 years but I was stoked when digital came on the scene, nothing worse than paying to get a role of film developed & when you open the packet only 1/2 of them turned out they way you wanted Digital= less expense, less chemicals less hassle imo.
  10. Shit happens Try walking home with a metal framed umbrella like I did in the middle of it ๐Ÿคจ Roll the dice ๐Ÿ˜… Also got my car pelted with hail in the last Sydney hail storm & nearly 1 billion $$(reportedly 675 million) in damage from that!
  11. Nice work @GordoRetired Never fished there from a boat but want to one day. Great to see the old Tassie devil do the job!
  12. Wraps seem to be gaining momentum these days over painting but not sure if it would suit your application?
  13. Mate they just wanted your phone number so they can track you ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ˜ฒโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.๐Ÿ˜‚ I have mixed feelings about any DPI operative & their motives! They like to come off as nice guys but within 5 seconds they will become like a highway patrol officer & willing to book their mother for the smallest indiscretion!
  14. You must eat a lot of fish yowie or supply the Pyrmont fish market ๐Ÿ˜‚ I have to get together with you one day so you can show me how to catch a legal red in the Hacking. Myself & my mate caught 75 pinkies one day & in one session & the biggest went 27cm. Oh so close ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜Š Still had fun!
  15. No idea, that's what I was given when I bought the car from new 5 years ago. Funny though how though there is the 7 sockets but even the wiring from the car doesn't have 7 core wired that include reversing signal & service brake. You would think if they are setting up a 7 plug outlet they would at least make all options available even if reverse signal & service brakes aren't not really required in most situations!!
  16. You could be right as the towbar & wiring was done by a 2nd party even though the Triton was bought new from Mitsy. They outsource some of the add ons like flexiglass canopy or other parts you want to add, I have the companies name on the compliance so I could also ask. As mention by Zoran the vehicle tail light output is of concern but also independently testing the trailer lights will also give me some answers. The easy test is to plug the trailer into another vehicle, not sure I know someone with a 7 pin but Im also now researching if I can make my own testing unit from a 12v battery connected to a female 7 pin connection?? I have spare 5 core wiring, a spare 12V battery & a connector so its just a matter of working out how to set it up?? Not sure if its ever been attempted but I am looking at it in the interim while I try to find someone I know with a 7 pin connection.
  17. Yeh thats a great idea. Not sure if I know anyone who tows but I'll have to contact a couple of mates & ask the question. Thanks for the offer but Castle hill is a long way from Randwick! Sure I will find someone local. Cheers again.
  18. So that would mean the trip is not eligible for the rebate I presume?
  19. Yes mate 100%, were not here for self glorification but to be part of a community of like minded people with a common interest. I wouldn't be here otherwise ๐Ÿ˜‰
  20. Nice memory for sure & catches like that have become rarer obviously due to more/over fishing but those models do still exist but now we tend to return those to keep the breeding population going!
  21. I much appreciate the advice through the thread Zoran, while I guess I have answered my own questions at times I also was just bouncing ideas or concerns around that I wasn't 100% on. Although its not sorted I think I can figure it out from here & if not have to see the auto electrician. Thanks again for the help mate
  22. So before I went all gung ho & made those changes to the trailer harness I thought I had better start by multi meter testing from the power source...โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ..the car. So checked the power from the blinkers L & R & all fine, checked the stop lights(brakes) & all fine, turn the lights on & check the rear lamps(brown wire) & nothing so I figure now I may have found the reason for at least not having any lamps on the rear trailer light assembly on although the side marker lamps of the trailer would be on the same circuit as far as I can see? So I unscrew the 7 pin plug from the towbar & open it up & didn't like the look of it with black carbon in the connectors so I replaced it, been a lot of dust getting in there from 4x4 tracks & also been spraying it with WD40 so changed it for a new Narva also didn't know what this frayed nylon was in the middle & it wasn't going anywhere so figured its a sort of packing down the centre of the 5 wires, just never seen it before. . On re testing it & hoping the 7 pin plug was the issue I still didn't have any power on the brown rear lamp pin so now I am thinking there is an issue there?? As mentioned I have all lights working on the vehicle & all fuses are ok so not sure whats going on. The only thing I can think of now is to check where the connection is from the car to the tow bar wiring harness. Not even sure where that is so would have to start tracing wires back from under the car. I did notice there were a few connectors under the rear of the car but didn't get to looking at those yet but that's the next step anyway ๐Ÿคจ I love trying to do things myself but I guess there comes a time where you have to swallow your pride & go to an auto electrician! Still I will dig a bit deeper into the car to 7 pin wiring connection. Any more ideas @zmk1962?
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