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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. I recon you could use one of those mantle ends cut down on a SP jig as well 🤔 Hey, anything is worth a bounce if nothings else is working!
  2. Mate I think you may be referring to me after reading a post I put in recently? If I am wrong then please correct me 👍 I do love to fish, it is amongst many other pursuits that I do that can put food on the table, although not all being the seafood type! I am happy to get the best of all worlds, fish the spring/summer/autumn months & hunt the winter months. Both together means I don't have to visit the supermarket for my protein that often Although I do like a good grilled bbq chicken & the occasional steak to which I cant do much about from a 1 br apartment. If I was hard pressed then yeh I would do the hard yard for winter fishing...……………………….but I can wait until spring 😊
  3. I'll check dads rods, I still have most of them. He was a keen Luderick fisho & he used to build his own rods from blanks so it wouldn't surprise me if he has one knocking around. I think there are some bamboo/wood ones there to! He also use to make his own floats. Here's a couple he made along side a vintage rod I found when cleaning out he house.
  4. Hi Baysic, cant say Im a mentor but on most occasions I come home with a feed out of BB, mostly flathead, flounder, squid & occy fishing out of my 13ft Quintrex. There are usually plenty of Taylor around in the warmer months which I don't bring home but they are a bit of fun & yes there are kings but I haven't been overly successful with them myself. In saying that my last 2 trip produced donuts. Imo fishing this time of year is tougher than through spring/summer/autumn so I tend not to even go out until September rolls around. I'd be happy to catch up with you one day when I am back on the water & we can talk tactics, tackle & marks that could be worth checking out. I am just self taught & developed my methods(mostly SP's) & found my spots by just doing research & also just bouncing around & trying different set ups. There is a great deal of info in here in old threads as well that's worth looking at. If I had a boat that size personally I would also be checking out just outside the bay, doing some trolling either side of the entrance, people catch kings there frequently & also bonnies.
  5. Yeh I use braid 90% of the time & imagine thats why I was getting tangles. Stopped using it.pretty quickly
  6. Ah, I was thinking there were 2 lines from the swivel with hooks. Thanks for.that.
  7. Picture/drawings would also be appreciated 😁
  8. Great work @GoingFishing They are the best eating size to me. I think I have tried that rig you describe & ended up with to many tangles.
  9. That's cool, top report @jdanger Don't give up on the trout, its when we are tested we savour the rewards so much more 👍
  10. So my questions back to you are- how big is the spool, how much line do you have on it, where is the knot? If I have 300mtrs of braid on a line & I get a wind knot in the 1st 25/50mtrs Im not losing 275mtrs of good braid!
  11. Checked the 5pm report for the next day plenty of times when it said light winds & sunshine only to arrive at the ramp & its blowing 15-20 & overcast. If they cant get it right 12 hours before they certainly cant guess it right 14 days out!
  12. Its known as a buffet I think 😂 Great looking trip Donna! Im tempted to throw in a handy link on how to get ready for a trip like this that would help members & more importantly with a boat in tow but I know it will get pulled. Still unsure why this site isn't allowing links??
  13. Good to hear it was a great time for all the family. Sometimes we all might get caught up(no pun intended 🤣)with trying to catch fish without smelling the roses with just being out there enjoying our great country & with those close around you...……………………..life's pretty simple really 🙂 Got invited up there by some friends todo the same not long ago & had something else on unfortunately. Id love to just do a cruisy weekend on one of those...………………………….one day.
  14. Great report mate And you managed one of those Gadden farm beauties by the sound of it. Although tempting to keep(would have still been tasty!) its a nice karma thing I think to let something go that has been in captivity for some time & yeh you look like you had enough for the smoker or the pan 😊 Do you ever use a down rigger?? I've read that some people like to use them down there as the fish can be quite deep at times? Look forward to hearing about the trip in person soon 😉
  15. Welcome to the forum Josh. Plenty of info in here if you just use the search tab!
  16. Yep they do look like wiper motors. I made a rotarytumbler out of a Toyota Corolla wiper motor for a project once. They are cheap motors, your probably paying more for the brackets etc. Would be a cool project though 😊
  17. Its an often asked question so you could use the forums resources & use the search bar for similar thread. Plus letting us know your budget helps! Also PM sent.
  18. A lot of fish is deep chilled for a lot longer than what most people think, as is a lot of other seafood that they think are buying fresh at the market! When you get a beast like that imo you need to know what to do with it straight off the bat. Ice bathe ready, I know we have those moments when we are hoping & never expecting to get something like that(especially if targeted) but a plan if you do is always. So what about preserving/bottling it for future consumption? Just something to ponder https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/video/11772483698/making-preserved-tuna Dried/smoked/fried/bottled/whatever just enjoy it & appreciate it 😊
  19. What the...…………………….hell, off the break wall I remember someone we know took one on the hole in front of middle island like 40 years ago but not seen something since inside the bay. Was it on ice all that time??
  20. Welcome to the forum George. Yes I thinks its great when you do meet guys/people willing to go the extra yard in helping someone in need. I think its a karma thing personally, you help others then when you need help someone will be there for you to!. I had to do a 4x4 recovery once on a family that were stuck axle high in the mud & broke their winch Some day I hope when I need help the favour will come back 👍
  21. What sort of gear ratio are you looking at?? Isn't this what we are talking about rather than size?? I recall seeing a dual speed/geared reel on a fishing show a while ago. Could have been a either Daiwa or Shimano but it was an overhead. To me a reel like this gives you the best of both worlds!
  22. Actually what is that on top of the grilled jacket?? Is it capers?? Love capers with grilled fish, bit of squeezed lemon as well 🙂
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