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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Ah, I can almost smell the snags & pulled pork cooking now 😂
  2. Hi Scratchie, after such an epic week of fishing I hope your settling back into normal life ok 😁 So cant sleep & my mind turns to tackle(like it probably does for most fisho's 😅) & was wanting to pick your brain as even though jokingly previously mentioned I am actually getting rigs ties now when I get time, Im one of those type that don't like to leave things to the last minute & do things when I have time so I am not rushed. So can I ask what is your usual line/leader/class/weight for the Broughton area. Do you use fluro for leader or something more abrasive resistant?? Main line braid or mono?? My new rods arrived Friday & my reel arrives today & as I am off today I want to spool it up. The package came with 300mtrs of 30lb Diawa J braid & was intending of using it, do you think that's to heavy? Although I also want to be able to use it for other species like medium sized kings or long tail so figure 30lb would be minimum for that? I must admit I normally use 20lb for general bottom bashing but I have seen some of those beasts you, woodsy & rick have caught up there so don't think 20lb is enough?? I am also throwing in my Monster Mesh & Sealine bull with 50lb in case we come across or go to some areas that their might be some larger winter kings.
  3. Nice work @Pickles, cant say I have eaten them but if I ever get some Id give them a crack!
  4. Yes, I have mentioned on other threads that we are really spoilt here in Aus & in other countries what we call bait is actually their main staple fish food source! We are the lucky country in so many ways & especially when it comes to seafood. I have also eaten Bonito that has been bled & immediately iced as crumbed fish for dinner & you wouldn't know it is just a by catch. They are also excellent smoked due to there high fat content so maybe give that a try
  5. Yep I recon that's a record 🤣 Nice day for it though! Yep have to agree, flounder is a nice delicate & tasty fish.
  6. Hi George, some outstanding info provided here but also FFR there is a wealth of knowledge in the pages which can be accessed by just doing a forum search. This is what I got from just typing Manly into the search bar- Good luck.
  7. Don't you have when that 'reality' bug starts to bite 😔 Still its all about the moment, good times & memories. Looks like you have created a lot of great ones on this trip
  8. Nice one 👌 Hope to see you out there one day!
  9. Top catch Rick Well done on the record I was thinking my new outfit that's on the way maybe to heavy.....................….now I am thinking it might not be heavy enough I want one 😀
  10. I'll be bringing Wasabi & soy for the weekend 👍 Snapper also makes amazing sushimi 👌
  11. Well as if I don't have enough gear I couldn't help myself & in anticipation of the trip I ordered myself a new outfit today. While I do love having quality equipment I am also about fitting all my many pursuits into the budget so nothing to exxy but still think it will be something I can use for a few applications including those decent snaps I hope we encounter. Anyway about to start spooling up, go through all my tackle, going over my knot tying & try to get all I want to take for the weekend into the one tackle box which could be a mission 😅 😁🤣 Could it be a bit to early to start getting ready
  12. I guess you can look at it as percentage fishing. What percentage of the time will a King take or not take a certain bait?? To me Kings are a bit like trout, one day you can dangle some live grub in its face & it will totally not be interested, put some mimicked fly if front of it & it goes nuts, next day its the reverse. The answer is...………………….there is no right answer, its whatever they are in the mood for at the time & that's why it pays to be prepared & have a variety of strategies/tackle/bait ready or in your kit.
  13. That's a crazy price! I got charged $360 for a $2700 new 25hp Merc by an authorised dealer which was the yearly service charge, at this price its just cheaper not get it serviced by the dealer & just do it yourself when required. Obviously not getting the scheduled services voids the warranty but the money saved means I could just by a new motor every 7.5 years. Then again I am only doing around 10hrs a year, even less some years.
  14. Out of interest what was the rod/reel/line/rig used on that one please??
  15. Wow what a wahoo 😉 I could put up with some rough seas if. I was catch those sorts of fish. A memorable couple of days going on there, hope it keeps on giving 👍
  16. Well done scratchie & Dom. Can I put an order in for a few of those for NBay please 😁.
  17. Personally I'd just do a forum search for starters. There are plenty of old FAD threads to get info from!
  18. Its like all these stories I see about electric 4X4 vehicles, your up sh@t creek when your miles from nowhere & something goes wrong Also If they want to effect change then make it available to all for a cheap price, until then fuel rules! Weren't we supposed to have colonies on Mars & the Moon by now?? In other words don't hold your breath!!
  19. That's a feed...………………..or 3 👌
  20. Mate I enjoyed the read & all I can say is its only for the brave 😉 The results rarely reflect the dedication! As from your previous posts & my replies I know all about trying to catch a nice trout on lake Jindy although in the middle of winter & from the shore not from a boat so the chill factor can be way worse with a stiff breeze & a cold fronts. Still a great result & with an amazing back drop 👌
  21. That's a huge saving, worth the effort for doing some towing & paperwork, well done! Us Mexicans seem to pay so much more for everything unfortunately!!
  22. Nice work @Coswecanfly, I love anything DIY that's even a bit of a stretch for your abilities. To me it keeps your brain active & teaches you new skills along the way which cant be a bad thing right! I am about to do a service on my 25hp Mercury Seapro & am gathering the parts & information to do the job, that's my winter project! I also found out something interesting during me research in that my 25hp is basically the same motor as the 30hp with the same bore & stoke etc. The only difference is the 25hp carbs are jetted & has a different plate between the carb & motor. It increases the rpm's but it still falls within the 25's parameters at full throttle. There is a kit available you can get so I am considering doing the job & was going to start a thread here to see if anyone has done it themselves.
  23. Sweet, so can I put my order in now for 50 milk or potato buns please 😁🤣
  24. Mate that's a cracker for BB 🤪 I don't think I have ever brought home a legal snapper from BB in like 10 years of fishing it! Maybe that's because I don't fish at night? At least she's christened mate. Hope to see you out there one day 👌
  25. Scratchie, I love a snag sandwich as much as the next guy but seeing that I am a chef I think I should throw my hat into the ring so I am also more than willing & happy to bring along another tasty treat or 2 for the gang for back at the ramp. My pulled pork shoulder with Cajun spiced slaw & my own double smoked Bbq chilli sauce usually goes down a treat at a party Just need some good local bread rolls! As we get closer we can confirm numbers for quantities. Don't know about you guys buy I am certainly getting excited about the weekend & the fishing I want one of those monster snaps 😈
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