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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. And the annual game fishing comp is coming up next month so doesn't sound to good!
  2. Hi Neil, inshore or offshore?? I last time I was out in BB was on the 21st & while I didn't get any or see anyone else getting any I am sure they are still there. I think they are getting a bit more selective in what they are taking now where as earlier in January they were less choosy & even taking SP's & trolling lures. On the 21st I tried trolling a couple of different lures but no luck. I think you definitely nee to be using live baits at the moment to be successful. If you get out this way & want some company give me a shout, if I'm not working & there is room on the boat I'd be happy to try & help out, Im no expert but know some of the local bait grounds & where they have been caught lately in BB. I might be heading out tomorrow if the forecast stays the same & will be concentrating on live baiting this time. Will let you know how I go 👍
  3. So we are talking bait right? Anyway hope someone else can offer some suggestions for you!
  4. Also I presume you're talking about raw prawns yowie??
  5. Well done @chrisevz1337 Great to to a result after a lot of persistence. Fyi be careful of those rays, they can inject a barb into you that will put you in a world of pain!
  6. Mate I think youve lost the plot & way over thinking this one! You dont want 'scientific' accuracy yet dispute the applicability of simple manual testing or pretesting which is what you were eluding to in your original post. Im out of this one. Just buy a good quality line, spend some time learning to tie some decent terminal knots & you will lose less fish. Good luck with your future fishing endeavors
  7. Great story Jim. Its a shame some people don't get those opportunities I guess most of us take for granted in our younger years. I recall my father taking me beach fishing at 5 or 6 years of age, the only bad memory I have of this is pretending to be like him one day & trying cast his rod while he was down the beach & throwing his whole rig into the water. Needless to say he was not a happy camper as he never got it back 😖 I'm all for fishing for my own tucker whenever I can BUT there are some fish that I want to eat that I know I simply cannot obtain in my local fishery but luckily enough I often get the chance to eat these through work. Glad to hear we have another convert to join the ranks
  8. I know its a trip but maybe try the Pyrmont fish markets. Buy in bulk & freeze then down!
  9. No offence @Volitan but I am merely commenting on your statements in the first & second paragraph of your post. Had you just said you were looking for a line or knot tester then my response would have been somewhat different! Have you looked at this thread which we are discussing the bobbin knot & knot strength? Like in the youtube vid I posted you could set up a quick scale pull test. Seems a lot of trouble to me as 95% of lines are already tested so as Rick said if you buy a quality line it comes with a quality assurance & is a rated & tested breaking strain. If you want to test your knot strength then by all means go nuts with the scale pull test. Setting up a rig with a scale would be pretty easy by using one of these
  10. Not a scientific test but probably a more true to life scenario testing I actually miss quoted, they rate the FG at %105. The whole thing is interesting to watch but the FG footage starts at 11.10mins
  11. I am of a similar thinking to Rick, so what knots do you have in your repertoire & what types/ breaking strains of lines are you using?? Did the knot actually fail in this case or just not heavy enough to pull up a sizable kingfish that may have pulled you onto structure??
  12. They are there alright, I recall a kayak being attacked some years ago now. Large hook, multiple strand wire trace(which you can buy pre rigged), a large bait, heavy rod & reel, away you go! If you want to see what people are using just type 'canal shark fishing' into the youtube search bar. I have watched heaps of them!
  13. How were these tests carried out? I have seen a physical test(all be it crude) that the breaking stains of some of these knots were way higher. The FG was actually measured at %110 of line strength & actually the braid failed not the knot!
  14. Who's reading, Im just looking at the pictures 😂. Thanks for clarifying all, thats why we are all part of this community & verifying the checks & balances is what its all about!
  15. The only stipulation is that you are not allowed to moor or anchor your boat to the pilons! I read quite a few articles on CCB & yes there have been plenty caught there over the years basically on the turn of the tide on either side of the pilons. There are also quite a few places along the GR on points where eddies & gutters form that produce Jew. Cooks river also produces some stonkers every now & then.
  16. Well that's annoying! There actually part of the ray family(Rajiformes) https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/375939/Shovelnose-Rays.pdf https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/631384/Identifying-sharks-and-rays.pdf Personally I'd be sending the DPI an email to as you would want to be sure. Better to err on the side of cations as you don't want to be pulled up at the ramp & stung with a $500 fine!!
  17. Best to check the nsw dpi size & bag limit guide whick you can just google
  18. Good on you for finally getting out even though not very fruitful. Nice pics to 👍
  19. Mate I might have to join you one nigh , Bronte is just up the road from me. Id love to catch some whiting so I can get it into some of my cooking threads which I have recently started. 👍
  20. My mum used to live at Sanctuary point in Greville avenue which was right on top of the reserve when I was in my early teens, used just have to walk down a path & you were on the water, really enjoy going down there on schools hols to visit prawning & fishing. Cant remenber to much of the basin really except its very shallow in a lot of areas. Watched a few fishing shows like ifish etc & they caught some stonker bream in areas & decent flathead. Hope you have good luck 👍
  21. Sorry, as these were outside the realm of your site sponsor I thought it would be ok. Obviously I was wrong but noted.
  22. Thanks all, much appreciated. @kiwicraig flathead is a staple of mine(& most people of course) as its such a prolific bread & butter fish. I have a couple of dishes I have done in he not to distant past but seeing as there will be quite a few featuring flathead I might do a collage of dishes for that one in the one thread, probably the next one maybe? Thanks again & stay tuned if your interested in some slightly finer but still what I would call home cooked types of dishes other than the usual fried fare most of us tend to think of
  23. Maybe send JimC a PM, he lives in sussex & might be able to give you some info.
  24. Sounds like an epic trip you have on the cards. Never been but its on my bucket list. I guess you have to try & nail it down to a particular area really as there is so much that can be had. Swains reef out of Yeppoon, Weipa, Darwin & a stack more. Man I have watched so many fishing shows There are some good threads in here on FNQ trips worth looking at if you do a search. I hope you have the pennies saved!
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