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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Its taken me a while to get back on the water for a flick so managed to get out & try & find some of these kings that everyone has been onto recently. I was going to get some livies but decided to hit molly point around 6.10am. Plenty of boats anchored up & a couple of yakers. I could see even before I dropped anchor that people had bent rods so I knew they were still there. Pulled up & while I was getting ready to drop & squid bait I quickly just dropped a micro jig to near the bottom to see if the boat motion may entice something. Anyway as soon as I dropped the squid strips & put the rod in the holder a saw 2 rats swimming right by the tinny on the surface so I quickly grabbed my rod that had a joker paddle tail shad on it & they both started going nuts at it but then would back away at the last second. So after making the right action at the right time the tiny king took the SP like 1ft under at the side of the boat, went for a little run but it near swallowed the 1/2oz jug head so gave up quickly. Its so small it hasn't even developed a yellow tail yet 🤣 I didn't get anymore after 10 minutes so went off to chase some flatties & ended up just getting a couple. Didn't bring anything home but just nice to get back on the water after a long spell.
  2. Flush your motor with saltaway plus while washing down after each trip.
  3. Wow, no wonder the bay has been going off. I don't think there will be to many bait fish left soon. You would have to think it will impact the normal ecology of the bay though!
  4. Which Island are you heading to?? I know the Bay of Islands is a good area but then Im sure there are many areas like it. Have a watch of some of the vids these guys put out. They guys are renowned for catching some of the biggest kings in NZ, plus snapper, plus anything really. https://bigangryfish.tv/ Charters, sorry cant help there.
  5. Nice work Zoran, cooking fish enclosed to capture its own juices is a fantastic way of cooking fish so thanks for reminding us all. The French call it cooking 'en papillote' which is cooked in the same fashion usually by folded baking paper or similar type of pouch & also opened it at the table in front of the guest so they can enjoy the fragrant scents from the cooking. If I can offer a couple of suggestion if you don't mind. In a case where I was to use potatoes in the parcel I would be pre cooking(boiling or sautéing) the potatoes to at least 75% . The whole point of the parcel is that all ingredients are cooked perfectly at the same exact time the fish is but the fish is the star here & that needs to be just cooked. Again on the fish, also imo, of course steam is moisture but it wont keep fish moist as much as dry it out through overcooking. Fish protein in most fish is cooked at just 62 degrees so when you start taking fish over that then it is over cooked, & I actually cook fish like salmon to around 48-50 degrees, this is the internal or core temperature. Sorry to say but its also my opinion that raw onion & garlic in my eyes is way to overpowering for delicate fish, if you were to also sauté these even if briefly it would mellow that rawness out a bit if it is something you want to keep in the dish, probably a bit different if used as part of a marinade. Have done a very similar dish in a restaurant/event setting but with ginger, lime leaves, shimeji mushrooms, butter & some miso broth. The butter combined with those Asian flavours creates an amazing rich dressing or sauce as such for the fish. I don't want to sound like I am trying to be a downer on you post, on the other hand it reminds me of great things I have eaten & served professionally & just want to pass on a few suggestions. Thanks for sharing
  6. No big deal if they don't work, I only outlaid about $20 on enough materials to make roughly 30 to 40 lures.
  7. Hi raiders, I was having a chat with a mate around a month ago about some things we had seen on some fishing shows& in particular the NZ show Big Angry Fish. The idea was already out there with Nathan from the show making what he called 'skutes' which you can read about here- https://bigangryfish.tv/fishing-how-to/skutes So I though I might have a but of a play & see what I can come up with. Jumped onto ebay & just ordered a few different fishing holographic materials to start which included some snapper flasher type thread of different colours, some tape & some adhesive sheets, some UV clear fly finish & some foam strip that I had already I guess at the moment these are just prototypes & I want to test different materials & might even use some feathers in some. I wont know how the action on these will work & what will be attracted to them but if I can at least catch a flatty or two then I will be pretty stoked. Given that I am using some foam on these I thought I would initially go with 1/2 oz jig head but I also think I will work on some different weight for the depth I am fishing & look for some jigheads with eyes that I have seen on the net The plan is give these 2 I made a crack next week & see how they go? Just a bit of fun & to do something with my hands which I like, I mean I have a box full of SP's but really just wanted to have a bit of fun. Happy to hear an feedback & other materials that could be used
  8. I was heading out of the heads on a charter once from NB & there were 6-8ft barrels coming over the bar, obviously it was an ebb tide. The captain hugged the south headland & missed the whole thing but looked like pipeline as we passed, local knowledge is a must before crossing any bar & make sure you sign in & out with the local marine rescue. There is a lot of water moving in & coming out of that small space so look at the tide charts for the best times to leave & return. Enjoy the trip.
  9. Sweet, I'll start lite on squid but I might also drop a live yakka to the bottom as well. I have 5 rods all ready to go with different options
  10. Im heading there tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed they are still there as I need a bit of fun, even if its rat kings. You never know a 65cm model may show up eventually
  11. Nice size! Well done, 3kg is better than zip Should be nice on Chrissy day 👍
  12. Hi Derek, it sounds like you have acted in your & the publics best interest & handle it quite well but my question in where does this persons behaviour come in the realm of the law?? Can his action affect public safety? Sounds like it. Can harm or injury to the public be caused by his actions? It sounds like it. I would be inclined to inform the local police who may think it is trivial BUT they are there to protect the public & may at least be able to give him a warning he will actually listen to & if not adhered to then shut him down all together. Plenty of similar situations like this around where someone is doing the wrong thing & when approached that person ends up either a victim or a statistic so let the police handle it. I'd be discreetly taking a picture of this guy to show the police as well!!
  13. Whats the boat anyway?? Looks like a Quintrex sportsman?
  14. It may not be in your 'plans' but its there for a reason. Id be testing how the boat gets up to speed & sits before taking them off.
  15. Could just be a previous owner mod for some reason or a factory mod, probably to disperse wash although seeing the nice V of the bow it also could be to help lower in speed plaining?. That's my answer anyway
  16. Where's the spit 😳 Nice instructional vid
  17. Also plenty of threads on here for info & you just have to type Port Stephens into the search bar & you will be onto lots of good info. You can have a look at what epic snaps & others the boys have been up into recently including many from mr scratchie. along with his guide which I thought he might attach for you 🤪 The search bar is your friend here or google will direct you here as well on most occasions. Enjoy the trip 👍
  18. A good month there mate . Wow on the gummies, I didn't think they were caught this far up the coast. If I got one of those I'd be keeping it as they are a pretty nice fish to eat so I have heard?
  19. Totally agree but unfortunately we are spoilt for options here whether better or not is debatable. Even a lot of what we call 'bait' fish like slimies, mullet, pilchards (or anything in the herring family) etc are all well sort after in other countries. This summer my mission going to try as many bycatch or 'trash' species I can in various was, smoked, ceviche, crumbed & fried, sashimi. I have been told trevally makes excellent sashimi but I have always just throw them back because I guess its has been passed down to me that they are just a non eating fish. Probably only 1 fish I will give a miss, never heard a good thing about the old Sargent Baker although it could be just about the bones more than anything?
  20. Used to prawn at St.Georges basin when mum used to like there. Some nights we would come home with a 10ltr bucket. At times they run through the inlet there at Sussex but not sure on how the moon phase/timing works.
  21. I like simple & easy, but there are many ways to use the same ingredient. All the fry type of mixes are great for a snack type of meal but these 2 pieces are something to treat like beef cheek & pork belly. Who here likes the idea of a similar thing to an English pork pie but filled with poached fish wing & cheek meat? Not all seafood has to be fired imo , love steamed, or poached in a court bullion ☺️
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