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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Any day your out there trying is great day. Well done.
  2. Fish wings & cheeks are great to eat, nice & gelatinous.
  3. Social media these days is causing more problems than its worth including increasing youth the suicide rate! Telling everyone through social media whats on your mind isn't a great idea but talking about your problems to a good mate or family member is better idea.
  4. The same way they used to kill baby fur seals...…………….with a club 😲🤓. I do the ice slurry but I do know guys that 'club' their fish. It would be interesting to eat 2 fish of the same size after being dispatched both ways & see which way eats better. I think there could be lactic acid build up on a fish that is 'put to sleep' on ice rather that killed instantly by a blow to the head?
  5. 🤪 WOW, amazing doggy on 30lb braid!
  6. Totally agree, I mean if I was being pulled around the place like that by a king I think I would be letting out a bit more than the F word. Just thought the 'mild language' tag was humorous
  7. Should be getting a good flush out today!
  8. Use the search tab can be your friend when looking for info
  9. Yes I get what you are saying now & get your point But don't forget that if your main line is braid then generally speaking the braid has a breaking strain of up to ( more in some cases) 50% more than the product label so if your running a slightly heavier leader to main its most likely still less than the braid main line or at least fairly equal. Apart from the reason of abrasion resistance on the heavier mono/FC leader I think its something that is just passed onto you as something you should do, my father was the one who told me to always run a heavier leader so in a lot of cases its how we are taught to fish.
  10. I wont say it wouldn't happen because there could be condition issues of some kind with the main line but the chances of the heavier main braking before the lighter leader line a very slim imo! The is more chance of a knot failure than anything else. Your theory of a lighter leader catching more fish is somewhat of a weak argument as if you want to use a specific leader strength then all you need to do is increase the mail line strength, eg you want to use a 6lb leader then then just spool your real with 8lb mail line, but I guess if need be you could then go up in leader strength anyway if you are getting snapped of by something bigger than a light leader can handle. There's no rules or wrongs in fishing, just what is your preference or theory.
  11. Sure I don't think anyone doubts that. But its trying to justifying spending the coin on one for someone that doesn't spend that much time on the water! hence why most people in that situation are willing to spend $10 on a paravane over $300+ on a downrigger.
  12. Nice work yowie Wow kings up near greys point, is that unusual??
  13. Your right Derek leader length & knots used is a bit of a contentious subject but its good to have debate on the subject as there is always something to learn or sometimes reiterate that your doing the right thing (in your eyes anyway). On leader length for me it purely about the situation, if deepsea fishing I use either a bought wind on leader or I use a long leader tied with an FG knot or a Bimini & Albright, depends on how rough it is & how much time I have to get a line back in the water. In this situation I always have a leader that I have at least 3 or 4 winds onto the real, for me this way it is the thicker mono/FC that will be more abrasion resistant if a big fish decides it wants to go under the boat or tries to take me into bottom structure, 90% of the time I am not casting with this set up or not to far anyway, that's the way I think about it & it suits me. Inshore fishing using SP's or paternoster rig then a different story again. I think the FG knot is a cracker & Im even using it on my lite set ups as well for a leader to main line. I watched this episode on TV & thought while humorous did highlight the breaking strains of different knots & if you don't want to watch it all (& you all should really) then skip through to 12 mins for the FG test. I have had the exact same thing happen to me, the braid actually breaking before the knot failing! You cant ask for more than that. Sure I still use things like uni knots & other knots for line to swivel/hook, loop knots for lures etc but the FG is an amazing leader to main line knot.
  14. Nice one Baz, caught a nice 50cm flatty from the beach at Marrungbanga Reserve once & walked almost to then end or Tomaree headland having a flick along the way for no luck. The only place I haven't really tried is the anchorage. When you brought up shoal bay jetty a few memories came flooding back of jumping of the thing many a time as a kid & also watching the game boats come back & seeing plenty of fish hanging for the weigh in. Actually my Auntie & Uncle owned a hardware at Shoal bay almost opposite the wharf for a number of years until they sold out. How times have changed!
  15. Top write up scratchie, very informative overall! This is the question I was about to ask. I have found inside the bay difficult to find decent land based spots other than the break wall. Its either to shallow or weedy in a lot of areas so if you could elaborate a bit on this it would be great
  16. The DJ Phantoms are very similar to my Hubsan X4 pro & if I had my time again I wouldn't get a drone with an exposed camera in a gimble. Also have a look at the DJ's Mavic range, a mate has one & its a great little package
  17. I have a Hubsan X4 Pro but as others have mentioned there are so many out there it depends on what you want to do with it & then as usual what your budget is?
  18. Sounds like Jindy 😄 Great report & looks like you had a ball
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