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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Not looking to good for you unfortunately 😣 What a rough night! 120kph winds recorded at BB overnight, dropped lot but still be a bit rocky out there.
  2. Doesnt anyone on here want to catch fish with 2 gills anymore 😕
  3. I have sounded & fished deep spots youve mentioned yowie & never caught anything. Im no guru on the hacking but to me kings dont hang around in one spot or in the deep very long, they are roamers & are more interested in chasing bait schools, find the bait & you may find a king. Jew, well thats another story. Not that I have caught any there but Kings have seen & caught all over the place, greys point, gymea baths, yowie bay entry. Right place right time right bait!
  4. Ok, seeing as your a 'newbie' give the search bar a go, just type in 'Lilli pilli' You will get some interesting reading/threads. Yowie is the man here on Lilli pilli but as you know nothing if for free 😂
  5. Because those dudes that designed it thought you'd be sitting in a chair!
  6. Good luck @frankS & @big Neil, I was hoping to join you guys either Friday or Monday but as usual work got in the way for Friday & a last minute thing came up Monday. As I mentioned to BN, the kings that are still around are a bit more finicky than they were earlier in January & I recon you will need some livies to get onto a king. Plenty of the bread & butter fish around the usual places. Have fun guys, & look forward to the report
  7. You will find a heap of posts from guys who 'yak' in the general fishing reports as well! I see plenty of them out in botany bay every time I'm out there!
  8. They aren't the best at communicating but what do you expect from a government dept! My thoughts are if you hold at least an annual licence then you should be required to submit your email address & changes to any fishing in this state should be sent out. I get frequent emails from the game licencing unit(hunting) on foesft closures, changes to regs etc which is a branch of the DPI so I don't know why the fisheries dept cant do it! Good to hear its sorted 👍
  9. Last session in BBay I solely used some new ones I hadn't tried which was squidgy pro prawn which are a bright white colour, red eyes. Caught 7 flathead, 1 squire & one nice 40cm flounder so pretty happy about that on the first use & might have dispelled my idea that it is all about colour?
  10. Nice work Antony SP fishing is mostly what I do these days as well as micro/jigs etc. Only occasional bait when offshore or live bait when after some kings. Got one of those 80cm models on SP as well which was a gulp nuclear chicken. So what was this croc flavour??
  11. Patty, I put that link up on post#4. Is Berowra creek mentioned, well I don't know but its not up to me to check or to comment. I was merely providing information that is readily available to everyone. Like I was eluding to on my last post, the onus is on the person doing the crabbing to ensure they have the right info!
  12. So did you leave a message? I would have, just to create a record of the call! I agree that they do not make it easy to find some info & then you have to decipher it. And then is a publication from October 2014 even still valid, that's the question & that's what I would be asking them! I really like forums, I actually used to be an administrator of one, they are great for making friends & letting each other know about their experiences BUT when it comes to legal issues anything that doesn't come direct from the horses mouth(or the NSW DPI in this case) is just hear say!! Fred, just for your own sake keep at them(DPI) and get a proper answer & at minimum have the persons name & job title on record so if you are pulled up you have something to give the fisheries officer over 'but the guys on the forum told me.....'
  13. You said it all with 'was a good weekend with the family' The 1st trips anywhere are about the recon, Im sure you gained a lot from that for the next trip
  14. Hi Jim, things change from one year to another so what was accepted one year may not be ok the next. Size & bag limirs change & without public notice really. Personally I think at least email or txt notices should be sent out when something changes but unfortunately the onus is on you as an angler to know the current rules. Not really a fair senario imo but thats what we are up against
  15. I wear a jacket 24/7 when on the water, most of the time I am on my own anyway but even when I am on friends boats or even on a charter I still wear one even though not required to. That's me, each to their own! 8 out of 10 drownings while boating are people not wearing a jacket! Remember the Titanic, that was a big boat to 😏
  16. Like with police they are only doing their job & you only have something to worry about if you are doing the wrong thing. BUT sometimes these guys don't even know all of there own regulations! On the jackets, these are the rules for NSW- So this is from the Marine Safety Regulation NSW 2016 Life jacket Level 100 or greater- A life jacket that meets: a. performance standard 100, 150 or 275 of Australian standard AS 4758 OR b. any standards or specifications set out by RMS Then the RMS standards are as follows- Lifejacket standards A Level 100+ lifejacket must conform to at least one of the following standards: AS 4758 - Level 275 AS 4758 - Level 150 AS 4758 - Level 100 ISO 12402-2: 2006 - Lifejackets, performance level 275 ISO 12402-3: 2006 - Lifejackets, performance level 150 ISO 12402-4: 2006 - Lifejackets, performance level 100 Any of the following standards provided they are certified by a recognised appraiser: AS 1512-1996, Personal flotation devices - Type 1 (or any previous version of that standard)* EN 399-1993 Lifejackets 275N* EN 396-1993 Lifejackets 150N* EN 395-1993 Lifejackets 100N* CAN/CGSB-65.11-M88 (for adults)* CAN/CGSB-65.15-M88 (for children)* Underwriters Laboratories Standards UL 1180 - Fully Inflatable Recreational Personal Flotation Device New Zealand Standards NZ5823: 2005 Type 401 New Zealand Standards NZ5823: 2001 Type 401*. Note: in this context, a recognised appraiser means: A certifying body accredited by the Joint Accreditation System of Austrlia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ), or A laboratory with National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) accreditation, or A notified body in accordance with the European Union Maritime Equipment Directive, Module B (MED-B), or A body approved by Roads and Maritime Services. So if your ISO jackets meets these standards you are ok to wear them! Links to both articles- https://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/regulations/2016-308.pdf https://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/maritime/safety-rules/safety-equipment/lifejackets.html
  17. https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/closures/location-closures/hawkesbury-river
  18. Still happy to catch up with you & Derek in the bay somewhere in my little old 69 Quintrex. You never know, Derek might be able to teach me a think or two as well 😁
  19. No one was suggesting such a thing anyway so I thing your over reading this thread but thanks for the reminder.
  20. I don't discount the effectiveness of the PR knot, I just thought some of those figures on the chart just didn't look right. Anyway I've never used it but it looks like its along the same principals as the FG knot. I just got a bobbin so I am willing to give it a go BUT with a lot of these type of rigs I tend to have these ready to go before setting foot in the boat & you have to be able to revert back to tieable knots you can at do at sea if something goes wrong. So for me that's why its good to have quite a few knots in the repertoire. If I lost my FG rig while out fishing & it was rocky I would probably go straight to a bimini double & Albright as & can do those in no time & in most conditions. I usually also carry some pre made wind on leaders as well so I done even have to worry about tying an Albright.
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