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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Pretty spot on there Koala. If you had enough & you had something to break them up you could also make a burley log mixed with bread? The only other thing I could thing of to get use out of them is to put them in your mates tackle bad at the end of a trip for a prank
  2. If you do just make sure you are familiar with the rules around drones otherwise you might find yourself in the clink or being heavily fined! You must always have line of sight to the drone & you certainly wouldn't be able to see it 2km's away! https://droneflyer.gov.au/ https://www.casa.gov.au/modelaircraft
  3. Welcome aboard Zoid, try using the search tab on the top right of the page. Plenty of threads on Sydney beaches already exist & you might get something out of reading them.
  4. There are some long cast types of sinker rigs around now that will extend the cast distance, how they will work in with your rod choice im nit sure. You can also get a surf cannon if that floats your boat? The surf & shore breaks change with time so conditions on any beach change but Id tend to be looking more for gutters that form on any beach rather than chasing some sort of outrageous casting distance. Even large Jew will cruise in relatively shallow gutters at the right tide looking for food over being out behind the breakers. Your so called bread & butter fish will be closer in rather than out in the open!
  5. I like Pauls line near the start when catching slimies that in parts of Europe the slimies would be the feed! Just a flash back to some other threads on cooking & being spoilt for choice here! Id like to have that pin mark for the kings on my GPS
  6. Welcome aboard. According to the RMS map there are 2 public mooring colours, purple for RMS controlled & Yellow for NPWS controlled. Does not mention size of vessel. Id be giving one of them a quick buzz just to be sure.
  7. A nice way to kick off 2019. Well done guys
  8. You have anything roaming those waterways from small mullet to kingfish to bull sharks. What took it? Something bigger than you anticipated. if our targeting something like bream or flathead then it sounds like you had it covered.
  9. If that's the case then try to keep there head down below the water line for as long as possible & have the net at the ready. I try to get them into the net before the head has broken the surface otherwise they will jump & possibly throw the hook.
  10. You can pull the hook while trying to set it to! As mentioned keeping the rod tip high & constant pressure on the fish will increase the hook up rate imo.
  11. Bluefin makes a good point, at times I think the same thing where the hook hasn't penetrated the soft flesh of the mouth & if your not keeping the tension on the line just right or the angle of the fight changes then the jighead just pulls straight out of the mouth. More often than not losing fish on SP's comes down to keeping that line tension on all the time & never allowing any slack line or by not keeping the rod tip high enough, especially on the take. The later keeps the angle of the line/jighead/plastic upwards instead of inline with the fishes mouth//body.
  12. Pots get pillaged or stolen everywhere, that's why I dont move to a place I cant see them!
  13. kingie chaser

    Energy Bills

    Imagine how many solar panels where smashed to pieces in those recent hail storms in SEQ & Sydney,NSW!! Make sure if your adding them they get added to your insurance policies! Great work there FHL, more people should look at what can be done to not only reduce their running costs but also to reduce their carbon footprint on the planet. While I don't agree with the global warming hysteria & this ridiculous Paris agreement which is costing us Australians an absolute fortune in giving our hard earned money to other countries but I do believe in trying to reduce our effects on the earth where we can & make us all more self sustainable for the future. Unfortunately for people like me who rent we don't have the luxury of making changes to the property & must try other methods to save on the qtr bills. The main one being turning as many electronics as possible off so they are not consuming power on stand by. I don't have aircon anyway & my apartment is high up & cops a lot of sun as its east/west facing, just a small thing like keeping the blinds closed on the east side of the building in the morning & the west side closed in the arvo make a heap of difference. Also not having gas to the building doesn't help either as I would love to be able to run one of those Rennai instant hot water systems as well instead of small tanks that is constantly heating, even having a larger water tank that runs on off peak would be better but these are things that a landlord would have to do & many don't really care as they don't pay for your electricity use, just the water.
  14. Had to look twice there as I thought someone had hacked my account 😅 Baz is correct, if you don't have this guide then I suggest you download it & look it over- https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/recreational/fishing-rules-and-regs/saltwater-recreational-fishing-guide Page 36. Also a good idea to check the latest location guides before you drop them somewhere you shouldn't.
  15. Nice flatties the FHL, I can guess what your having for xmas lunch along with the other usual fair 👍
  16. Well done n.a.f, Done the hard yards & even caught your own bait, nice. Shame they are not going to be xmas day sashimi but some great fun was had anyway right
  17. So your replacing the treble on the bottom ring with an assist hook at the top of the lure is that right? I often replace my trebles with a single hook because getting trebles out of something like a Taylor can be a PITA. I just use the existing ring. I guess I were adding an assist I would just but the appropriate sized assist hook which usually has reasonably heavy dacron. Cant say I would be keen on using fluro on an assist hook, usually the critters attacking spinning lures are pretty toothy.
  18. Aluminium hull for me, just more security really, more robust. On the motor size, while 15HP will push a 14ft boat as soon as you start adding weight like other people, tackle box's, fishing rods, esky with ice, 25ltr fuel tank it will greatly affect its capacity to get up on a plane, Id be looking more like 20-25HP as long as there is enough support on the transom & its rated for that size. I just like having some power in reserve when its needed I guess. I put a new 25HP mercury on my 13.9ft Quintrex some years ago which replace the original red band 20HP without issue as the transom had plenty of steel supports/braces. They are pretty simple, main things would be to check for leaks, check the joins/seams, log/service book for the motor if available. Always a good idea if the owner is willing to put it on the water for a test run to check for leaks & run the motor! Good luck.
  19. It helps if you let us know what state you live in! If your in NSW have a look at this. https://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/maritime/safety-rules/safety-equipment/lifejackets.html
  20. I wont put a link to the page due to forum rules but this extract is from a regular report I get from a tackle store- 'The banks at Jarvis Bay are producing Kings around the 10-15kg mark' Hope it helps & good luck 👍
  21. It helps if they are actually interested in what you are showing them, otherwise everything you are saying will sound like ...bla...bla...bla. My father used to take me luderick fishing as a kid & showed me all the rigs but I just wasn't interested in it which is why now I cannot set up a luderick rig to save my life. You can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink!
  22. If that's the case that's dirt cheap as its usually around $40ltr!! You will use more than in the video by the time you wash around the motor, boat & trailer. If your going to use it to me its a putting a barrier on your whole rig & including the fishing rods & reel
  23. Hard to say, you could be right? I guess we will find out as they get a bit bigger. All I know is if it was another 30cm it would have been turned into sushi & sashimi 🤣 Would be interesting to hear if anyone is catching any of the tagged fish!
  24. Totally agree with all you have said mate, especially on the variations of strong flavoured dishes, my comment was more directed at the raw flavour of onion in how you were using it in this case. Of the dishes you mention the first thing that happens in the production is usually the onion & garlic being stir fried or sautéed before the rest of the ingredients are added. One of my regular home dishes is thai red or green curry flathead, sometimes making my own pastes with raw ingredients but then the paste is fried before adding the coconut milk, Im not overly a fan of fried food so I cook fish/seafood many ways both at home & work. There are no rights or wrongs really (from a home cooking scenario anyway) & experimenting is not only fun but more often than not rewarding , as you say its all personal preference. I plan on getting some recipes up soon & some tips ect but anytime you get stuck for an idea I'd be glad to help via PM Keep up the great work 🙂
  25. Thanks Mrs Swordy, I will try & get some recipes in as soon as time permits
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