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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Nice work Zoran, looks a bit in principle to something like doing a double line 4x4 recovery where your speed is halved but your pulling power is doubled?
  2. Not sure why you would spend anything at all?? If its a rental property then the landlord is responsible for the repairs. Myabe take some pictures & send to the landlord via the real estate agent.
  3. Crickey, you either have small arms or that's a of a cracker bream 😂 Looking at the size & there growth rate must be around a 15 year old bream? Well done 👍 Haven't been to wanda for ages, last time I was there got a nice salmon, much rather that jew bicatch for sure
  4. Must be large bream off Wanda to be taking 1/2 pilchards 🤔 Regardless, nice jew
  5. Well done Jeff, great to see you back into them 🙂 Here's hoping we can get another get together organised sometime in the near future now that we have a handle on the CV19 situation. Yep the top picture is a cracker
  6. No problem & good luck with the resto's Leo, I've had a charcoal weber for about 15 years & think they are a great bit of kit & you can do lots of different things with them when you get proficient on how they work. I was just throwing ideas out there, never had to try & repair one as they are pretty bullet proof but just suggesting things that came to mind
  7. Any day is a good day for fishing, as they say a bad days fishing is better than a good day at the office A Bad Day's Fishin' - YouTube As for the weather, well that's all about you own comfort level & safety of course. But know what is coming with the heat this weekend if it were me I'd be fishing the early morning preferably. Check out the reports area, it can give you an idea on where to head. Showing results for 'hacking'. - Fishraider
  8. Do that holeon the side go all the way though?? Those Webers are usually a porcelain finish which is quite difficult to replicate but it might be possible after sanding & preparing the area to use a porcelain repair paste like they use on sinks, baths & tiles? Just not sure how they would adhere to metal & how the heat would affect it?? The other option could be to just prepare the surface & use a high heat fire place putty & paint with high heat paint?? Selleys 850g Ready To Use Fireproof Cement | Bunnings Warehouse Possibly an exhaust putty could work to as they work on high heat & are pretty cheap, not sure if they are toxic though 🤢 At the end of the day it just depends how much time, effort & money you want to put into it. I often see people throwing away good webers around my place when they move out of apartments, could have filled up my garage by now with half decent webers. Anyway this is something I came across & could help- Weber Grill Restoration: Interior and Exterior Kettle Cleaning - Weber Kettle Club
  9. Awesome work FMF, a metery King in SH is a great fish
  10. Atlantic - Boat Winch 2000LB Electric w/ Cord Remote (arnoldsboatshop.com.au) There is a 3000lb version as well. Dont know if anyone has seen that motorised track trailer the guys on big angry fish have but if a had a larger boats Id be getting one
  11. No problem. Another tip is to also use the search tab & look for other threads that might give you some more info https://www.fishraider.com.au/search/?&q=Motorguide&search_and_or=or You might find someone else in another thread who is more active that can give some advice
  12. Still, I would be surprised that as long as the rod still had the tags on it & obviously not used that a business wouldn't allow a customer to exchange in a timely manner for a different line class or even say store credit. It's in their best interest if they want the continuing custom. Sure, if you've used it & there is no manufacturer fault then you bought it.
  13. LoL, I guess you could say its either a fetish or a sickness ...................either way as long as it brings you enjoyment without getting you devorced it all good 🤣 Then again I dont have to explain anything to another half so looks like I am lagging behind in the rod department, but as I dont have a boat to get me into offshore I dont need a lot of that gear..............for now😉
  14. Just a tip, if you either quote the OP or link them in on your post by using @ in front of their name like @Trinity Fishing then they will get a notification. Alternatively send them a PM by hovering the cursor over the posters avitar. The OP of this thread has not been on the site since August this year!
  15. Great report & trip Dieter, sounds like the weather cooperated this time around, 28*c & light to no wind sound ideal for Jindy, no need for the ski jacket & gloves
  16. No it's not called revenge it was self defence............officer 😇 You just have to insurance cover all your gear these days, doesn't matter what it is. If I had a boat parked on the street I'd have 2 trailer wheel braces on it & 2 chains through the wheels/trailer chassis, tow ball lock etc. The only way someone could steel it is if it was winched onto a flatbed truck. Even then it will still happen. Expect it so protect it!
  17. Then you would be on assault charges, that's how the Australian legal system works isn't it 🙂
  18. That's what the police are for dude 🤪
  19. It's unfortunate but that's why people usually have insurance The good thing though these days is once any registered vehicle is reported stolen it is then in the data base of police & number plates are scanned by patrol vehicles & alarm bells ring once scanned. If it's not on the road then that's harder to pick up.
  20. I wonder how long it takes a Kingfish to swim from Pyrmont to NZ Supposedly run by Sydney festival organisers sonot sure what it would have to do with the DPI?
  21. Dont know as info is only available on the Daily telegraph news website which you have to pay to subscribe to. Good way to sell subscriptions though 🤭
  22. Just out of gaff reach, BUGGER 😕 Been told Mahi makes excelent sashimi but havent tried it that way. Never fished for Mahi but have read as a last resort & they are not interested in anything being trolled they can be caught on drift with floating chunk baits or livies, sounds like the only thing you didnt throw at them. Still, looked like a good day to be out on the water
  23. Should have realised what you were referring to in the OP when you said "trickle" My bad.
  24. What will a 10W panel achieve?
  25. I don't know a store that has a no return policy? It's against Austrailian consumer law! The rod you bought would be classed as a medium, sure you could catch rat to hoodlem kingfish with it but it would probably also be a good open water snapper rod to. Anyway it might not be what you wanted right now but unless you intend to just catch bream all your life you will use the rod eventually. Ask any dedicated fisho how many rods they own & if they say 4 or 5 they are lying 😁 I thing I am at about 20 + now but I don't have a problem 😅 🤫
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