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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Thought I read Stabicraft 1050 somewhere
  2. Great tip Forgot about that app. If you also allow location permission the app it will show your gps position in relation to the sanctually zones. Still the download & the paper map gives you the legend for all the restrictions like collecting of bait etc so I think you need both imo.
  3. This should give you a good insight Dont forget to get a marine park map from the info centre or download it here- https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0011/656318/PSGLMP-Zoning-Map-Nov-2019.pdf
  4. https://www.gme.net.au/au/antennas/?_activities=boating-fishing https://uniden.com.au/product-category/cb-radios-scanners/antennas-mounts/
  5. https://www.boatsonline.com.au/boats-for-sale/new/trailer-boats/quintrex-f420-explorer/234180 https://www.boatsonline.com.au/boats-for-sale/new/trailer-boats/quintrex-400-explorer-trophy/234324
  6. Nice work Dieter, a nervous wait no doubt in that minute but gladit paid off for you Shame there wasnt another for your mate but one if better that none
  7. Makes you wonder why its different for a car over a boat?? I just checked & it's now 3% stamp duty on cars in NSW. $33 for a boat transfer no matter the value, what a bargain!!
  8. Yes, if you make a deal make sure they leave a deposit before they walk away if they aren't giving you the full amount at that time, at least 5% if not 10% & then write them a deposit note with your details, the boat details, the sale price & the amount of deposit, the balance owing. Then add the buyers details, address & even drivers/Boat licence. I would also add all the extras that it's being sold with so there is no dispute & state being sold as is. Both parties to sign & date This to me is not a bill of sale just an deposit slip. I normally due this on PC & print it out then save it & turn it into the bill of sale then the funds have cleared & the buyer is picking it up & accompanied by the signed rego papers. I'm not sure if you pay stamp duty on a boat but presume you would so don't be surprised if the buyer asks you to put a lower sale amount on the regs papers so they don't have to pay as much in the transfer fee, that's up to you. With cars I think it's $2 per $100 value or the 2% so it adds up. I think bank cheque is fine or EFT, prefer EFT myself as it's either in your account or not, I prefer that to something that can be forged.
  9. And if that is the case that will the key to getting what your asking for it. I have seen stories where CV19 has actually reduced the depreciation loss on many 2nd hand things like cars, boats & lots of other gear due to lack of stock. Not beating you up here but just facts, normally a car or boat would lose up to 20% of its value in the 1st year & another 10-15% the following. So buyers would walk in with that in mind. As mentioned if they are having problems with finding new stock then your in a great place to bargain & can see why you would try & stick to your guns on the advertised price. I like the Surtees, I think they are very similar to the Crushers in a lot of ways. If I had 60K spare & somewhere to park it I'd make you an offer myself 😄 Good luck with it
  10. I've found paying for advertising pays in the long run. Cuts out 90% of the time wasters you find on free sites. Just add the advertising fee to the end price. Try boatsales.com.au
  11. Welcome aboard No biggy but this is the intro area- Anyway when you get a chance tell us a bit more about yourself & maybe what you love about fishing. Plenty of great info in here to look at via the search tab.
  12. I dont know anyone else that can crack the whiting code like you can for your estuary but yet still you use the same principles that I think anyone born in the 60's or 70's was taught by their father. The end story is you just have to commit, search for live bait, pump for yabbies on the low tide & fish the incoming. I think I have lost that from what my father originally taught me opting for trying to take the easy route of SP's & other lures. Are they as effecive?? I doubt it. One thing for sure is you have to put in the time & get to know your local waterway, sure you can get a few tips but you just have to do the yards to be on point. Well done again Yowie
  13. Had it for years & think its a great thing to have on you phone but unsure how works or even if the GPS location will work without any support from mobile towers?? Maybe a tech guru can answer that because I cant find the answer after looking?? But its one of the reasons why I would not rely solely on it if going somewhere out of the way or remote which is why I carry a KTI PLB with me when I know I am going to be possibly "off grid" Another good one to have is either the Red Cross 1st Aid app or the St.Johns, I believe that one once downloaded you dont need any connection to access the information & could also save a life 😀 Just to add if you check you settings on your phone whatever make it might be I'd suggest you select automatic updates so all your apps are updated & you dont really need to do anything. Some apps will say the files are to large & you should use a wifi connection but if your plan has enough data then you can bypass this anyway, otherwise again they should automatically download once you connect to your home wifi.
  14. Hey Azza, sounds like a fun weekend. Im not familiar with the area & if I was to visit I would try & do as much research as possible by also looking back though older threads through the search tab- https://www.fishraider.com.au/search/?q=Berowra&quick=1 https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/recreational/resources/info/local-fishing-guides/central-coast Plenty of more info in here if your willing to look. Good luck.
  15. Well you clearly love what you do so thats all that counts right 👍 Just getting out on the water in the natural surroundings, enjoying nature & the challenge of tempting the fish to jump on your lure, as I say just catching a fish is a bonus. & as Darryl Kerrigan would say................. "Hows the serenity" 😉
  16. Nice work Sounds like you need a drift chute/sea anchor.
  17. Looks like a nice job Skipper. How did you paint the underside, on the trailer??
  18. About 7 years ago I got quoted $2000 for my 13.9ft quintrex, that was bead/sand blasted becasue it is already painted, good quality primer & 2pac like Norglass, clear coat etc. Would have to imagine it would be more now.
  19. Just wondering why you want to paint it at all if its unpainted?? Much easier to look after imo. If I had an unpainted alloy boat I'd be more looking at a wrap over painting but each to their own!
  20. Looks like a great part of the country to visit though, if we are ever allowed back in without quarantining Looking at google maps once your up there it seems like you have to back track back down to the main road to go up to Exmouth or can you continue up the coast via Coral bay & Ningaloo??
  21. I only found 2 references to it on this site which was basically just on peoples wish list. I just had a look at their site & have now added it to my 4x4 loop trip bucket list Hate to say it but I think your just better of doing general google searches for info.
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