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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Nicely done Mike, great report. Even catching the humble Aussie salmon can put a smile on your dial & you dont need to spend a motza to get them either as you pointed out about using the Sienna's. Look forward to more reports
  2. Firstly in this thread I just want to specifically mention all our family, friends & fellow country men & women in Melbourne & Victoria who have just found out that they are going to be in an extended lockdown. I just wanted to try & give some support to anyone who needs it & lend an ear if I can? I live in Sydney & while I feel I have had a tough time now being out of work for some 7 months I still lucky, lucky that I have a roof over my head & thankful I have food in the fridge. This whole seperation of country, states & its people has been such a sore point in my mind. I dont even feel like we are one country anymore due to the actions of politicians & thats totally wrong. I mean I'm the 1st person to say I hope the cockroaches crush the cane toads or hope the swans whip the crows but we really need to keep thinking of this country as a whole & not seperate from one another. Again our politicians are letting us all down imo, you only have to look at the lack of compassion in some of these bad & out of touch decisions about termanily ill people not being able to cross boarders to see its just a political game to them. Wrong, wrong, wrong!! Beurocaricy gone mad! Anyway I can understand how much pressure people are under, how many businesses are struggling but I just want to say chin up all, your in the best country in the world & things will get better. If anyone feels overwhelmed & if you think any fellow Raiders can help we will try our best othersiwe please contact someone via this page. You just need to reach out & there will be someone willing to listen. https://au.reachout.com/mental-health-issues?gclid=CjwKCAjwlID8BRAFEiwAnUoK1X4rE9fUerwOZXmPHya35m01ezm52BUMkvDS6mRJk8Y-tpp-Wrb-ghoCzpUQAvD_BwE https://lookafteryourmentalhealthaustralia.org.au/
  3. Seems like a good deal for $500 As I have mentioned above, seems to me to be the most obvious answers to me. Good luck with it.
  4. There you go, do you need the troll battery in the back? I'd move it to the front if it was me. As mentioned try to get as much weight forward as your weight + 25KG of fuel + the battery is bogging you down & stopping you from getting on the plane with a 9.9hp motor.
  5. Generally in my tinny if I am moving I just gun the motor at full throttle to get me up on the plane as quickly as possible. I have played with my trim & have it second from the bottom which still does bog me down at the start a bit but I end up with very good top end speed. I do however try & help to get to that holeshot by moving as much weight as possible to either mid or towards the bow of the boat, even more so if I am on my own which I am most of the time. Mind you I have a 13.9ft tinny & a 25hp motor as well so in my case I have more push/forward momentum. I would try to do something similar & move any weight forward & see how that goes. Also of course it does come down to the overall weight.
  6. It's true that when it comes to battery related products as well as things like solar panels/blankets manufacturers/ sellers can make claims that may not be accurate or true which I think should be illegal to say & the onus is on you to debunk thier claim which of course you can't do until you have already purchased. I have said it before on 4x4earth that thier should be a body that pre tests any of these products & if passes gets the stamp of approval & if not tells the manufacturer to change thier claim or face the consequences.
  7. This is the battery I installed in my 4x4 paired with my new aux battery system which is designed to continuously run a 80ltrs fridge, camp lighting etc for 48+hrs before needing recharging. Haven't had the opportunity yet to fully test it so can't talk about the longevity. Essentially it's a 4x4 AGM weighing in at 32kg. When it comes to deep cycle imo led acid & lithium are king, BUT they are expensive! What you need to look at though is what the draw is on the motor to work out how many AH battery you need, if your only running a motor for say 3 hours at a time then you could possibly get away with a battery half the weight & AH? Also just remember to get the most out of AGM you should only use 50% of it's actual capacity!
  8. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-06-15/botany-bay-ferry-plan-for-nsw-coronavirus-recovery-causes-divide/12353714
  9. kingie chaser

    Boat Fuel.

    Is it an under floor tank or a polymer removable tank & what is the capacity plus how much fuel was in it?? 18 months is a long time to store fuel, especially without any fuel storage additives. If your motor runs then I would say its ok but then I would also top it up with fresh fuel. BUT confidence is everything, if I was heading 40km offshore with that fuel I dont think I would be very confident.
  10. Personally as a chef I would never freeze fish for human consumption with the inards still in the fish & also being kept on a "little ice" what was the ambient temperture of the fish when you got home after 5 hours?? I think at times we have all gone through this, not prepared & caught a good fish that I want to take home but I want to keep fishing..........what do I do?? I would say dont give it 5 hours! At some point you have to decide to get the fish home in good quality otherwise let it go. Thats my opinion 🙂
  11. Not sure what exact show your watching but I have pretty much watched every series of BAF there is to watch. Good show with some great info for NZ. The only thing is I do sometimes tend to switch during their shows because its the same thing over & over, and again it maybe because of a the Jealousy factory that we dont have the same opertunities here & the size of KF. I went to bay of Islands once but didnt fish, I'd really like to go back to NZ at some point on a dedicated kingfish trip but its down the list where I'd rather go to other places in Australia to catch fish like red emperior, coral trout, GT's etc.
  12. Gotta love school holidays 🤨 Last time I was in the hacking during SH's they were coming so close at full speed I was concerned about someone getting hurt. I was in one of the bays on the southern side of yowie when as a 6m vessel in the same bay decided it was time to leave & just powered into the bay without even looking & almost got cleaned up by the police cruiser coming from gymea at speed. I could see the cop shaking his head but kept going as he looked like he was on his way to a rescue/emergency. I now avoid fishing at all during this time.
  13. But your still partaking in the activity on "trust" land! The reason they impliment any of these restrictions to said activities is for public safety. You can agree to disagree but in the end the your not going to win, in saying that I believe such restrictions should be easily visible & displayed at all entry points as a "condition of entry".
  14. Sure, it could very well be like that. I have only used it once in my 4m runabout & must have got the tides right 😉 Yes that whole area is quite shallow & its around there that I put my crab traps! As mentioned here & other threads, if your going to use a ramp for the first time it pays to go & check them out Plenty other ramps around @Blade , havent used the one at Gunnamatta bay but @Yowie might be able tohelp you being a local? The other ramps that I have used near there are Hawkesbury park which is tricky to use on your own, Tom ugly's which now has a pontoon but the time I used it found it very slippery, cooks river which is fine & of course Foreshore rd which is the pick but probably a 20 drive but still its only a 5 minute ride & your out the heads. Anyway good luck whenever you do get out there Edit: Oh & Yowie bay(wonga rd) is small with minimal parking & sometimes you have to drive up the road & walk say 5 minutes backto the ramp, lots of locals use it in all sorts of sized boats.
  15. Did you launch successfully?
  16. Imo the ramp is fine, it's the surrounding area that's the issue but like any ramp you need to leave & approach observing the markers. From memory even at low tide it's still around 3 to 4mtrs depth on the approach/departure. Again like any ramp you need to get to know the surrounding area & approach & depart with caution. Of course your boat size will matter.but also coupled with a dead low tide could make it interesting. Like any ramp if in doubt go & have a look, launch at mid to high tide & check it out.
  17. https://www.fishraider.com.au/search/?q=topwater&quick=1
  18. Nothing wrong with Bona ramp, its a small 2 lane ramp but more than decent & has a pontoon & a breakwall. In regards to distance to 12 mile well to me its about wave direction & weather conditions but its a pretty similar distance from say Rose bay Lyne park as it is from Bona ramp. So its about your proximity to either ramp & the wave/weather conditions.
  19. How old is it?? I'd be returning under warranty if its still within that period. Secondly, email Lowrance support, they may suggest a software update or another fix! https://www.lowrance.com/en-au/contact-lowrance/ If not as above.
  20. From memory Im pretty sure @Scratchiehas done some kayak fishing up there in the past? Anyway if not bein a local I'm sure he would have some names he could pass onto you?
  21. The OP is from NZ. Sounds like he has a potential buyer over here & wants to know the in's & out's of exporting costs, imports duties, transport costs etc. @Swivelfish that is another factor to consider which is import duty. Not sure how this applies to 2nd hand products from new but probably doesn't matter. Something you also need to look into. I have known people who have imported cars here but that's because of either rareity & non availability here of because after all the costs involved it worth their while to save the coin. That's the challenge. Unless there is another reason & it's not to do with a sale but then you could still incure duties anyway? There was a member on here recently who was importing a boat from the USA & waiting for it to arrive. I'll have a look back for him because I remember talking to him & give you his name & he could give you some details on the regs & potential duties involved.
  22. https://tauruslogistics.com.au/importing-boat/australia?gclid=Cj0KCQjwzbv7BRDIARIsAM-A6-2Q_03mQyr-G2ec3T12bicpEoBTliMUoo_QdVpxmSHS1EQKiH_Zl0gaAgDeEALw_wcB
  23. Nice result, you cant complain when your catch looks like the display wall at the fish market, then you know youve had a good day Never eaten trag, whats it like @Pickles??
  24. Anytime you can catch a feed its happy days Looks like grilled Bream with pea risotto? If you would like to share your recipes with the other members then this would be the right area for it- https://www.fishraider.com.au/forum/42-the-kitchen/
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