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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. I think its something you could definately play with. Essentially salting is curing & what your doing is drawning all the moisture out & hence you pulling out the scent & blood that attracts fish. The longer its in salt the more it will pull out. I might try this next time I get an abundance- Salt slimey fillets using a moderate amount of cooking salt & layer in a container, leave in the fridge over night but no more that 24hrs. Wash off the salt & dry fillets off on an old tea towel(both sides) then lay them out on a tray & drizzle fillets with tuna oil, Vacuum seal in bags & freeze. So essentially I would be trying to replace the scent lost by the salt curing. The fish frames can become great burley when crushed up with bread as well so hang onto those.
  2. Great effort, what did you get them on??
  3. Its great getting away, having new experiences & meeting people but Im sure there's nothing like getting back on your home patch. And there would have been zero traffic jams on the drive to the boat ramp
  4. Sounds like perfect smoking size then And I will throw this one in to. Just a reminder that your bait can be delicious-Blue Mackrel - The Kitchen - Fishraider
  5. Nice effort guy's, looks like a great bit of fun You could always bring a couple each home, one to eat on the day sashimi style (a mate swears by it but I havent tried it) or fish & chips, the other brined & hot smoked a day or 2 later.
  6. Mate I also think thats an unfair question as well, after being off work for 8 months due to covid(now back thankfully) If they had have asked me what day it was I would have said its "groung hog day ๐Ÿฅด" A Groundhog Day Wake Up - YouTube Glad you did well. Great write up mate & great to see you out there & enjoying yourself Re sydney traffic, I try my best to plan trip & not to travel during certain times or depending on where I go I swap to public transport, not always possible of course but it mean you dont have to deal with the twits on our roads.
  7. Good to you got some quality time with the bro . So I'm curious what kind of species you caught & on what colour? Probably going to take a while to test & see some sort of pattern I'd say, could even change with time of day? I just ordered a new vice & new materials so as soon as they arrive I'm going to start tying to.
  8. @the skipper, How did your weekend end up with little brother & how did the skutes go??
  9. Great report & effort GGG. Pretty hard now to better a day like that! I almost broke my SP PB in the bay when I tried to solo net a near 1 metre croc back in Feb this year & only 1/3rd of it would fit into the environet & was so heavy it fell out & subsequently spat the hook ๐Ÿ˜ข I still remember it like it was yesterday, the water was murky after several days of storms & it hit my 3 inch gulp minnow in pilchard colour. The things you remember even after this time ๐Ÿ˜ Wish I had a gopro, at least the story could be quantified I know its still out there & Im still trying to hunt it down & am now calling it "whiskettes" ๐Ÿ˜‚ @Scratchie Thanks for the detailed report, I'll be out there next week if the weather is ok trying for some blue swimmers & looking for "whiskettes"
  10. I can only see the 7 day Swains or 9 day Cato?? 7 days on Swains would be epic ๐Ÿ˜
  11. Found some tiny hooks like that amongst dads gear when I was going through it all, looking at them I was thinking why would you purposely want to catch a fish that small ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜
  12. Shakespear have ben around for a very long time so it could be hard to find details about a specific outfit- The Shakespeare Fishing Tackle Company (rootsweb.com) A later version I'd say- Shakespeare 1411-165 Fiberglass Light 5'4" casting rod | eBay Cant hurt to give it a try after servicing the reel & changing the line but at the end of the day some things vintage are just better left as wall hangers. I couldnt imagine taking out & using my fathers old alvey & bamboo rod from the 1930-40's but Im sure it could still catch fish but it hangs proudly in my lounge room.
  13. @zmk1962 didnt see it in the video but did you guys try any verticle jigging under the fad?? Could be worth dropping a knife jig to the bottom as well at some point?? Might be some larger kings sitting near the bottom?
  14. Mate I have a million recipes in my head so if you invite me along I will do it in several styles for you & your guests Perhaps seared tuna steak with an eggplant kasundi & basmati rice or maybe seared preserved lemon tuna with vegetable tagine & cous cous. Be there at time of capture.................................I can only hope ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  15. Looks great fella's, Im salavating Since you asked a tuna dish I love is Tataki of tuna with wakame salad. I usually do this by cutting the tuna into logs, marinating it briefly in abit of sesame oil, light soy & a bit of mirin. Searing quickly on each side then rolling it in a mixture of toasted white sesame seeds, black sesame seeds, black pepper & ground nori flakes(its a bit like & you can use furikake seasoning) Sliced in 5 to 10mm slices & arranging it on a bed of wakame salad, with some soy pickled ginger & wasabi on the side. if you feel like it you can have some flying fish roe or similar & replace the soy with ponzu sauce. Cant find any of my photo's right now but Its a bit like this- Served with some nice Sake
  16. I'll take a bad day's fishing over a day at work anytime We all go out with high expectations but no matter how well prepped or planned a trip is at the end of the day catching a fish is always a bonus to me. FWIW I dont trust BOM anymore, Id much rather get a more accurate weather reading/forecast from Seabreeze.
  17. Nice report, great to have that local knowledge on board to navigate all those zones around there plus the fishing knowledge of course. Solid tuna, well done guys
  18. Looks like you had a fun day out guys & a bouns feed to ๐Ÿ˜ Sorry I couldnt make this time around but hope it all aligns for the next one Great vids to Zoran ๐Ÿ™‚
  19. Nicely done, I have found they domove around a bit. One week in the sweet spot your getting plenty strikes, other weeks no action. Still try the areas I know Ive caught fish before but then you have to expand the search as well if its proving friutless.
  20. The other rod I have which is probably more suitable to what your usage will be is the SALTIST BW SJ 792H SPIN which is PE5 rated, its a much better rod for casting being 7'9 & has a longer butt. Got that one on special tofrom the same store awhile ago for $77, normally $120. I love a bargain What is the actual budget Dave?
  21. I got a 24kg spin blue water ugly stik last week from B.CF for $110 on sale. Seemed like a great deal to me. Only thing is it's 5'6. Could still be on sale?
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