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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Back on home soil & a nice mixed bag, cant complain about that Dave I hope you kept a couple of the tasty ones?
  2. @Blade While those orange dots around the Wally's wharfs are not in but are very close to the shiprock aquatic reserve just be aware that its there if you didnt know already. Its a no take by any method reserve. https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/marine-protected-areas/aquatic-reserves/shiprock-aquatic-reserve
  3. You could also investigate the the north reef area Plus the artificial reef off Swansea- https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/recreational/resources/artificial-reef/newcastle-offshore-artificial-reef If your willing to head out a bit further the DPI FAD counld be worth a try, they usually bring them in for winter & not sure if they have been re depolyed yet but you could ask- https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/recreational/resources/fish-aggregating-devices Also I am not sure on the accuracy of these spots but hey they could be worth investigating as well, just zoom in on the Newcastle area- http://www.ozpolitic.com/fish/map-gps-marks-fishing/Newcastle-N-New-South-Wales-map-gps-marks-fishing.html Good luck
  4. Full of hoons https://www.nbnnews.com.au/2020/06/15/astounding-vision-emerges-of-stockton-dune-jumpers/
  5. Just for your info it will help you in the long run if you use the search tab when looking for any info. https://www.fishraider.com.au/search/?q=carp&quick=1 If you get the right info from posters great but id not from there you can contact OP's or anyone else via PM for info. Good luck.
  6. Did you read this? https://www.acma.gov.au/beware-two-way-radios-overseas
  7. Thats what chefs do because we are all tempremental B**t***s 😂🤣😂
  8. Good to hear it finally arrived, you must have been swating thinking it was in one of those container ships off the coast of Botany. Still arrived just in time for summer, looks great
  9. Nothing wrong in my eyes with cooking fish on the bone at all, I myself actually prefer it where possible on many species. The main problem I had with this is the demonstration & the appearance on MC was purely to get exposure for his restaurant. To me as an catering industry professional I see it just a gimmic, smoke & mirrors, but good luck to the guy, if it gets more people into his restaurant in Paddington then more power to him. I do however like his phelosiphy of minimal waste where al lot of his techniques originate from. I do try to be the same as well with all my game hunting, show the animal respect & waste as little as possible. Forme the best thing I think he showed was the use of the wings & the head most people just throw them in the bin but they have an amazing gelatinous texture, love hot smoked fish wings, they are so good! But hey, If eating a "rack" or "shank" of kingfish turns you on then go for it Let us know how you go with it when you've tried it, we need more recipes in the kitchen 😉
  10. Then I'd suggest there are thousands of people out there knowingly or even unknowingly flouting the law. As they say, ignorance is no excuse in the eye's of the law! People try to run the gauntlet are doing so at their own peril. Some aspects that some people dont think about for example is if your in an accident & they find you should have a braked trailer & you dont then you wont be covered by insurance! Another possibility is that a police car could be travelling next to you & think there is no way that boat should be on an unbraked trailer & fine you OR they also have compliance blitz's now & then on towed vehicles so another way of getting found out. In the end its just not worth running the risk & getting on the wrong side of the law!
  11. Nothing is "illegal" until you get caught. Id be putting it over a weigh bridge to find out the actual weight then go from there. Don't forget it's the combination weight of both the boat & the trailer not just the boat!
  12. I'd call it bulls**t art I'll still stand by my original comments, good luck to the guy for coming up with the gimmick to get people into his restaurant which for him is what it's all about. For the mainstream fisherman to me it's hard just trying to get people to stray from what they are used to which is mostly beer battered or crumbed fish which is what I am trying to do with my cooking posts. Still I would hope any fisho seeing this type of fish prep can take something away from it & give something over the norm a try. Eating life in Australia used to used to be about meat & 3 veg, I think we are gradually moving away from that & then getting a bit more creative at the same time.
  13. Nice one @61 crusher its something that I have tried a few times but struggled with the float set up & getting the right depth. Going to give it another go though as I still have all of dads luderick gear. Sounds like you have a good supply of local cabbage to which makes a big difference? Were you using the leafy type or the sringy type??
  14. Sweet, time to get back out there fishing again 😁
  15. Post #6 & #9 I'd be taking it to a professional to get it looked at. You'll be back on the water quicker 😉
  16. Fyi all, the toll rebate scheme is now open for business. Registration- https://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/documents/about/forms/45065768-large-towed-recreational-vehicle-toll-rebate.pdf?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Large Towed Recreational Vehicle Rebate Scheme - Registration Now Open&utm_content=Large Towed Recreational Vehicle Rebate Scheme - Registration Now Open+CID_82ca6f7d5a6f2ba0f84906c1e498d0a0&utm_source=Email marketing software&utm_term=Rebate Claim Form including Banking Details form
  17. I was only reading about the history on the whole bad luck banana thing recently & you hit the nail on the head Zoran, from history the majority of boats that they would only let carry bananas were generally the worst ships in the fleet & usually the 1st lost at sea so that's where it sticks, nothing to do with fishing though but more about the stigma or karma.
  18. No problem, just remembered that other post from a long time ago but no idea on the exact location. I'm not familiar with the area & I'm sure where you hire the house boat from has their rules you need to stick to. I'm sure someone else can offer you some sound ideas/advice, worst case maybe use Google earth & the rms map could help. Also sometimes the search tab can be tricky to use & often works better with one word like just searching Berowra or wisemans or similar to narrow the end search content. Hope you enjoy yourself anyway
  19. This could offer you something? https://www.fishraider.com.au/search/?q=hairtail&quick=1
  20. Did this one a little while ago but was just looking through my pictures & realised I didnt post it up. So basically its sauteed gummy shark on a gummy croquette, butter bean puree, roasted beetroot, glazed carrots, peas & lemon oil. The bean puree was made by simply using tinned butter beans, drained & the saute a bit of brown onion, garlic & some cream then puree'd. The croqette is some cooked gummy shark that I broke up, made a firm potato mash combined with an egg yolk(add when cooler) & a bit of butter, chopped parsley, let set in the fridge & then crumb in the usual way & either panfry or deepfry when putting dish together All the rest is pretty simple. Probably should have only used 3 pieces of sauteed gummy on top to show the croquette off a bit more.
  21. Yeh its not hard really, if you own a boat like that then you can afford to hire a captain for a day if you want to get on it& enjoy yourself without worry!
  22. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8860989/Drunk-man-32-driving-large-boat-arrested-BUI-crashing.html
  23. Welcome aboard. The forum is like a big resource library with lots of info in here if your willing to spend some time & look through it. Here is a few places to start looking - https://www.fishraider.com.au/search/?q=brisbane&quick=1 https://www.fishraider.com.au/search/?q=gosford&quick=1 https://www.fishraider.com.au/search/?&q=central &search_and_or=or&sortby=relevancy Tight lines
  24. I'm coming over the the hacking tommorrow morning pending the weather report for a fish & going to try & catch me one of those cracking jews I havent been to the hacking for ages & the bay is still pretty quiet at the moment so why not, need a change os scenery!
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