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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. I find the more alcohol I drink the better I score, up until about beer number 6 & then its all downhill from there
  2. I thought triple 20 was the top score 😝🀣 Looks like you shouldturn pro
  3. Both yourself & Maratime have to follow legislation on the servicing of life jackets...........period. This will be different state to state but in NSW the law states that the lifejacket be serviced in accordance with the manifacturers instruction/recommendations so therefore both you & NSW maratime need to know what they are, that way if maratime try to tell you something different you can then put the correct details forward, as with any safety equipment on the vessel. https://maritimemanagement.transport.nsw.gov.au/lifejackets/lifejacket-servicing-and-maintenance/index.html Your last sentance is very true, its up to you to carry out the inspecion as per manifacturers instructions & record the service details & replace the parts & keep record of that, if you havent opened it up & carried out the service in accordance then you deserve to be fined. Referencing the Marlin instructions it is recommended to get the jacket serviced by an accredited service agent every 5 years, it does not state anywhere that it is manditory! Marlin also state that commercial operators with manual & auto inflatable jackets must be serviced annually by an accredited service provider only. So the way I see it, as long as its self inspected annually as per their instructions & is in servicable condition it can be 20 or 30 years old(I doudbt they last anywhere near that long though) Even If the jacket is new & found to be several years old then it should be serviced before 1st use! https://www.marlin-australia.com.au/servicing?lightbox=dataItem-jk0njwgh There seems to be a lot more to servicing self inflating models so I avoid those. As I fish a lot on my own I have to wear one, I just cant wear those bulky things so I am happy They are usually $50 on special so if one doesnot pass inspection & is non servicable after say 5 years then its only cost me $10 a year. Transport NSW also have self service clinics https://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/maritime/safety-rules/education-program/lifejacket-clinics.html#:~:text=In NSW it is a,in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.&text=Penalties may apply if your,have been serviced as required.
  4. Hi raiders, merry xmas to all. Tried this in 2018 & now I look at my original attemps I sort have to have a bit of a chuckle but yet everything is a leaning curve. So enter Skute 2.0 Just started with a new aray of materials & learning from different sources. I am calling this one "the lion" The next one in the series will be called "the whisker's slayer" 🀣 Dedicated to the next NB snapper trip. Not sure how they will go but I will trying to target different species with different weights & different colour patterns. Im just starting really but to me its more just a bit of a hobby within a hobby & while I can buy bucktail jigs to me its the feeling I will get out of producing a fish from something that I have made with my own hands that will give me the most satisfaction.
  5. Hey FHL, and there lays the challenge. Its easy to buy stuff & pay the price but its actually a learning experience to try & if you fail once or twice keep trying to an end goal where at least its acceptable or maybe better. I've learnt to do many things I thought I'd never even imagined I could attempt but took them on head first, took 2 steps forward, one back then 3 steps forward again & with the odd failure most succeeded. Everything in your list is easy to me becasue Im a chef, its the things that arent easy to me that bring me the most joy when I inevitably succeed, and they are the most rewarding things becasue I had to do the hard yards to learn that new skill πŸ‘ Something I think most should do on a regular basis.
  6. Pretty sure my Marlin's have a production date stamped in them for memory so not sure why you need to carry a reciept? Noticed that when I was servicing them, Id have to re check them. I like to wear a jacket all the time, even on large boats so the manual inflatables are the only way to go imo. They are less cumbersome & way cooler to wear. Reason I wear mine all the time is I see so many reports where lives were lost on the water & during the recovery they normally discover the jackets in the boat. Just highlights that you may not have enough time to access one & get it on. I also carry my KTI PLB as well, even if the boat has one. Anyway each to their own of course 😁
  7. Nice pair πŸ‘ Unfortunately It's for the same reasons I stopped fishing in the hacking during summer school holidays.
  8. Looks like a well looked after set up. Sometimes you just have to buy yourself a decent xmas present, Santa wouldn't have ever been able to fit that one on the sleigh anyway πŸ€”πŸ˜
  9. Your on the right track, just comes down to budget & brand preference, there is aheap of options in there but if your shore based I think Id be looking at something close to 7ft or a bit longer. I love it when you get a spare spool with reels, that way you can have 2 different line classes at your reach, one with say 30lb braid 40/50lb leader & one with 50lb braid 60/80lb leader if something much bigger shows up. Never had any Savage gear so cant comment on them but there will certainly be some great deals happening around now so could look at upgrading the upgrade buy getting a more exxy reel cheaper with the sales.
  10. All the best to all raiders. Stay safe, drive carefully & think about family & your fellow Australians. Thanks to Donna & all the mods for what they do to bring a great forum together & keep it going. Like in any community it's a mixing pot of ideas & ideals, some we agree with & some we don't. At the end of the day we just want to enjoy our fishing, meet new friends & enjoy life. Tight lines........πŸ‘
  11. Not if your from the northern beaches! Which is where the OP is from!
  12. Fuedai Shujin フエダむ δΈ»δΊΊ πŸ™ Looks like the gar lickers did the job for you today, great fish πŸ˜‰
  13. Hay fever maybe?? I know some people that as soon as they walk into work the aircon & whatever esle starts reacting with them straight away & within 10 minutes they feel like rubbish & have to start downing antihistamines.
  14. Thats no good Baz, apart from the CV19 test when was your last full check up?? Mind you I think most of us feel bleh when we know we have to go back to work............................well I usually do except when I returned to work after 8 months due to CV I was actually looking forward to it, maybe it was the thought of actually earning some real $$$ again?? Also a by product of going back to work is that I lost 6kg in 6 weeks of working 😁 All the best Baz.
  15. That image looks a bit rude, or is it just my sick sense of humor πŸ€”πŸ€ͺπŸ˜πŸ˜‚
  16. Seems like "it" has reared its ugly head again after we had done so well as a country & a state in NSW to eraticate it. Still it has made a resurgence into the population through what seems to be overseas airflight crew or similar. You would have thought with what after what we have been through with the Ruby princess & the failures of the Victorian hotel quaranteen system that NSW Health & Gov officials should have more restrictive on international I fear we are about to go into lockdown again in NSW & can only piont the finger at loopholes at quaranteen. I really hope that the great contact tracing NSW has that another lockdown is overted but its already a week old before the original cases were discovered. I just went back to work 5 weeks ago after 8 months & now the word is the industries previosly affected are going to go into closure again, now I am getting ready for round 2...................or is that round 3 depending on where your from?? Of course we are doing so much better than the rest of the world but the last few days have highlighted if you give this thing an inch it will take a metre. Anyway hope everyone has a Covid safe xmas best wishes in 2021 to all raiders
  17. Great work in the new PB. On the finger have you been to the doctors? Late last year I just bang my finger on a tap at home & broke just a small bit if skin under the fingernail, didn't think anything of it until the next day it was a bit red, 2 days later the finger was swollen & the redness & swelling was working it's way up my hand, the next day later I was in hospital getting intravenous antibiotics! Took 3 days of large doses to get it under control. Left untreated they said it would have moved up my arm & could have caused septicemia.
  18. What sort of rig are you using & what are you trying to catch? Sometimes letting the fish take the bait without any tension on the line by opening the bail arm & just feathering out the line can increase the strike rate. Obviously when you feel the fish has had enough time to run a bit & swallow the bait the close the bail arm & strike. Totally depends on what your targeting of course but it often works for me if I'm not hooking up.
  19. Yep, another good idea to try to up the scent of salted bait. If you can put it on a SP or lure then why not on the bait πŸ˜‰ Someof these scents can get pretty exy so maybe you could try some star anise powder instead, oil or similar?? This 2oz bottle is $25 from a major store 😲 Why Do Fish Like Anise? The Time-Tested Fish Scent - Finn's Fishing Tips
  20. Wow fellas, great to see a bit of input into the thread. Again the point is to highlight that most people class many species ad rubbish or as bait but are often a basic stable in some countries & can be highly prized in a restaurant & fine dining setting. Saw this one again tonight on Foxtel & just thought if the fish is treated right it would be absolutely delish! What do you think?
  21. Fantastic work BN. Cheese & chicken.........................................sounds to easy But if your not eating those cod save some of that bait for dinner πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‚ I know the code is to release but when I get my 1st legal I will have no problem eating it as its a fish I just have to try.
  22. Nice effort πŸ˜€ Most people would see them as bi catch fishing for other species, still they can put up a bit of a fight & although a bit more work than a normal popular table fish in the skinning etc would be just as tasty as any ray/shark. I let this one go but could have made plenty of different types of meals
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